World Peace Day. How and when did this holiday appear?

As long as the history of mankind exists, so much is the fierce struggle for rich fertile lands with mineral deposits. There is violence and war everywhere. An example of this was the events of the past year: continuous skirmishes, military conflicts, numerous hot spots, civil wars, reluctance to negotiate peacefully, a struggle for power. All this clearly emphasizes the importance of such a holiday as World Peace Day.

world peace day

There are many different words, there are gentle, beautiful, sometimes unkind and evil. But the most important are happiness and peace!

World Peace Day September 21

The world is everywhere in the world - what could be more important? He is so hungry for people. It is wonderful to live as one friendly family, send children to school every day, enjoy the new day and breathe clean air. The world has always been and is a necessity of all mankind.

All people on our planet celebrate World Peace Day on September 21 as a rejection of violence and fratricidal wars. This decision was made in 2001. All countries without exception received a proposal that day to stop all military operations without shedding blood for at least 24 hours, and to conduct actions related to peace problems. Only in a peaceful way can one achieve the goal in compromise solutions, having benefited the whole of humanity.

World Peace Day holiday story

The main goal of the holiday is to attract great attention of mankind to achieve stability in the world without any threats and violence, guaranteeing the future of our beautiful planet - Earth. In this regard, such events are held with the help of which you can show people how many absurd deaths exist in our society, how much hatred, evil. The bright smiling sun drawn by children and the song about friendship in their performance urge all those who "play" with weapons to abandon it in the name of peace and prosperity.

International Peace Day is an important holiday. It is on this day that the call for peace takes place. After all, the manifestation of aggression and war will not help solve the problems, they only complicate life even more, bringing death, misfortune and grief with them. "Peace to the world!" - shout in all languages. He must live always and everywhere on the planet!

World Peace Day: Holiday Story

What all nations strive for is peace. The United Nations , created at the end of the most inhuman in the history of the war of 1939-1945, became the real embodiment of such a desire. The main thing in the work of this organization was the establishment of good neighborly relations between states and the preservation of peace.

World Peace Day was approved by the UN General Assembly in 1981. Only twenty years later, they decided to celebrate the Ceasefire Day every year on September 21.

This holiday was conceived by the General Assembly. It is a symbol of the complete rejection of violent manifestations and the complete cessation of any military action. On Peace Day, every person should awaken in himself the desire to think about his perfect deeds and what investment he made to maintain peace.

Since then, a lot of time has passed. But the history of World Peace Day is not forgotten. This holiday covers more and more countries where, with the help of various organizations, actions are held that make people think that the world on earth is not yet durable and something needs to be done to preserve it.

International Peace Day Ceremony

Each year, the holiday ceremony begins at exactly ten o'clock near the Peace Bell, which was presented by UN Japan in 1954. It is installed in New York in the most beautiful place in the garden. This unique bell was cast using coins collected by children from sixty countries of the world, as well as various people's awards: medals, orders.

history of world peace day

The ceremony lasts about 15 minutes. First, the UN Secretary General strikes the bell and delivers a speech in which he addresses the peoples of the entire planet and calls for at least a moment to think about how invaluable the world is. Then comes a moment of silence, after which the President of the Security Council already speaks.

A moment of silence has become the most common way to mark the International Day of Peace. In commemoration of this festive day, schools and civic associations hold their ceremonies and events, the meaning of which is the joint thoughts of all people about the significance of peace on Earth. Maybe someone will make the right decision and thereby help to reign in universal peace on the entire planet.

A world without threats and violence

World Peace Day calls on people to unite and bear responsibility for good neighborly relations, overcome their own needs for violence, awaken in themselves a consciousness that will help to abandon violent methods.

Each person must have a sound mind and be aware of the meaning of his life. How nice it is to call and hear the voice of a loved one, to see mischievous lights in the eyes of a child, to respond to a homeless person’s misfortune, or simply to sit by the fire, breathing in the cool, and let your soul fly into a beautiful world free from cruelty and power-hungry.

It is especially necessary to arouse in people an understanding of how much peace and complete disarmament are needed. The future human community of the Earth should not have any form of violence: religious, racial, economic, physical, psychological.

Everyone on the globe has every right to be free and live in peace.

Peace on Earth - a guarantee of the future

Peace is impossible without great human friendship, mutual understanding and respect for each other people with different political views, social status, different nationality and race.

The complete preservation of well-being on Earth is the only true task that can unite all world communities.

world peace day 21 september

Celebrating World Peace Day, we must unite in a single human family, setting ourselves the goal of ensuring international, interregional and local peace so that no shots can disturb the peace and quiet of our homes, and save the planet for all future generations.

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