How to wean a cat from scratching furniture: effective methods and techniques, tips and tricks

Cats are the most popular pets. Whatever breed the purr is, and maybe even not purebred, it is still a beautiful, graceful and affectionate animal! But not everything is as smooth as it seems, because cats have a dark side - a terrible zeal to sharpen claws on everything that comes under its paws! Why are they doing this? How to wean a cat to scratch furniture, wallpaper and other things? There are several ways. We will share with you the proven and most effective ones right after we find the reason for this behavior purses.

Why do cats sharpen their claws?

how to make a scratching post

Not only our domestic tailed purrs scratch the surrounding stuff. All wild cats, as well as homeless cats, scratch their claws on trees. This is necessary in order to mark the territory. The smell of a certain individual remains on the tree, as well as the mark. Strangers, having seen the traces and smelling the smell, will pass by, will not encroach on someone else's good.

Also, all cats just need to sharpen their claws - this is a kind of hygienic procedure. If you sharpen your claws on furniture, then the fabric helps to remove the already unnecessary parts of the plates, as well as the scales that have served their own. In this way, cats do manicures. This helps keep the claws clean and stay healthy longer. Surely, everyone at least once found a claw of his pet in the couch or in the carpet. So, this is not an accidentally dropped element from too hard scratching, but it has already served and is no longer needed material. Cats simply do not know another way to get rid of it.

"Clawing" the claws is a physical necessity, so the cat exercises its release and tightening skills. Pets do not need this skill, because they do not need to hunt to eat, and climb a tall tree, fleeing the enemy. But in cats, this is an exercise at the level of instincts that are passed down from generation to generation.

Some animals so relieve stress, show their emotions, discontent for example. When answering the question of how to wean a cat to scratch furniture in spite, you first need to figure out that the animal did not like it!

Another reason is an expression of love. If the cat is only pulling the chair on which you are sitting, then it marks you as "your" person, your favorite!

We suggest moving on to the question of how to wean a cat from scratching furniture and other items of your interior.

Will sterilization help?

As we wrote in the first paragraph, the cats mark the territory by leaving their smell and marks. As many people know, if you sterilize an animal, it will lose interest in the opposite sex. But sterilization will not help to overcome the instinct to label your own due to claws!

Yes, it is necessary to sterilize pets, this will protect them from many diseases, extend their life. You, in turn, will not need to listen to cat concerts, think about where to put offspring. How to wean a cat to scratch furniture and wallpaper? Other productive methods are available.

Scarlet Point

cat scratcher

In every pet store you can find this useful item. A claw-post is a column, a plank or a whole castle with climbing shelves, a place to sleep and various toys. The claw, no matter what it is, is covered with a strong fabric or rope, which is very convenient to scratch the claws. By the way, you can make a scratching post at home with absolutely little cost. You will need a board, twine, glue. Spread the board with glue, then wrap it tightly with a rope, dry it and leave it to the cat!

But some complain that this thing is useless, and the pet simply ignores it! Do not forget that even a person who sees a new thing will not immediately realize what it is for. The cat needs to be accustomed to the scratching post, distracting from the furniture. To make the animal comfortable and safe, attach this thing securely (to support the weight of the cat), at the height where the purr can easily reach. If there is still no interest in a new subject, try applying a little valerian to the fabric, it certainly will not leave the animal indifferent!

If the apartment is large, and several cats live in it, then you can’t get by with just one claw. Cats believe that they are the owners in the house, and therefore they will sharpen their claws in any places. To do this, distribute the claws throughout the house, in the favorite places of animals.

It is easier for kids to adapt to such an object. Get a scratching post as soon as the animal is brought up so as not to wonder how to wean a kitten from scratching furniture and wallpaper. Reviews on this subject say that the thing is really needed. They recommend to accustom to a scratching post in a favorite place for games. One lesson is enough for some, but there are cats who can’t even figure out what a person wants from them in a year! If you have a scratching post, but you still have not been able to figure out how to wean a cat from scratching furniture and wallpapers, then choose another method.

Silicone claw pads

cat with false claws

This is a relatively new method to protect your home from restless paws purses. Today there are simply incredible beauty pads for cat's claws, any fashionista will envy manicure! The minus of the method is a little expensive and not quite simple. Special caps should be worn on the claws with glue that is safe for the animal. Once every few weeks you will have to remove the false claws, file the real ones, glue the caps again.

At first, the cat will feel some discomfort, although the caps are almost weightless. But soon the fashionista will get used to it and stop paying attention to her paws.

There is one more minus: some too clever individuals quickly realize that everything that can be worn can be removed! As soon as they learn to do this, they will quickly get rid of manicure and go blissfully scratching their claws on the sofa.

How to wean a cat to scratch furniture, doors and other things? if nothing is suitable from the previous options, then we suggest considering others, but not all of them are the same humane.

Onyctomy: pros and cons

how to cut cat claws

Simply put, this is the complete removal of cat's claws. Some do not even think about how to wean a cat to scratch furniture, and to save their property they bring a pet to a veterinary clinic. It seems to be a simple operation, but why not a good veterinarian advises it? Here's the thing:

  1. During surgery, not only the claws, but also part of the fingers is removed from the animal so that there are no more problems!
  2. Cats anesthetize very poorly.
  3. A cat devoid of claws is an invalid! The animal loses coordination of movements, cannot move just as gracefully. In the case when the cat wants to jump higher, he simply plop down, because he was deprived of leads.
  4. Due to the discomfort experienced, the posture may deteriorate, in the future the animal will suffer from back pain.
  5. The life of an animal after such an operation will turn into an endless streak of stress!

How to wean a cat to scratch furniture? Not exactly with a claw removal operation. Without them, the cat ceases to be a cat. Let's look at other ways to protect the interior.

If you do not find another way, then just try to cut the claws of your pet. This will not harm his health, the furniture will remain safe and sound.

Special Sprays

cat scratches furniture

At any pet store, ask for a spray that sprays patches of furniture to protect against cats. The fact is that such fluids are almost not noticeable by the human nose, but cause disgust in cats. As soon as the animal comes to a favorite place, it will be scared away by an unpleasant smell for it, and the cat will go scratch to another place. At least that's what the manufacturers of such drugs say. In fact, by no means every pussy desperately tears away as soon as it catches an unpleasant smell. Some will "frown", but continue to scratch the sofa, even if it is completely poured with this liquid!

What cats cannot tolerate is the smell of citrus fruits, onions and vinegar. The last two will be unpleasant for the owners of the house, so it is better to choose the first option. Buy eucalyptus oil and citrus, mix them, spray all the places that the animal chose to sharpen its claws.


claw scratchers

How to wean a cat to scratch furniture and walls? This question is very relevant for everyone who has a purr. You can frighten the animal at the moment when it comes to a favorite place and is about to do business. Make a rattle using a can or a nylon bottle filled with pebbles. Begin to rattle next to the animal only at the moment when it releases its claws, but not before, and especially not after. The cat must understand why she needs this unpleasant sound!

You can use balloons. Each time a cat begins to sharpen its claws, pop a ball next to it. As soon as the purr begins to recognize this subject and fear it, hang the balls in all places where the pussy scratches its claws.

How to wean a cat to scratch furniture with improvised means?

cat spoils furniture

Fill the spray bottle with water. And as soon as the pet begins to tear a sofa or other unauthorized place, sprinkle water in it! There will be no harm to the cat or furniture, but the pet will begin to associate his favorite activity with unpleasant sputum!

If you are thinking about how to wean a kitten to scratch a sofa, then this method is unlikely to work. Usually, kids accidentally harm furniture during games. They begin to climb the curtains, try to conquer the sofa, the carpet hanging on the wall - this is normal behavior. If you water a kitten every time during games, then just grow a nervous, apathetic creature. The same goes for scaring sounds.

Sticky surfaces

what to do so that the cat does not spoil the furniture

How to wean a cat to scratch a sofa? Just one or two let it stick! Attach double-sided tape to the upholstery. As soon as the animal comes to scratch a favorite place, it will immediately stick with a paw or wool on its side. Cats hate sticking, so a lot of lessons are not required.

Place the tape in all the places where the cat sticks its claws - this is the windowsill, corners, doors and so on. Soon the animal will go around dangerous places for three meters!

Cat door

Many cats tear apart the door to the toilet, trying to break into their pot. But it’s not an option to leave the bathroom door constantly open. Just make a hole for the pussy through which it can safely pass without scratching the door. In the hardware store you can order a special door for the cat door, so you will not ruin your interior by simply making a hole in the toilet door.

Protect furniture with covers

How to wean a cat to scratch furniture? There are a lot of ways, and not the fact that each of them will be useful. Try different methods, alternating, doing everything all at once. While fighting the animal, put on special furniture covers that protect the upholstery. It is convenient for cats to sharpen their claws on dense matter, and elastic covers will no longer be so interesting.

If the cat destroys the furniture to the owner in spite

cat scratches furniture in spite

This happens very often! The pet will look into the eyes, knowing that it is impossible to scratch the sofa, but will continue, because he does it in spite! Why it happens? Find the cause of dissatisfaction, eliminate it. For example, the animal did not like the food, he did not wash the tray, he was not given a treat, he was scolded. Or maybe the cat just does not tolerate the smell of detergent or the spirits of the hostess? How to wean a cat to scratch furniture in this case? Follow the pet’s behavior: how it behaves before mopping and after, how it reacts to new smells and other people. As soon as the cat starts tearing furniture, remember what preceded it. You will find the reason quickly, because the animal will show its displeasure immediately, as soon as something is not the way he wants!

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