Birthday is a special holiday for every person, and if we talk about children, they are just delighted with it. Still would! After all, they expect numerous gifts, fun and a huge amount of attention from adults and children. Regardless of whether an adult or a children's birthday is celebrated, the extent to which the hero of the occasion will like him depends on the people around him. Therefore, it is important to pay enough attention to preparing for the event. And if you want to arrange a truly unforgettable holiday for your child or a close adult, then you should show a little imagination and organize a birthday quest.
Quest - what is it?
A quest (a quest translated from English means “search”) is a kind of adventure consisting of a certain number of stages that one or several participants need to go through in order to achieve a goal. It can be a big prize or a task-hint for moving to the next level. There should be so many stages so that the participant does not become bored. In addition, it is important to set such tasks that will be within his power.
So, how can you entertain the hero of the occasion with a quest? Birthday usually starts with a gift. And already at this stage, you can forget about traditional congratulations and organize a quest. Birthday present Birthday party to find yourself. If the goal is to entertain not only the hero of the occasion, but also all of his guests, then it is worth creating such entertainment for all participants in the event. If many guests are expected, then they can be divided into teams, and if not, then arrange a competition in which everyone will try to beat the rest.
Quest - an unusual presentation of a gift to a child
Most children have been waiting for their birthday for a whole year. Naturally, when this holiday comes, they already in the morning wish to receive many positive emotions and expect something unusual. This is where the birthday quest for children will be just in handy.
Most parents are the first to present a gift to their child, and even if he receives a very welcome thing, then until the guests arrive and you can already have fun with all his might, the child manages to get bored. So why not extend your morning joy by inviting your child to look for it on their own. To do this, prepare a series of tasks in advance, which will be possible for a child of a certain age. As for the stages, there should not be too many of them, five to seven is quite enough, since this can tire your child. To make the birthday quest more fun, you should hide some small surprise at each stage or at some of them along with a hint task.
Tasks for the children's quest
Quest for the quest can be hidden throughout the house, the main thing is that the places with the tips were located far enough from each other, otherwise the child will be able to find a present ahead of time, and this will ruin the whole intrigue. Although hiding hints is necessary in objects, this does not mean that only their name can be encrypted in the task.
For example, you can offer the child to solve a mathematical problem, the first digit of the result of which will become the serial number of the page of his favorite book, and the second - the number of the word, which will be the name of the place where the tip is. If your child likes to collect puzzles, you can offer him to do it by writing the name of the subject on the back of the picture where the next task will be. To facilitate the task, the child can simply hide the tips where it says: “It's great that you got to this stage, but that's not all! For the next clue, look under the bed. ”
Quest for the girl
When organizing a quest for a girl’s birthday, it is necessary to take into account the interests of her, as well as the guests invited by her. In most cases, girls invite their girlfriends, so you can focus only on girlish hobbies and activities.
Each of them dreams of becoming a fairy. So why not use this when organizing a quest? To create the right atmosphere, you need to buy or make your own wings, magic wands, crowns and hand them to each participant of the holiday. Next, the children should be divided into two teams, and then you can start the game.
Quest for a boy's birthday
But the boys everywhere and always want to demonstrate their strength and courage. Therefore, if you need to organize a birthday quest for a boy and his friends, then one of the most suitable is a pirate theme. For the guys it is necessary to prepare pieces of fabric that they can tie on one eye or on the head and go in search of adventure, of course, invented by you in advance.
If your child and his friends have a common hobby, then you can take it as the basis of the holiday. For example, if they all love to play football, then the rules of the game, biographies of famous football players, the results of the most sensational matches, etc. can become tasks for the quest.
Examples of tasks
When compiling a quest for a child’s birthday, it should be borne in mind that some tasks are suitable only for girls, and some - only for boys. So, the first one can prepare puzzles on the topic of cooking or needlework, and the second - technology or tools. It will not be superfluous to take an interest in computer games that children play, and use tasks from them when conducting.
A birthday quest must include outdoor games. So, girls can be offered to jump over a rope, and boys can be pulled up on the crossbar. It is worth noting that children can find the next clue-task in advance in a certain place or receive it for achievement from the leader.
Both boys and girls can be invited to tell a few verses, insert words in an excerpt from a famous literary work, solve a crossword puzzle, compose a short story in which all the words begin with a specific letter (for example, “e”), or solve a mathematical problem.
Particular attention must be paid to the preparation of the first task - you will hand it over to the children. You can make an original envelope or box and put the first task there, as well as a leaflet with a few introductory words that the children became participants in the quest.
Quest options
There are two forms in which a birthday quest can be arranged. Scenario The first option involves competition between teams. The goal of such a game is to find a hidden gift faster than a team of rivals.
As for the second option, it involves the cooperation of both teams. For example, we can say that you need to find two parts of the map, connecting which the children will find out the place where the main prize is hidden. Depending on the theme of the holiday, the goal setting may include evil spirits, good fairies, pirate ancestors, sea monsters, famous football players and so on. Thanks to the use of such “terms”, it will be easier for you to interest children and take them together for a long time.
Husband or wife's birthday: quest script
All adults in the soul remain children, and they can also be surprised at the unusual start of the holiday. Be sure that a birthday quest for a husband or wife can cheer you up for the whole day, returning them to childhood at least for a short time. So, a gift, even if it’s modest, should be hidden, and to give the hero of the occasion only a card with information about the beginning of the quest and the first task. You can attach a small surprise to the card (it can be balloons, flowers) or pack it in a large box. In a word, to show imagination, and then the birthday quest will be very original.
The script can be built on the basis of your favorite movie, computer game, a hobby of a husband or wife. No less interesting will be the quest, whose tasks will not be united by one theme. Then you can use mathematical problems, phrases from famous films, poetry, riddles (you can use a foreign language), crosswords, facts from your life together, puzzles, and much more. In the case of organizing a holiday with friends, you can hide tips not only in your apartment, but also in their apartment, or ask sellers of stores located next to your house to take part. In this case, it will be interesting and fun not only to the husband or wife, but also to the whole large company!