Labrador and retriever - what's the difference? Description of the breed, character

Do you like labrador and retriever puppies? Do you want a new friend to live in your house, but don’t know who to choose? Both of these breeds have a lot of positive qualities. But which representative to choose? Who has what features? To understand who the Labrador and Retriever are, what is the difference between these breeds, you must first find out the main features of each of them. That is what we are going to do now.

labrador and retriever what is the difference

Labrador - a miracle with a motor

Labrador is a breed that is suitable for almost any person. The only exception, probably, are pensioners, as well as people who are not leading or unwilling to lead an active lifestyle. Since this dog needs good physical exertion and long walks. In addition, she, of course, needs joint games with the owner.

labrador puppies

What is the nature of the Labrador? This is a dog with a strong, dense, muscular physique. Her chest and back are wide. The back is flat, the lower back is strong and short. Head wide without fleshy cheekbones. The jaws are medium long, powerful enough, but soft. Eyes are medium in size, brown or hazel. Labrador ears are small, hanging, not heavy, set quite far behind. Forelegs straight, bony. The back is well developed, there is no inclination to the tail. There are different colors: fawn, chocolate and black.

The height at the withers is 57 cm (average), and the weight ranges from 25 to 40 kg.

Labrador Behavior

labrador breed

Now let's talk about the nature of such a dog, and how a Labrador behaves in different conditions. Reviews about this dog are sometimes conflicting. Some say that a real angel has settled in their house, while others say that some kind of monster has appeared in their apartment, which blows everything in its path.

Each opinion is true, as the Labrador is a breed of very funny and playful dogs. They will find something to amuse even where, at first glance, there are no toys. In order not to have problems with gnawed things, you need to pick up a sufficient number of things for the pet's fun. Then problems, as a rule, do not arise.

Labrador character

In general, Labradors are very good dogs, they are loyal, affectionate, kind. From these dogs, gentle babysitters are obtained for children. Dogs perfectly understand the owners, one might say, at a glance. They well feel the mood of their master. If he is ill, the Labrador will come and lie down next to him, with his face buried in his knee. When the owner is busy, the dog will not bother him.

labrador reviews

Another big plus is the high level of intelligence of the representatives of this breed. They are well trained, quickly remember teams. In addition, they can take part in various sports, for example agility.

Such a dog finds a common language with all representatives of the fauna. Labrador is friends with cats . Owner reviews confirm this phenomenon. In many families, cats and puppies of a Labrador get along well with their mother. By the way, purrs often take care of little doggies.


dog retriever

We will probably start the description of the breed with what its representative looks like. This is a dog with a harmonious strong physique. Her limbs are muscular, and her legs are rounded. The head is proportional to the body. The transition from the muzzle to the forehead is quite pronounced, the parietal part is wide. The nose is black. The wide-set eyes of the representative of the breed have a dark brown color, the edges of the eyelids are dark. The ears are small, hanging, set at about eye level. The retriever has a wide chest, neck is quite long, muscular.

The tail is even, long, never bent. The coat is wavy or straight, there is a thick undercoat that does not allow water to pass through. Colors are different (from any golden to cream). There are retrievers who have a white spot on their chest. The height at the withers of a representative of the breed is on average 55 cm. The weight of one such dog ranges from 26 to 41 kilograms.

breed retriever

The behavior and character of a long-haired handsome

A retriever is a hardy, fairly energetic dog. She has a good instinct and excellent memory. The dog retriever shows its qualities both on land and in water, where it can search for game (black and white). Those who go hunting with a dog believe that his best assistant is the retriever. Feedback on joint similar activities is a confirmation. Indeed, they were initially taken out to work on the hunt. Now these dogs have successfully mastered many other specialties. Retrievers work at customs, participate in many rescue operations.

retriever description

Representatives of the breed swim well. They also get along well with children. These dogs are well trained, but retriever training should take place in a calm atmosphere, without screams and nerves. These dogs grab everything on the fly. There is no need to raise the tone and use some serious punishment.

By nature, the dogs are intelligent, affectionate, playful, kind and calm. They rarely bark, so they are not suitable for guard service. Retriever is not prone to domination, they get along well with the kids. In many countries, these beauties are used as medical dogs that brighten the lives of children with mental disorders, as well as those who live in shelters.

Retriever dogs are excellent dog therapists due to their unique susceptibility, optimistic, soft nature. If small children or elderly people live in the family , then the golden retriever will become a friend and companion for them.

retriever reviews

Such dogs are very delicate, they are not aggressive towards people (such behavior is not typical for them).

What are the differences and similarities between the breeds?

We figured out what the dogs labrador and retriever are. What is the difference between these breeds? We will discuss this topic in detail now.

These two breeds are very popular, because of the similarities between them they are sometimes confused. The international names of these species also have similarities: Labrador Retriever and Golden Retriever. But besides this there is much more in common.

I would like to say that there are also many differences between such breeds. Let's discuss them. This topic will be especially interesting for those who want a puppy of a Labrador or retriever to appear in the house.

retriever training

Both of these hunting breeds belong, according to the FCI classification, to group 8, section 1 - Retrievers. Initially, representatives of both species were intended for aporting and searching for downed game.

Labrador and retriever: what is the difference between these beautiful dogs?

Despite the similarities, these are still different breeds. The main difference between the two types of dogs is a different "social" origin. Golden retriever led the Scottish Lord Tweedmouth. This man devoted half of his life to breeding this breed.

Labrador is a direct descendant of the Indian dogs that lived in a fishing village on the island of Newfoundland. In the winter season, these dogs pulled sledges, and in the summer - fishing nets. From Portuguese, the word labrador is translated as "hard worker", "worker".

The Labrador’s appearance is simpler, he’s more squat. According to the standard, the first impression of such a dog is “a strong physique, compact dog ...”, and of a retriever, “a harmonious dog”.

If we talk about behavior, the Labrador is emotional and straightforward, and the retriever is restrained, impressionable, sometimes even touchy. Although these are all character traits in the process of education, they can change both for the worse and for the better. In this matter, it all depends on the specific owner.

Visible differences between breed representatives

Labrador and retriever two breeds

Now let's look at the visible differences between the Labrador and Retriever breeds. What is the difference between the two?

  • Firstly, the color. When the lord brought the breed to the retriever, he preferred the color, which is clearly visible against the background of dark peat bogs. Therefore, representatives of all colors of gold shades are acceptable. If you see a dog with a chocolate or black color, know that in front of you is a Labrador. Although there may be doubt - representatives of both breeds may have a fawn suit.
  • Secondly, wool. This is another distinguishing feature. In Labradors, the coat is coated with a specific, tangible coating. Anyone who wants to have such a dog should understand that such a raid is not pleasant for everyone, it is "greasy." The outer hair is not silky, thick, elastic. The length of the spine does not exceed five centimeters. Curly and wavy villi are unacceptable in a Labrador. The dog retriever has a more decorative coat of golden (shiny) shades, often there is a light wave. On the hips, tail, neck and back of the legs are beautiful long towels, usually a tone lighter than the main color.
  • Thirdly, the Labrador has an otter tail (covered with strong, short hair, thickened at the base). The retriever has a tail-feather, which is decorated with the same suspension as that of the setters. In high spirits, the Labrador carries a “fun” tail (it is at right angles to the back). At the retriever, the tail line continues the back line (it sometimes only lifts the tail up).
  • Fourth, this is the head. In labradors, it looks a bit more massive than in retriever. The first representatives were used for large prey, including hares (weighing an average of five kilograms). Retrievers, on the other hand, were “imprisoned” for feathered, lighter game.

When they are together

What is the difference between a retriever breed and a Labrador? In order to understand this issue, you need to look at how these two dogs work (or hunt) or play together. During such an event, those details are revealed that are not striking. Having attended a couple of such meetings, you can accurately learn to determine the breed.

beautiful puppies of labrador and retriever

Interesting way

There is one interesting comic method for determining the type of dog. So, before you are two dogs - a retriever and a labrador. You need to go to the river bank and throw a stick into the water. The dog that swims to the middle of the river before the item is thrown is a Labrador. The dog, which first calculates the flow and direction of the wind (in general, thinks), is a representative of the breed retriever.

Little conclusion

Now you know who the labrador and retriever are. What is the difference between these breeds, we also discussed in detail. We hope that the information presented in the article will help you choose for yourself a suitable, desired dog. Whatever your decision, give the little puppy love and care. He will answer you the same. Good luck and a true friend!

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