It's no secret that children grow up very quickly. You do not have time to look back, and the child already needs to go to first grade. And I want the child to receive a quality education. In this regard, many parents have to quickly resolve the issue of how to enroll their child in school. It is especially acute for those who have a very distant idea of the secondary education system, especially when it comes to the first-born. As a rule, under such circumstances, fathers and mothers are faced with many problems: often they do not have the slightest idea about what documents are needed in order for the baby to be accepted to first grade, and which school should be contacted in general.
Just for those who do not know how to enroll a child in school, the information below will be very useful.
School choice
Today, most parents prefer to give their siblings in gymnasiums and lyceums, because they are sure that such schools have the best teachers. Of course, every parent wants their child to get a good education. That is why, before you are interested in how to enroll a child in school, you must choose a worthy institution. Be sure to chat with parents whose children are already attending the school of your choice, and listen to their feedback. It will not be superfluous to look on the Internet and view information about the educational institution posted on city forums.
However, the quality of teaching is not the only factor that should be paid attention to. You must calculate in advance how far the school is from your home. If she is on the other side of the city, then you should understand that for some time you will be required to accompany your child daily to the place of study and back.
Of course, this causes a certain inconvenience, primarily due to lack of time. It’s good to have grandparents nearby. But not all of them live near their grandchildren. It is also necessary to remember that some educational institutions work in two shifts. In such a school, classes usually start half an hour earlier, which also creates additional inconvenience, especially if it is difficult for your child to get up early in the morning. In general, the question of where to enroll a child in school is also a priority for parents.
Getting to school at the place of residence is easier
In each district, a certain list of houses is assigned to the educational institution, so the easiest option is to submit documents to the school at the place of residence. However, here parents are given the freedom of choice - they have the right to choose a general educational institution located in another district for their child. The only problem is that there may not be space available in the classroom. But if you were refused for the same reason at a school located near your home, then the administration is obliged to provide a list of educational institutions located nearby in which there are places.
Of course, you can not discount the financial side of the issue. The principal may openly inquire about your financial situation to check whether you are ready to contribute money to the needs of the school. Naturally, in state educational institutions material assistance is exclusively voluntary. That is why the administration does not have the right to refuse to study for you because you cannot pay various fees.
When to file
The child in the first grade must be recorded on time, namely during the period from April 1 to August 31. As a rule, children from 6 years old are accepted, however this age is adjusted depending on the level of individual readiness.
So, let's move on to the practical side of the question of how to enroll a child in school. Institution selected. What's next? Of course, you need to call and ask about availability.
If everything is in order with quotas, you need to go talk with the school principal, taking with you a certain package of documents:
a) birth certificate of the child;
b) a certificate of health of the future first-grader;
c) passport, TIN of one of the parents;
d) an application for admission to the first class addressed to the director.
Is your child ready to study?
Parents should be aware that the teaching staff of the educational institution does not have the right to “test” the child and conduct entrance exams for him . The only thing that can be is the usual communication between the potential student and the commission, which usually includes: the principal, school psychologist, speech therapist and elementary school teacher. Of course, a conversation with a child implies the presence of his parents or guardians. If, as a result of the conversation, it turns out that the child was not taught to write or read, this cannot be an occasion to refuse admission to first grade.
Psychological readiness
If your kid perfectly displays letters in a notebook or reads well - this is not an indicator that he is mentally ready for classes.
He is not used to sitting at his desk for a long time, and mental stress is an innovation for him. It is imperative that you ask a school psychologist for help so that he does everything possible so that the little man adapts to the learning process as quickly as possible.
Electronic registration
Of course, modern technologies make our life much easier, bringing maximum comfort to it. This also applies to the procedure for admitting children to first grade. It is enough to go to Runet and use the Internet service "State services". Enroll a child in school - what could be easier? You are given the opportunity to submit documents to several educational institutions at once, one of which will be the main one, and the others - additional. At the same time, the system will inform you about what are the chances of getting into a particular school, and what place you take in the lineup of applicants. Everything happens automatically. An e-mail will come to you from which you will find out that your turn has come.
Of course, the necessary and useful innovation is the above site. Enrolling a child in school is no longer a problem. However, there is a reservation. Of course, electronic registration is a modern, and most importantly, convenient way to enroll a child in school. Moscow was ahead of everyone in this regard. Unfortunately, besides the residents of the metropolitan metropolis, no one can use the mentioned service so far.
In Russian provinces, you can use information support services through which you can put a child in the queue for registration. For this, certain documents must be submitted, the list of which is described above. You will be notified from school that your turn has approached.