With the birth of a child, many are wondering who the baby looks like. Everyone peers into the facial features of the baby, trying to catch in him the resemblance to someone. Most new parents do not know when the color of the eyes of a newborn changes and what it is connected with. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the child does not look exactly like many had previously imagined. A certain time must pass so that the baby gets used to the environment and begins to look familiar.
The device of the organs of vision
A newly born baby may have an irregularly shaped head, an elongated body, and a bulging tummy. It happens that babies have swollen breasts and fluid is released from it. Similar processes are quite normal for both girls and boys. But after a few days after birth, everything returns to normal. Even the nose can at first be slightly upturned, and after a while it takes on its permanent shape. But most people are interested in the question of when the color of the eyes of a newborn changes. Why is this happening? The structure and structure of the organs of vision of the newborn, as in adults. This is a kind of camera, which includes the optic nerves. They serve as vehicles of information in those parts of the human brain that perceive and analyze what he sees. The eye itself is divided into “lens” (this is the cornea and lens) and “film” (this is the retina). Although babies have the same organs of vision as adults, but at first they still do not see very well.
When a child grows, his perception process improves. In a one-year-old baby,
visual acuity reaches half the norm of an adult. In the first week of life, the child should only respond to light. On the second - fix your gaze on some subject for several seconds. In the second month, such a reaction should be more persistent. At six months, the baby already knows how to distinguish between simple shapes, and in a year - recognize certain patterns.
When the color of the eyes of a newborn changes
The color of the eyes in newborns changes at different times. This process is directly related to the production of melanin. This is a pigment of the iris of the organs of vision. If you look closely at what color the eyes of newborns are, it can be noted that most of them are blue. And only by the age of two or three do they acquire their final color. This is the time when melanin appears. It is for this reason that bright eyes can turn into green, gray and even brown. The darker the color, the more this pigment has accumulated. Such a process is directly related to heredity.
Studies prove that there are much more brown-eyed people on earth than light-eyed people. This is due to the genetic dominance of characters. Therefore, if one of the parents is brown-eyed, then when the color of the eyes of a newborn changes, he most often happens to be brown.
Features of light-eyed people
People who have bright eyes are subject to frequent color changes. This may depend on the brightness of the lighting, clothing and their surroundings. Even a stressful situation or illness can affect their color. Now we know when the color of the eyes of a newborn changes. For some, this moment is very important, but for someone it does not play any role. In fact, the main thing is that the baby grows healthy!