Myometrium hypertonicity during pregnancy: causes, treatment, consequences

Contraction of the uterus is a normal condition, as for any other muscle. With a reduction in muscle fibers, the uterus is in tone, that is, in tension, increasing pressure on its internal cavity. During pregnancy, hypertonicity is observed in most women and does not harm health, but in some cases this condition is dangerous when carrying a child, requires special examination and treatment.

myometrium hypertonicity

The myometrium of hypertonicity during pregnancy requires increased attention, because it is the condition of the uterus that provides the fetus with oxygen and useful nutrients. Along the anterior and posterior wall, myometrial hypertonicity is the cause of transmitted vessels through which oxygen is delivered to the child.

Causes of occurrence

With a routine examination in the gynecologist’s office, such a diagnosis as frequent uterine contraction is made very often. The course of this symptom can be harmless or, conversely, dangerous to the health of the future mother and child. The causes of tonus can be very different. The female body during pregnancy is rebuilt and works differently, not as always. The behavior of the uterus is influenced by both external and internal factors:

  • uterine disease;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • abnormal form of the uterus;
  • hormonal deficiency;
  • repeated abortions or operations on the uterus;
  • bad habits;
  • poor sleep, stressful situations;
  • large fruit ;
  • multiple ovarian cysts;
  • polyhydramnios.
  • uterine infantility (small size, underdevelopment).

A more accurate reason can be determined after an ultrasound examination. The doctor writes a referral for blood tests to determine hormone levels.

In early pregnancy

Myometrium of hypertonicity at the beginning of pregnancy indicates that insufficient progesterone is produced in the woman’s body or there is an excess of male hormones.

myometrial hypertonicity what to do

The reason for the increased tone of the uterus in the second trimester is:

  • impaired fat metabolism;
  • constant stress;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  • magnesium deficiency;
  • large size of the fetus;
  • multiple pregnancy.

Severe toxicosis, accompanied by profuse vomiting, leads to frequent contraction of many muscles, including the uterus. The most dangerous phenomenon that can accompany pregnancy is a Rhesus conflict, which causes fetal rejection, a clear symptom of this is the tone of the uterine myometrium.

pregnancy pathology

There are reasons that cause increased tone, which are not at all dangerous, for example, strong gas formation in the intestines. Painful sensations are associated with gases that press on the walls of the uterus. In this case, celery, garlic and salty foods should be excluded from the diet.

Symptoms of increased tone

Any woman will be able to determine uterine hypertonicity, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. For this, you do not need a paid gynecologist:

  • drawing pains similar to those that occur during menstruation;
  • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • lower back pain radiating to the sacrum;
  • spotting, but not always.

At a later date, abdominal hardness is added to all these reasons.

Myometrial treatment

If during the examination it turned out that the tone of the uterine myometrium does not pose a direct threat to the life and health of the woman and the fetus, the treatment is carried out at home. In critical situations, the expectant mother is sent to hospitalization. For outpatient treatment are prescribed:

  • "Papaverine";
  • No-Shpa;
  • Magne B 6 ;
  • sedatives;
  • Magnesium-containing products: Partusisten, Brikanil and Ginipral.

All medications are prescribed by a doctor, during their use the state is monitored, blood pressure, blood sugar and heart rate are checked. All these drugs are used to eliminate pain symptoms and alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman.

"Magne B 6 " take 1-2 tablets daily, with meals, drinking plenty of water. Take the drug under the supervision of a doctor. The medicine reduces the level of iron in the blood, and this leads to anemia. Side effects are expressed in the form of nausea, constipation, flatulence, vomiting.

uterine myometrium

With a progesterone deficiency in the initial stages of pregnancy, hormonal drugs - Dufostan or Utrozhestan are prescribed to preserve it. It is important to remember that only a doctor can prescribe and cancel treatment, since you need to stop taking hormonal drugs gradually.

Treatment in the second and third semesters

In the second trimester, stronger and more effective drugs are prescribed, for example, Ginipral. If there is a risk of placental abruption, the medicine is not used. By the third trimester, the fetus is ripe enough, but there is such a pathology of pregnancy as excessive detachment of the placenta. Here an emergency decision is made to stimulate childbirth or a cesarean section so as not to lose the baby and save the life of the mother.

You can relieve pain by kneeling on a chair and slowly bending your back on all fours. The head is raised up. Next, you need to carefully bend, like a cat, as far as the stomach allows, the chin stretches to the chest. After this exercise, you need to sit in a comfortable position, stretch your legs and relax.

Inpatient treatment and diagnosis

The increased tone of the uterus is easily determined during a routine examination by a gynecologist, the doctor feels the uterus is fossilized. A woman lies on her back during palpation (examination), bending her legs in her hips and knees to relieve tension in the abdomen.

But the most accurate and orderly method is ultrasound examination (ultrasound). Scanning will determine the degree of development of pathology. There are special preparations, myometers or tonometers. Such equipment is rarely used in more complex cases, because pathology is easy to identify by other methods.

The decision on hospitalization is made in an extreme case, when the pregnancy is initially difficult or all attempts have been made to relax the muscle, but myometrium hypertonicity does not change. The woman is provided with absolute peace in the hospital, the doctor monitors the condition of the future woman in labor and the child and takes measures for any changes in the behavior of the uterus.

paid gynecologist

In a hospital, “Magnesia” is prescribed for intramuscular administration. Orally treated:

  • magnesium gluconate;
  • magnesium citrate ;
  • magnesium orotate ;
  • magnesium lactate;

In case of impaired renal function, medications are not prescribed or are used as carefully as possible.

How to help yourself with sudden pain?

Sudden hypertension of the myometrium: what to do? First of all, you need to take the most comfortable position and relax, breathe evenly and calmly. It is recommended to drink a sedative, such as motherwort. Take medicines for increased uterine tone, the pain should go away within 15-20 minutes. If this does not happen, you need to call an ambulance.

The consequences of uterine hypertonicity

In some cases, uterine hypertonicity is a real pregnancy pathology that can lead to premature birth or miscarriage. Squeezed vessels often cause hypoxia (lack of oxygen) or malnutrition (stunted) of the fetus.

Myometrium hypertonicity can also lead to the following consequences:

  • prolonged childbirth;
  • indication for cesarean section;
  • postpartum hemorrhage.

The uterus cannot contract on its own, so the doctor monitors its tone in the hospital. If a woman is exhausted and cannot give birth herself, a decision is made on cesarean section to save the baby.

heterogeneous myometrium

If it so happens that the myometrium is heterogeneous, it causes a lot of problems, so it is important to monitor the state of your health and the behavior of the abdomen. If it often becomes hard and pain is felt, you should definitely seek help from a doctor. This will protect you from many troubles and allow you to endure a healthy baby.


  • pathology can cause a miscarriage;
  • inhibit fetal development;
  • premature placental abruption.

Inhomogeneous myometrium

Obvious signs that the woman has a heterogeneous myometrium - a painful sensation in the lower abdomen, bloody discharge. This condition appears due to the influence of the following factors:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • abortions and other intrauterine curettage;
  • the presence of several pregnancies;
  • injuries of the inner lining of the uterus.

Preventive actions

In order to avoid many problems associated with bearing a child, pregnancy should be planned. It is important to prepare for it in a timely manner, undergo examination, and conduct a course of treatment of chronic diseases.

Each woman should be registered in the antenatal clinic before 12 weeks of pregnancy and regularly visit an obstetrician-gynecologist, it is worthwhile to visit a private clinic, where a paid gynecologist will conduct an examination.

It is important to ensure a good sleep and quality rest, switch from hard work to easier work, and eliminate emotional stress and physical exertion.

uterine contraction

The main condition for preventing the appearance of uterine hypertonicity is a careful attitude to your health and a routine examination by a gynecologist. This condition is regarded as a threat of abortion, so it is very important to seek medical help in a timely manner.

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