An ideal food for a newborn baby is breast milk. It contains everything that is necessary for the full growth and development of crumbs. Pediatricians recommend breastfeeding him for up to six months, and if there is such an opportunity, then after the mother begins to introduce complementary foods, continue breastfeeding. If circumstances have developed in such a way that there is no breast milk or there is not enough milk for it, then dry adapted mixtures will help. One of the most suitable can be called "NAS Optipro 1", the composition of which interests mothers who are forced to resort to such a solution to the problem.
Food for newborn baby crumbs
What requirements should the mixture meet? The main task of any mixture (among others, there is the “NAS 1 Optipro” milk mixture, the composition will be discussed below) is a high-quality substitute for natural nutrition, which is closest in composition and benefit to breast milk. After all, it is this natural product that is considered the most delicious and healthy for a newborn. Using mother's milk, the newborn receives the strongest immunity, develops correctly.
The baby is growing, and the qualitative components of mother's milk are changing. The same goes for the mixture. The number "1" on the packaging of "NAS Optipro" clearly shows that such a mixture is suitable for feeding infants at the very beginning of their life, from birth to six months. This recommendation is mandatory because the digestive system of the newborn is not adapted to the perception of the mixture, which is designed for older children.
Only for the smallest is the mixture "NAS 1 Optipro" intended. Reviews, which are quite a lot, indicate that although this mixture cannot serve as a 100% substitute for breast milk, it is quite close to it in composition.
A few words about the brand and the manufacturer
The Nestle company has been carrying out innovative developments in the field of nutrition for babies for a century and a half. Over fifty years ago, she managed to create the NAN brand, under which baby food is still being produced, which most shoppers have loved so much in a very short period of time.
A lot of laboratory research and scientific experiments were carried out, as a result of which 18 years ago, in 2000, a truly unique innovative technology “Optipro” appeared. Her main idea is to reduce the amount of protein in the mixture without losing the amino acid balance necessary for the baby to grow. Development is the main feature of the mixture "NAN Optipro 1", the composition of which is intended for the most delicate organisms in children. Reviews of parents and pediatricians about her are most favorable. This is what enables parents who are still unfamiliar with this product to decide on a purchase. After all, every caring parent wants only the best for his baby.
About appearance
The mixture "NAS Premium Optipro 1", as stated in the reviews of regular customers, has undergone some changes in its design. Now on each tin can weighing 400 or 800 grams you can see a clearly visible bright inscription OPTIPRO. On previous packages in the center, manufacturers indicated only the brand name - “NAN”, and the OPTIPRO inscription was barely noticeable in the lower corner.
The cover also became different. Now it is transparent, so that mom sees through it a measuring spoon, separated from the mixture by a foil partition. Therefore, today's parents do not look for it inside the jar, thereby violating the sterility of the product.
What is in the composition?
The composition of the mixture "NAS 1 Optipro" is as follows. The infant formula contains special milk bacteria that support the microflora inside the baby’s intestines and normalize its composition. Thanks to their presence, the baby's immunity fully develops. The composition has an optimized Optipro protein. The mixture is saturated with omega-3 and 6 acids, designed for the development of muscle tissue and the network of nerve endings.
"NAS Optipro 1", the composition of which we are now analyzing, does not "make friends" with flavorings. Namely, this fact can be attributed to its undoubted advantage. Such products from the French brand enable babies to form the right eating behavior. The composition of this milk mixture also includes valuable amino acids, which, in tandem with protein, will reduce the risk of obesity.
The composition contains fats of plant and animal origin. At first, a certain component was added to the mixture, which was then recognized as harmful. Scientists conducted a lot of research and found out that he had negative qualities. Now they produce "NAS Optipro 1" without palm oil. The composition of the milk mixture without it has undergone changes for the better. The reviews of experts indicate that this product is absolutely healthy food for the nutrition of the smallest.
The composition also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are needed so that the child’s immunity, vision and mental abilities are properly formed. There are carbohydrates in the infant formula - lactose, fast carbohydrates. It is they who give the baby food a sweet aftertaste. The body of the newborn receives the necessary energy precisely thanks to the carbohydrate components. Another plus is that the mixture from their presence becomes thicker. There is no sucrose. Thanks to this composition, the children on this mixture grow healthy and strong.
Protein in a child’s healthy diet
Science has long proved that the health of a child up to three years of age will largely determine its health and well-being in later life. Therefore, the milk mixture for the baby should bring him as much benefit as possible, not even a gram harming the baby's body, which is constantly growing.
It is impossible to argue that protein is one of the most important components of nutrition that is truly necessary for the growth and development of the baby. It is this very “brick” that forms the brain, muscle tissue and all important organs. The quality and quantity of protein that a child receives with food is the strongest foundation for a baby’s health in his future life.
If the baby receives more protein than necessary, the metabolism is disturbed, the child will grow too quickly. If the “building material” is not enough, then the baby will grow poorly and may lag behind in development.
It was Nestle’s experts who developed the unique Optipro formula, which is as close as possible to breast milk in terms of the amount of protein and the ratio of its whey and casein. Here he is, "NAS Optipro 1", the composition of which will suit most kids.
About rulers and series
Since the child needs nutritious and biologically active substances, but at different times in his life, they are not the same, the Nestlé concern created a line of not only milk mixtures, but also NAN baby milk.
- “NAS 1” is a dry milk formula intended for babies from birth.
- "NAS 2" - a dry milk mixture for babies who have reached six months.
- "NAS 3" - milk for children who celebrated their first birthday.
- "NAS 4" - baby milk intended for use from a year and a half.
Parents need to observe the age indicated on the packages containing the mixture, because the body of the newborn is not yet able to perceive the mixture, which is intended for older children.
By the way, in addition to dry mixes, there are also liquid ones - “NAS 1” and “NAS 2” in 200 ml packages. In composition, they are exactly the same as dry. Before feeding the baby, just pour the mixture into a bottle and warm it up.
Three series of this delicious product for kids can be distinguished. Let's talk about them:
- Hypoallergenic. It is designed to prevent allergies. As a part - proteins of whey of milk. Pediatricians can prescribe a similar product if the child is allergic to cow's milk. The mixture has many grateful customer reviews. This is really one of the best products that is designed to prevent various types of food allergies in young children.
- Sour-milk. Pediatricians put a mixture of fermented milk series "five" due to the healing properties of nutrition. The composition includes lactic acid bacteria that strengthen the body, which are obtained by innovative technology. Their purpose is to prevent the appearance of infectious ailments. Due to the use of sour-milk adapted mixtures, babies do not experience inconvenience due to colic. In addition, the product contains iron components that prevent the development of a situation in which anemia can begin even in infancy.
- "Premium." Experts say that the products in this series are designed to feed babies from birth. A similar mixture is prescribed when, due to some circumstances, natural feeding with mother's milk is simply impossible.
This mixture has a ton of positive reviews. Moms are glad that their babies are gaining weight correctly, sleep well and calmly, their skin is healthy and clean. There are, however, negative reviews. But this only means that this mixture did not fit the particular baby and it is necessary to switch to another.
Warning parents
The mixture "NAN Optipro 1" for newborns must be prepared immediately before feeding. Mom must follow the cooking instructions exactly. If the diluted mixture remains after feeding, it can neither be stored nor used again.
During the feeding itself, so that the baby does not choke, it should be carefully maintained.
When the baby is a little older, you can switch to feeding from a cup. If you use raw water and poorly boiled bottles, it is improper to store, transport, prepare the mixture, and then feed it to the crumb, this can lead to adverse consequences for its health. This should not be allowed. This is understood by every loving and caring mother.
Recommended Use
To preserve live bacteria, boiled water must be cooled to body temperature (37 ° C). Only then is dry powder added.
To properly prepare the mixture, you should use only a measuring spoon, which is included in the kit. It must be filled without a slide. If you dilute the wrong amount of powder - more or less - this can lead to dehydration of the baby's body or a violation of its nutrition. The proportions indicated on the jar, it is forbidden to change without the consent of the medical worker!
The storage conditions of the milk mixture are as follows: it must be stored both before and after opening at a temperature of no higher than +25 ° C, and the relative humidity should not exceed 75%. The contents of the jar should be used within three weeks after opening. It is better not to store the mixture in the refrigerator. For the child’s body, this will be harmful.
Word to parents
Moms who choose the “NAS 1 Optipro” mixture for their children, the hypoallergenic composition of which gives confidence that there will be no problems with the child’s health, are very pleased with their decision. On the one hand, the packaging is quite convenient and economical. The composition of the mixture is high-quality, it smells very nice, and the taste (which is important for the baby) is good. When preparing the mixture, dry milk is dissolved quite easily, no lumps are formed. Breasts really like to drink such yummy. In the vast majority of cases, such food does not cause allergies in babies, their tummy does not swell, does not fasten. All this thanks to the Nan Optipro Hypoallergenic 1 mixture.
Pediatric Tips
Despite the desire and capabilities of parents, when choosing mixtures for feeding a baby, especially the very first one intended for a newborn baby, one should also focus on the reviews of pediatricians. It is these doctors who will be able to advise young mothers and fathers about the product that will suit their child.
The pediatricians' comments on the mixture "NAN Optipro 1" (for newborns and their development, the advice of doctors are necessary) indicate that it is intended for healthy babies. The innovative formula of the mixture will provide high-quality digestion and assimilation of protein, an excellent metabolism. In addition, the composition of the mixture "NAS 1 Optipro" prevents childhood obesity. Parents understand that this is of great importance for the health of the child both now and in the future.
As for the “NAS Optipro 1” mixture, pediatrician reviews almost unanimously claim that it is an excellent substitute for mother’s milk. This mixture has everything that every baby needs for harmonious mental and physical development.
In conclusion, it is necessary to repeat, perhaps, the truth well known to many: the best nutrition for the baby is the breast milk of his mother. But if breastfeeding is impossible or insufficient, before you start offering this or some other mixture to the peanut, you should consult with a pediatrician without fail. Crumbs, who have a tendency to acute allergic reactions, you need to get any milk formula only under the supervision of a doctor.