A link tag is considered important among the rest of the markup tools within the meaning that hypertext carries, but you can do without it when developing web resources. HTML has many archaic and promising rules, but the “a href” tag is the case when a rule should be used, because it is generally accepted.
The opinions of developers, search engines and the HTML standard are good criteria. The markup language is the frame of the page or its element, but the semantics of the scope and understanding are what the frame should be comfortable for, and the visitor informative and productive.
Application example and description
The “a href” link cannot be nested, but it may contain content in which you can put not only text or an image explaining the meaning of the category that the developer defines, but also other lowercase tags.
. «a href» http, www, mailto *.pdf .
, strong, br, i, sub, sup... CSS : visited, hover, active.
, - () . e-mail . .
<a> : «a href='URL'» «a name=''». - , - , , , .
. , : «http://», «ftp://», «mailto:» .
«a href» target, , : (_self), (_blank), (_parent) (_top).
<a> , . , , .
«a href» . . , .
CSS , () , , .
, , .
<ol> & <li>, <ul> & <li> , , .
«a href http:» . , .
, - , , -.
, . .
- .
«a href» , , .
, (). . , . , .
. , , .
: : , e-mail, , , .
«a href» , , .
, , «» .
, ?
(). , . -, .
, , . , , . , , , , .
- . , , , . , - .
, , , «a href» .