Unpretentious aquarium catfish tarakatum

catfish taracatum

Aquarium fish catfish taracatum belong to the shell family. These are rather large (up to 16-18 cm long) fish with a wide, slightly flattened head. Females differ from males in the larger size and shape of the pectoral fins (they are shorter and rounder), in turn, in male cockroaches, the first of the pectoral fins is somewhat thickened and colored red.

Aquarium catfish: taracatum and its contents

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aquarium fish catfish taracatum

A couple of catfish is quite enough an aquarium of 100 liters, while the larger the aquarium, the higher the likelihood that these fish will reach the maximum possible size for their species. Somik tarakatum is a nocturnal fish, prefers twilight, therefore it is desirable that there is a lot of vegetation in the aquarium in which the tarakatum could hide. It is possible to install special caves, grottoes and snags there. This fish spends a lot of time at the very bottom, looking for food in the ground. It should be added that catfish do not harm the fauna of the aquarium at the same time.

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catfish aquarium taracatum

In breeding catfish, the taracatum is unpretentious, the fertilization of eggs can take place both in the general aquarium and in a separate one. To stimulate spawning is not difficult: you just need to constantly change the water and increase its temperature by 2-3 degrees. In addition, you need to take care of the future nest for eggs in advance: for this, a sheet of plastic or polystyrene with a diameter of about 10 mm is laid on the surface of the aquarium water. Later, the male taracatum will equip a container of eggs under this sheet. If several pairs of catfish live in the aquarium at once, then the sheets on the surface of the water need to be installed 1-2 more than the pairs. This is done in order to avoid a brawl between the males.

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