By ten months, the baby grows up noticeably, he has new opportunities and desires. How to play with a baby of this age so that he develops harmoniously? Educational games for children of 10 months should have the main task of mastering walking skills, studying the environment, developing fine motor skills and speech. The kid successfully imitates the movements of adults, can repeat the actions that are shown to him. All games with him should be built on this.
What toys to choose?
Educational games for children of 10 months are unthinkable without the toys themselves. First of all, kids at this age are interested in toys on wheels, and we are talking about both bright plastic animals on a rope and cars. Even his own stroller is now used by the baby as a toy. During the walk, he tries to roll it, while making a stroller and his support.
interesting lesson will teach your baby to coordinate movements, to feel like an adult. If he likes the game with his own stroller, be sure to purchase a toy stroller.
A child of ten months must have a ball. Choose a toy of medium diameter, bright and attracting attention. It is necessary to buy cubes, it is better to choose unpainted wooden or plastic models. First of all, think about the safety of the child - at this age they all taste.
Excellent educational games for children of 10 months are plastic bottles, kitchen utensils - the child will turn any item into a toy!
Game Organization Tips
Classes with a baby 9-11 months old is a game. Only during the game, children gain new knowledge, skills and develop according to age. Approaching the organization of games is serious. What is important to remember?
- Educational games for children of 10 months can be played anywhere: in the living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, playground. The more diverse the places for games, the better.
- If the child has not yet attempted to walk, no need to force him. Perhaps his musculoskeletal system is not yet ready for this complex action.
- During games in the kitchen, be especially vigilant, make sure that the child does not approach the stove, electrical appliances or hot dishes.
- Do not play with sharp or very small objects.
- The games with different family members will help the child to diversify. After all, even the same game, conducted by different people, affects development differently.
- When buying expensive and colorful toys, do not forget about the main thing - no item can replace the heat from communicating with mom and dad. Talk more with your children!
- Spend active games in the morning, in the evening it is better to learn quiet and peaceful activities so as not to overexcite the child.
Ball games 9-11 months old
Educational games for children 10-11 months should not be delayed. Although this is an exciting fun activity for a baby, he gets tired very quickly.
Most often, by 10 months, children are already familiar with such a toy as a ball. It's time to complicate classes with him. How can the ball help in development, how can they play up to a year?
- You can roll the ball around the room, motivating the baby to catch up with him.
- You can hide the ball and help the baby look for it.
- You can sit opposite each other and roll the ball.
Such games help physical development, stimulate coordination of movements, help the child understand how objects move in space.
In stores you can find balls with a shifted center of gravity, such a toy will not roll too far and will help you get more satisfaction from playing with it.
Dice games at 10 months
Even up to a year, the baby can learn to distinguish the primary colors, and developing games for children of 10 months will help him in this. There must be cubes at home. By building a tower and pronouncing the colors of the cubes, you stimulate the baby to remember them. Kids especially love to watch a parent build a tower, and then it’s fun to destroy it.
Cubes can not only be purchased at the store. From cardboard boxes you can make them yourself. Educational games for children of 10 months with their own hands are not at all difficult to do. Just paste cardboard cubes with paper of different colors, and put a bell in one of them. Very soon, the baby will begin to distinguish among others the color of the cube, which merrily rings when shaken.
Simple dice games will teach your baby to distinguish between primary colors. Prepare a special box for folding cubes into it. Let the baby lay and shake toys from it. You can stimulate him with questions “Where is the blue cube?”, “Where is the yellow cube?”. Of course, a child of 10 months will not be able to name the colors, but very soon he will be able to point a finger at the desired item.
Educational toys
The stores now have a huge selection of special educational toys for children of any age. At 10 months, the time has come for games with various sorters, pyramids, cards with animals, vegetables and fruits. The main condition is that the toy should not be too complicated! For a baby up to a year, 4 rings of the pyramid, 3 holes of the sorter are enough. Cards should be large and colorful. Do not delay the game in time. It’s enough to show a couple of cards a day. It is important not only to show the animal, but also to name it, imitate its sounds.
Educational games for children 9-10 months old must include viewing and reading books by age.
Choose books with large illustrations and thick pages that are difficult to tear. Books for the bathroom are interesting: they are made of special material and help make bathing more intense.
Assisted Games
Not every parent can buy his child a lot of expensive toys. It’s good that it’s not at all necessary! It is quite possible to captivate and develop a child up to a year with the help of the familiar improvised means that are in every home. Especially enthusiastic children play with their mother's jewelry. The kid can carefully examine each item from the box, touch it, and then try to put it on himself or an adult. Beads and bracelets are especially good in this regard. Watch the game carefully so that the baby does not break the beads and swallows a small part.
A very interesting game called "Cleaning".
Sprinkle spools of thread, tangles and other objects on the floor and show the baby how to collect them in a basin. He will gladly repeat the actions of an adult. This will accustom him to order and develop physical data.
When you cook dinner, the baby can engage in studying the dishes. It's so interesting to listen to how the spoon rattles on the sides of the pan!
Recognition Games
Developing games for children of 10 months help to master the basic skills and abilities. Komarovsky (a famous pediatrician) supports all of the above games. But the so-called “recognition games” are no less useful. What are these classes?
- When reading a fairy tale or a nursery rush, point your finger at the called hero, soon and the baby will remember him.
- During regimen moments (bathing, dressing, feeding) pronounce your actions, name the body parts of the baby. Soon he will be able to show where he has a nose, ears, pens and so on.
- Include songs and classical music for your child. Accompany the sound with gestures, facial expressions, the baby will repeat after you.
The development of the surrounding space
Loving parents must have played games with the baby in search of a sound. Games with a 10-month-old baby should be complicated. You can turn on music on a small device and hide it. Sound search is very popular with children.
Educational games for children of 10 months on the street are indispensable for their development of the surrounding space. It is important to encourage research activities, not to prohibit the child from collecting various sticks, stones, leaves and cones. If you find something new, show it to your child with a surprised exclamation. Consider the finds of the house in a calm environment, tell the baby about their color and shape. It is important to lay the foundations of curiosity now, in the further development it is very important!
Games for developing legs
Many ten-month-old babies are well on their feet. In order to better listen to the legs, you can play the game "Running with obstacles." In the corridor, place the designer details at a distance from each other and invite the baby to pass by raising his legs above the toys. Also, children like to repeat various physical exercises for mom and dad, especially if this is accompanied by fun music or a song! You can lay out a path from books on the floor and offer to walk on it.
Fine Motor Games
Nothing will help in the development of fine motor skills, like educational games for children of 10 months at home. Toys will be great helpers in this matter. What can you think of at home?
- In a small basin you can throw bottle caps.
- It is interesting to put small items in a jar.
- Kids love to play with a piggy bank and coins, sticking them into the slot. Coins can be replaced with buttons.
- Transfusion of water from glass to glass helps to build perseverance. You can also do the pouring of various cereals. Even a simple picking of rice, beans or buckwheat stimulates the development of fingers. You can play with small cereals such as semolina while swimming.
- Educational games for children of 10 months for boys suggest the presence of cars. From improvised means, you can make a tunnel into which the baby will drive cars.
- I really like children of ten months to tear paper and napkins into small pieces. This is very useful for the development of fine motor skills, do not stop the child, fearing unnecessary cleaning. If you also blow on torn paper, this will strengthen the lungs and vestibular apparatus of the child.
Baby Intelligence Games
It is quite possible to develop the intellect of a child starting from 9-10 months of age.
Simple games and exercises will help parents cope with the task.
- Put a sock, a glove, a mittens, a boot in front of the child. Give the second item to your hand and help you find the pair. For the first time, the game should consist of two pairs of items, gradually complicate it.
- Take a rattle, sing a song and beat the beat with the instrument. Invite the baby to repeat the actions for you. A sense of rhythm perfectly stimulates the development of speech. In the evening, listen to calm melodies, until dinner - cheerful and cheerful.
- Place the animal cards upside down in front of the child. Stimulate the baby to change their position to the correct one.
A ten-month-old baby with interest absorbs everything that happens around him. This is an amazing age! Spend time beneficially, communicate and play with the child, helping him to learn the world.