Puppy care

So a small, soft, fluffy and long-awaited miracle appeared in your house. And immediately the question arises: what should be the care of a puppy? In fact, you had to take care of this before you brought the baby into the house.

First you need to find a place for him. This does not mean at all that you should put part of your bed at the disposal of the dog. In no case! So you spoil the puppy from a very young age. And it’s good if it turns out to be a small decorative dog, for example, the Yorkshire Terrier. And if you get a rottweiler or a Caucasian shepherd?Running a little ahead, I will say that the owners of large breeds, which allowed the puppy to sleep on their bed for the first months, subsequently can not always wean the dog from a warm place near the owner. Moreover, dogs, growing up, take up a lot of space and demand to release it at their first desire. This is often manifested in the form of an impudent collision of the owner from the bed, and sometimes in the form of a roar and a grin. Do not humanize the dog. Do not let her take first place in the hierarchical ladder of the “flock” family. Otherwise, be in trouble.

So, caring for a puppy begins with choosing a place. What should it be and where should it be located?

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But caring for a puppy does not end there. Ahead of you are some interesting stages of growing up, training, perhaps exhibitions and titles, and maybe raising new offspring. Puppies, caring for them is always painstaking work, sometimes very hard and exhausting, but always giving its results. But what the results will be is up to you. Good luck to you!

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