Quite often, a pregnant woman's arms and legs swell, and this happens for a variety of reasons. The expectant mother must understand exactly that not only her health is at stake, but also the condition of the baby.
Sometimes edema speaks of gestosis. This is a pretty scary and dangerous disease, especially if you leave it unattended or self-medicate. Determine whether there is swelling can only be a specialist after a comprehensive diagnosis.
Causes of swelling
Why pregnant women swollen legs, should know every woman who bears a baby. Puffiness does not appear for no reason. It is mainly associated with the wrong behavior of the future mother. Among the main causes of swelling of the legs in pregnant women, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- neurosis;
- weakened immunity;
- hormonal disbalance;
- lack of vitamins;
- genetic predisposition;
- disruption of the placenta.
The neurosis that women often experience while carrying a baby can lead to a similar problem. If diseases of the endocrine system are detected, puffiness often appears. Be sure to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis.
In pregnant women, a decrease in immunity is often observed. The body is focused on bearing a child and becomes defenseless. As a result, a woman can easily catch a virus or infection. One of the common causes of preeclampsia is a genetic predisposition.
With a lack of B vitamins and folic acid, water is retained in the body, since the body constantly needs a large amount of moisture to compensate for vitamin deficiency. Another reason for the appearance of puffiness is considered a violation of the placenta. This poses a serious threat to the child, as he suffers from a lack of oxygen.
Leg swelling in pregnant women can occur when consuming large amounts of salty foods. It is very important to minimize its amount in order to normalize well-being.
Stages of puffiness
Doctors swelling is divided into physiological and latent. The first is visible immediately, as the feet and ankles are swollen. It is very difficult to choose shoes, as they simply do not fit into the usual leg. Hidden edema is difficult to diagnose. The main symptom is the rapid weight gain. Additional diagnostics and complex treatment are required. Among the main stages of puffiness, it is necessary to distinguish such as:
- normal
- swift;
- preeclampsia.
Normal puffiness is characterized by the fact that during the entire pregnancy a woman gains no more than 13 kg, but her legs swell slightly in the evening. This is a completely natural state. If there is no swelling in the morning, then do not worry.
For rapid swelling, it is characteristic that the weight rises rapidly for no apparent reason. A pregnant woman eats normally and follows a certain diet. At the same time, legs swell strongly at any time of the day or night. Puffiness interferes with normal movement, and soreness also appears.
If there is a very strong swelling of the legs in pregnant women, then this is gestosis. It is a dangerous pathology that needs to be urgently treated in order to save the fetus. Against the background of gestosis, there may be thrombosis, which will lead to the death of the woman.
Edema at different stages of pregnancy
Very often swollen legs in pregnant women. The legs can withstand a very large load, which is especially strong in the later stages. In the first trimester, swelling is almost invisible. If edema appears in the second trimester, then doctors consider this a pathology of the early stages of gestation. During this period, the problem may be associated with chronic diseases that worsened during the development of the baby. In this case, the gynecologist can direct for examination of the kidneys and heart. If the legs swell strongly in the early stages, then this may be for reasons such as:
- the initial stage of varicose veins;
- predisposition to kidney disease;
- a woman consumes a lot of fluid;
- there are a lot of salty foods in the diet.
Leg swelling in late pregnancy is considered the norm. In recent months, in severe form, they can spread throughout the body. Provoking factors can be:
- preeclampsia;
- consumption of a large amount of fat and sweet;
- multiple pregnancy;
- chronic diseases.
This problem in the later stages may indicate the presence of serious problems in the body. If the leg is swollen in the pregnant woman, then a doctor’s consultation and treatment appointment may be required.
Symptoms of edema
To determine the presence of swelling of the tissues, you need to click on the place of swelling. If after pressing the skin returns to its original position, then there is no accumulation of fluid. In the case when the fossa is visible for 3-5 seconds, this indicates swelling. The main symptoms include the following:
- numbness of the skin surface;
- decreased urination;
- blue in the eyelids;
- fatigue;
- swelling of the hands and face.
All these signs can speak of more serious disorders in the body, so a more thorough diagnosis is required.
When to see a doctor
Why swollen feet and hands in pregnant women, can only determine the doctor after the examination. Do not panic very much, as this can harm the baby. However, you must visit a doctor if:
- the leg became red and sharply swollen;
- other parts of the body swell greatly;
- short-term visual impairment is observed;
- severe and frequent headaches appeared;
- swollen ankles and wrists;
- pressure surges are observed.
Not always, but often enough, leg tumors lead to serious problems. It is simply necessary to play it safe while waiting for the baby.
To determine why pregnant feet swell, a comprehensive diagnosis is required. For the study, the doctor prescribes urine and blood tests, as well as ultrasound.
As additional diagnostic methods, a blood coagulogram and Dopplerography should be done. In some cases, hospitalization may be required for treatment. This is very important to preserve the life and health of the child.
How to remove excess fluid safely
Every woman must know how to relieve swelling of the legs in a pregnant woman, as this can be very dangerous and can cause serious complications. Swelling can be eliminated independently, especially if it has appeared recently and does not cause serious concern. To remove swelling without harm to the baby, you need:
- eat enough protein;
- do not forget about the timely intake of vitamins;
- remove fatty, sweet, spicy, salty from the diet;
- drink enough water throughout the day;
- eat vegetables and fruits;
- do not use spices for cooking;
- wear compression underwear.
In the evenings, it is recommended to make baths with lemon balm. They soothe, as well as effectively eliminate puffiness.
If the leg is swollen in a pregnant woman, then you can not prescribe medications yourself. Many of them are generally prohibited during the period of bearing the baby, as they can adversely affect the condition of the child. If swelling occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor who can determine how to remove swelling of the legs in a pregnant woman.
Also, one should not forget about moderate physical activity, walk more in the fresh air, and set yourself up in a positive mood. Do not wear very tight things.
Treatment features
If a woman is pregnant, and her legs are swollen, then diuretics are the mainstay of therapy. When puffiness occurs in a mild form, it is best to use herbs for treatment. However, prior consultation with a gynecologist is required. A pronounced diuretic effect is possessed by white birch leaves, lingonberries, corn stigmas, bearberry. Stewed fruit, cranberry and lingonberry fruit juice will help to remove fluid from the body.
During treatment, an ointment for edema is often prescribed. Despite the fact that this is one of the most common ways, you still need to consult a doctor regarding the need for therapy and dosage of medication. Strengthen the capillary system of the ointment, which contains rutin and heparin. Normalize blood circulation will help heparin ointment, "Essaven gel." These funds help to eliminate microthrombi. Venitan will help strengthen venous and capillary walls. Troxevasin and Lyoton have a cooling and analgesic effect.
If the leg is swollen in a pregnant woman, then you can use a cream for swelling. All anti-varicose drugs have a positive effect on blood vessels. Horse chestnut cream helps a lot. It prevents the formation of blood clots.
One of the effective methods against puffiness is the bath. Doctors say that cool water, the average temperature of which is 22-23 degrees, relaxes well and eliminates unpleasant symptoms. To enhance the effect, they advise adding pre-prepared herbal infusion to the water. After the bath you need to lie down and relax. If only periodic edema appears after a long walk, then you can do salt baths. To do this, pour water into the bathtub or basin to the level of the edema, pour sea salt into it. Water temperature should be 37-38 degrees. Keep feet in solution for a while.
Proper nutrition
A healthy diet will help prevent the negative effects of the problem. It is necessary to try to adhere to the principles of a balanced diet, in particular:
- each meal should include a small amount of protein;
- daily should eat a lot of vegetables and fruits;
- reduce the amount of sugar, salt and fat;
- observe drinking regimen.
It is important to avoid the consumption of pickled and canned foods with a high salt content and other additives, as they lead to fluid retention. Additionally, you need to take vitamins and fortifying agents.
Physical exercise
If the leg is swollen in a pregnant woman, then physical exercises will help reduce this problem. That is why doctors advise:
- daily walks in the fresh air;
- riding a stationary bike;
- swimming;
- water aerobics;
- bending and straightening legs;
- rotation of the foot in a circle.
Swimming is very beneficial, as water pressure has a compressive effect on the tissues of the legs and helps eliminate swelling. Water aerobics can increase the heart rate, which reduces swelling. Regular exercise normalizes blood circulation, prevents cramps and relieves swelling.
After childbirth
If the swelling does not exceed the norm, then after the baby is born, they must pass. If gestosis develops, then swelling can accompany a woman even after delivery. Among the main causes of edema after childbirth, the following should be noted:
- diseases of the genitourinary system;
- impaired renal function;
- lack of fluid in the body;
- non-compliance with the diet;
- vascular pathologies;
- excessive activity.
Only a doctor can find out why the legs swell after childbirth. He will prescribe appropriate tests and take action. Swelling can be cured. Experts advise a responsible approach to solving this problem.
Possible complications
Edema during pregnancy is not always dangerous. During the period of carrying the baby, sodium salts accumulate in the body of the expectant mother, which attract water when certain factors affect the body. As a result, physiological puffiness develops. It is considered quite normal during this period and should not cause concern.
If the swelling did not go away, then you just need to eliminate the provoking factor. Legs swell strongly during pregnancy, when there are disorders in the woman’s body that affect her health.
If the leg of the pregnant woman is severely swollen, then this may be a sign of preeclampsia. With especially severe forms of pathology, vision decreases sharply, irritability appears, the head hurts and pain in the abdomen occurs. Swelling may be signs of:
- poor circulation
- the presence of a blood clot in the legs;
- the presence of sugar in the blood;
- renal and heart failure.
Sometimes this condition is accompanied by discomfort, numbness of the limbs. Pathological edema is associated with a violation of the water-salt metabolism in the body, when the outflow of lymph and blood occurs incorrectly. Ignoring the problem threatens hypoxia or termination of pregnancy.
Many people know how to remove swelling of the legs in a pregnant woman, but not everyone is sure that they can correctly deal with the occurrence of swelling. To do this, you need:
- follow a diet;
- move as much as possible;
- put a pillow under your feet during sleep and rest;
- eat foods with a diuretic effect;
- do not overheat;
- Wear comfortable shoes.
If, despite all this, limbs continue to swell, then this is gestosis, which must be treated in a hospital, and urgently. In a difficult situation in the last trimester, an urgent delivery may be required.
Gynecologists recommendations
Regarding how much fluid to consume during pregnancy, doctors still argue. Some experts believe that it is necessary to limit its quantity, especially in the later stages. It is important to consume as little tea and coffee as possible during this period. Doctors advise to completely exclude carbonated drinks.
Dairy products, stewed apples or dried apricots are very useful. The day of a pregnant woman should be divided into two halves. Devote one of them to wakefulness, and the second to sleep and rest. Outdoor walks will be of great benefit.