An unforgettable idea for a bachelor party: top 10

For the last couple of decades, it has become fashionable to organize stag and hen parties before the wedding. This fun tradition in the post-Soviet space came from Western countries and successfully rooted. Although it is naive to think that the habit of celebrating the farewell of a single life has appeared in the modern world.


As they say, all new is well forgotten old. The Turks, for example, from the ancestors preserved the tradition at their bachelor party to measure strength with friends. Be it in any sport or just who will eat the dumplings more. This is not so important, the main thing is for the groom to prove his superiority. The Germans have such a superstition that if all the dishes are not broken at the bachelor party, then the groom will not be able to cope with the virgin bride.

bachelor party ideas

Everything looks much darker among the French. For them, the bachelor party is a farewell to youth, will and their own loose life. On this day, among frog lovers, the groom must implicitly fulfill all the whims of the guests. Americans are not much different from the French. But still they were more fortunate, since at the end of the celebration all friends give gifts to the groom. And most often it is money. For Canadians, bachelor party ideas come down to a trip to Niagara Falls. Near this wonder of the world there are many other attractions that they all go to see on this day with the whole male company.

The British, it would seem, are conservative people and should celebrate the holiday of farewell to youth, respectively. But no, they, on the contrary, come off that day and "go into all seriousness." But they do it in other European countries, since everything is cheaper there, and women, it seems to them, are more interesting.

It is more boring and traditionally accepted to celebrate the bachelor party among the Chinese. There, the groom is pre-shorn, after which the father passes from hand to hand some kind of family heirloom. Then everyone gathered at the table, spending the rest of the time in boring conversations.

Traditions in our state

But how does this event take place in our country? Basically, the mission of the organization is undertaken by friends of future newlyweds. They try to make the holiday bright and memorable, and often, in order to spend, so to speak, from their bachelor life of the groom, they invite a stripper. Yes, a similar form of fun at the bachelor party has remained unchanged for many years.

ideas for bachelor party photos

The idea for a bachelor party with striptease was so often used that it was already boring. And today, friends are faced with a difficult, as it seems to them, task in organizing a successful bachelor party. But this is only at first glance. There are many places and ideas in order to organize an unforgettable and most importantly - a cultural holiday, for which the groom will not have to blush before the bride. In this article, we will consider the best ideas for a bachelor party, photos of some ideas will be presented below.

So, what place is suitable for a celebration? It can be a sauna, an amusement park, paintball. The main thing is to know what the hero of this celebration is fond of. Let's consider how to celebrate a bachelor party, we will also discuss ideas for venues. Let us dwell on each of them. Let's compose the top 10 interesting options.

10th place. Fishing

A great choice for fishermen who love to spend a day or two in the men's company for their favorite pastime. To do this, you just need to rent a house or take tents with you (whoever loves what), invite friends from your close circle and, of course, take care of the holiday table.

9th place. Paintball

More suitable for people who are mobile, keen on sports. Order a site for the necessary time - and forward. And you can finish the day in your favorite pub, where you should reserve a table in advance.

idea for a bachelor party

8th place. Quest

For lovers of puzzles. Especially for the celebration of the bachelor party, you can develop a script. You can do this yourself or seek help from specialists who will think through everything to the smallest detail and select the necessary theme costumes.

7th place. Sauna

How to celebrate a bachelor party? Ideas for holding can be very different. Now we propose to stop our attention on the sauna option. This, as it seemed, fresh tradition came to us from our ancestors. Only before the groom did not go to the sauna, but to the bathhouse. He didn’t go there alone to have fun with his friends, but to wash off his whole old loose life and enter a new one completely clean and free.

6th place. Extreme - parachute jump

But this option, of course, is suitable for adrenaline lovers. It is important to get the consent of all friends who will be at the celebration. After all, the essence of the holiday is that everyone takes part in it. And if you decide to jump, it will not be just the last day of the β€œfreedom” of the groom, he will be remembered for life by all friends who will be invited to such an extreme celebration.

joint bachelorette party and bachelor party ideas

And in case the plan with a parachute does not fit, you can always change it to another extreme in the form of skiing or snowboarding. Here, even the most cowardly can always test themselves. Since on different slopes there are always slides for beginners and avid fans. And after an active day, sit in a company in some bar where you can drink a glass of beer or a glass of hot mulled wine.

5th place. Karaoke

To spend a holiday in such an institution is a good idea for a bachelor party. If the groom is not shy about his creaky voice or beautiful baritone, then you can rent a room in the karaoke bar. There, he and his friends will be able to drink and sing.

4th place. Travel

Who says stag needs to be held the day before the wedding? This event can be devoted to several days, or at least a weekend on the eve of the wedding. Plan your route and stopping place in advance. You can go to the homeland of the groom if he has not been there for a long time and all those present have the time and desire for such a pastime. Another option is to simply order a three-day tour to any country.

original ideas for bachelor party

3rd place. Extreme on the road

You, the groom and friends of the groom on a few cars hit the road. Without glamorous hotels, you go where your eyes look. But it’s better, of course, to outline the plan of the places visited beforehand. It can be amusement parks with the most extreme entertainment. You can pre-hold a competition for everyone and thus determine who will pay for the road tour.

2nd place. Games

The whole company can go to some elite casino in the city. And there you can spend a night with a glass of whiskey and a cigar, playing poker or roulette.

1st place. Home Sweet Home...

Well, this is for couch potatoes that cannot be pulled anywhere. Take beer, fish, chips or all that the holiday hero loves. Do not forget, of course, about strong drinks. And while watching your favorite game of football, boxing, golf, basketball (in general, all that the company prefers), have fun and in a manly way.

how to celebrate bachelor party ideas


In general, we considered the ideas for the bachelor party original. But everything needs to be prepared in advance. After all, there will not be a company in the same sauna, house or club just to drink and eat. So often all meetings are held that are timed to any other occasion. You need to come up with a party theme in advance. You can oblige all participants to be in suits. Agree in advance who will perform what function. Also with friends, take the trouble to come up with contests in advance, in which all the invitees will be involved. Come up with souvenirs that will be a symbol of your strong long-term friendship. Do not forget about the photographer. Do not stint and order a professional leader. Have fun, and the memory will remain about this day, and most importantly - there will be something to show the future wife.

Joint celebration

The best bachelor party ideas we have reviewed. We hope that you will pick up something for your celebration. But what if the desire of both newlyweds is a joint bachelorette party and a bachelor party? The ideas are different. There are a huge number of them. Some of them are presented below:

  • Competition. A team of boys versus girls in a swim in boats, for example. Losers treat the winners. Or a swim for desire - what could be even more interesting?
  • Karaoke. You can also split into a team of boys and girls and check who will sing whom.
  • Club. You can rent such an institution. Prepare in advance some video about the acquaintance of the newlyweds, include their children's photos, funny moments from life together. Such a congratulation will be remembered for a lifetime. Be sure such an idea for a bachelor party will please your friends.

best bachelor party ideas

Little conclusion

It is not so important how and where you celebrate your farewell to your former life. The main thing is that it be surrounded by dear people. And remember, whatever the idea for the bachelor party, the main thing is that it is safe and without consequences for the groom and his future wife.

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