Everyone who has ever kept a dog in the house knows how much care and attention these animals require. In addition to proper care, feeding and training, dogs also need protection from parasites. Fleas and ticks can cause your pet not only great suffering, but also cause irreparable harm to his health.
On sale there are many tools that help rid the dog of blood-sucking parasites. Unfortunately, not all of them are effective enough, and some are generally poorly tolerated by animals. Therefore, when choosing an antiparasitic drug , the least toxic should be preferred. One such tool is the Scalibor - a collar It has established itself as a reliable means of protection against fleas and ticks.
Symptoms of flea infection
With the advent of summer, alarming times come for dog owners. It is worth taking a walk in the forest or park, when the dog starts to itch suspiciously upon arrival home.
Sometimes deep non-healing abrasions remain at the comb site. In this case, a diagnosis can be made without contacting a veterinarian. A close inspection is enough to understand that a dog has become infected with fleas.
Fleas are small insects that parasitize on warm-blooded animals. Only animals wearing special antiparasitic devices can be completely protected from infection. For example, a dog collar "Scalibor".
How to detect fleas
When examining a dog, you can find elongated white grains in her hair. These are flea eggs. In addition, fleas (litter), which look like black poppy seeds, accumulate on the withers, shoulder blades and at the base of the tail. Fleas themselves can be seen if you hold your hand against the dog’s coat.
Problems caused by fleas
As a result of infection with fleas, the dog can develop severe dermatitis and completely peel off the coat.
In this case, the animal is very suffering from severe itching and incessant flea bites. Young puppies infected with fleas often develop anemia, because an adult flea drinks only 20 times more blood than it weighs itself for one day.
How to rid a dog of fleas
Despite the large selection of antiparasitic drugs, finding the right one for your dog can be difficult. Flea shampoos make sense only if the animal doesn’t go out at all, because this tool kills existing insects, but does not prevent the appearance of new ones. In order to get rid of a dog with skin diseases from parasites , veterinarians advise using the Scalibor, a flea and tick collar.
Drops from fleas applied to the withers have a short duration (about a month). In addition, they are not suitable for small puppies, weakened dogs and pregnant bitches. If after treatment with drops the animal fell into the rain, then their effect will be practically reduced to zero.
Sprays are sprayed throughout the dog’s body. There is a big risk to exceed the dosage and harm the animal. A dog treated with a spray should not be touched. The room after such a procedure should be well ventilated.
The most effective and safe means of combating fleas are special antiparasitic collars. Some of them act exclusively on fleas, but do not kill ticks. There are combined means. This type includes the “Scalibor”, a flea and tick collar.
Tick infection
Usually, owners find ticks on the body of their pets after a walk in the forest or park. Unlike fleas, the tick does not cause such obvious suffering to the dog. Often the animal simply does not notice it. However, the effects of tick infection can be very serious.
Detecting a parasite in a dog can be quite difficult. It is necessary to properly examine her entire body. If a tick is found, it must be greased with alcohol or oil and carefully removed. If this is not done right away, then the tick will remain on your pet, increasing in size. Typically, these parasites select areas of the dog’s body with the thinnest skin: chest, ears, neck, eyelids, axillary hollows.
It is easiest to spot a tick that has sunk into a dog’s head or face. The insect looks like a pea of leather. Sometimes inexperienced owners take these ticks for moles, where did they appear from their pet.
The best way to protect your dog from tick attacks is to wear a special collar on it. Such as the "Scalibor", a flea and tick collar.
Tick diseases
By themselves, ticks do not cause diseases. However, many of them are carriers of pyroplasmosis disease, which is dangerous for dogs. Not every tick can cause the disease, but only one that was itself affected by parasitic microorganisms - pyroplasmas.
This disease can occur in dogs in acute, chronic and latent forms. Moreover, in the latter case, no changes in the health status of the dog are observed.
With pyroplasmosis, red blood cell destruction occurs. The acute form of the disease is manifested by high fever, fever. Blood appears in the urine, making it dark. The mucous membranes fade or become yellowish. With this disease, all the internal organs of the dog are severely affected.
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In the chronic form of piroplasmosis, all the symptoms are as if oiled.
A diagnosis can only be made on the basis of a blood test. Moreover, to conduct research immediately after a tick bite is pointless. The incubation period in pyroplasmosis is from 4 to 7 days. The outcome of the disease depends on its shape and the persistence of the dog’s immune system.
How to protect your dog reliably
The best means of protection against ticks today is the collar from ticks "Scalibor".
This is a combined remedy that will reliably protect your pet from any blood-sucking parasites. Despite the fact that the price tag for the Scalibor collar is somewhat overstated, many dog owners prefer to use it. Convenience of use, long duration (up to 6 months), protection not only from fleas and ticks, but also from lice eaters, mosquitoes, lice and many other blood-sucking insects - all this makes Scalibor the best way to protect animals of all breeds and ages.
Scalibor dog tick collars are available in two sizes. The collar, with a drink of 48 centimeters, is intended for dogs of small and medium breeds. A device measuring 65 centimeters is used to protect large dogs. The smaller Scalibor collar has a slightly lower price than the large one.
A significant advantage of this collar is the complete absence of any smell. As a matter of fact, precisely because of the strong unpleasant odor possessed by the anti-parasitic collars of other manufacturers, dog owners do not like such remedies.
Advantages of the Scalibor collar
You can wear a collar even on puppies from the age of 7 weeks. "Scalibor" (collar) reviews of animal owners is mostly positive.
This tool is well tolerated by dogs, while other collars often cause vomiting in animals and all signs of poisoning. There were no comments on the occurrence of side effects from the dog owners on the Scalibor (collar).
Another advantage of the product is its moisture resistance. "Scalibor" does not lose its protective properties even with severe wetting. This is especially important in the summer, because many dogs suffer greatly from the heat and love to swim in ponds.
"Scalibor" (collar): instructions for use
When using this tool, it is important to strictly adhere to the recommendations set out in the instructions. So you protect yourself and your animal from unwanted side effects. In the package with the product are: hermetically packed "Scalibor" (collar); instructions for use.
The device should be removed from the packaging, put on the animal, securing with a fastener. The too long end of the collar should be cut off, leaving about 5 centimeters free.
If at the time of putting on the hands of the owner of the animal there are abrasions and cuts, then the best solution would be to use rubber gloves in the process . After the collar is fixed on the dog, wash your hands.
During the period of use of the product, it is recommended not to allow children under two years old to contact the animal. Keep the collar only in unopened packaging out of the reach of children.