"Warframe": rank how to increase, features of passing, guide and reviews

Many have long been accustomed to the ranking system. She is now found in almost every game. The higher the rank, the steeper the gamer. These numbers play a decisive role in the selection of players. Therefore, many want to get a high rank so that there is an opportunity to fight with strong rivals. What is a rank in Warframe?

About the game

Warframe is a free-to-play project based on strategy and tactics, presented as a third-person shooter. Digital Extremes worked on the project. The game became available in 2013 on a PC and was later released on game consoles.

The project is based on a concept that was taken from Dark Sector. The gamer is available to the character of the Tenno race. This is an ancient warrior who, after suspended animation, is ready for new battles.

Each hero has a Warframe. This is an exoskeleton with certain abilities and capabilities. It can be improved, removed and updated. As you progress through the ranks at Warframe, the exoskeleton will become more powerful.

Hero leveling

Game process

What affects the rank in Warframe? Four gamers enter the battle. All of them use an exoskeleton. It can be arranged weapons: primary, secondary and long-range combat.

Judging by the reviews, gamers can get experience points for killing enemies, completing quests and completing missions. Players need to break into the terminals - a small puzzle quest to exit isolation.


The rank in Warframe is mastery. Thanks to him, you can understand how experienced the player is. Of course, the amount of skill is a relative matter. Based on the ranking systems of the popular MMORPGs, it becomes clear that not all players honestly earn points. Therefore, to say that such a virtual assessment of the player’s skills is objective, difficult.

To get rank points, you need to earn the level of Warframe, weapons, partners, archings and their equipment. At the same time, increasing the level, you can create and use more powerful weapons. For example, to use clan blueprints, you need to get a certain level.

Mastery progress has several meanings. The first digit in it indicates the rank in Warframe. A lower value indicates overall progress, points earned for all skill levels. After shown the number of points needed to reach the next rank.

Mastery Improvement


To increase the rank in "Warframe" you need to upgrade the exoskeleton, weapons, partners or archving. Improving equipment will give you 100 points for overall progress. If you focus on other points, then the level will be awarded 200 points.

You can improve skill by completing missions. The first passage of one of the tasks will give from 1 to 100 points. You can also improve by eliminating dark sectors.


On the question of how to upgrade your rank in Warframe, there are some points you need to know in order to correctly calculate your strength. For each weapon, you can only once increase skill. The developers did this in such a way that players could not “wind up” experience points for themselves.

For example, if Skana was pumped up to level 30, and then sold it to purchase at level zero, then the next upgrade will not affect the rank.

Same thing with the hero level. Mastery points will be awarded for a single leveling of the character. The same situation occurs with the pumping of the Kubrau and Cavat rocks. Twice you can get rank points for one weapon, if the second time the player receives Prime equipment.

Passing ranks

Ranking system

A character can be upgraded to level 30, and at the same time you can get 25 rank. It is also worth knowing that with an increase in skill, the number of necessary experience points for moving to the next level also increases.

For example, the first rank is Neophyte. He needs 2500 points. The next rank - “Silver Neophyte” - requires 7500 experience, etc. After the “Golden Neophyte” the player receives the rank of “Apprentice” and his “silver” and “gold” versions. By the same analogy, you can upset the "Adept", "Seeker", "Hunter", "Eagle", "Tiger" and "Dragon".

The last rank is the "Master", but there is no "silver" or "gold" version. The player is available "Mature Master" and "Grand Master". For the last level you need to get 147,500 points.


There is the concept of "rank test." Warframe provides tests that help you move to the next rank if progress is already filled with the maximum number of points. If a test is available to the player, a flashing bar will appear.

Rank in Warframe

To start the test, click on the corresponding icon. Before that, it is worth choosing the right equipment so that the character can successfully pass the test. It is also worth remembering that the test must be passed alone, so friends can not help in passing. If you did not manage the test, you can repeat it after a day.

Thanks to the test, you can also get progress points. If the test is successfully passed, they will automatically be credited to the next level.


Why do players want to raise their ranks at Warframe? According to network users, after receiving a certain rank, many weapons and capabilities become available.

At the first level of skill, the player receives Karak and Countries - two main weapons, as well as 6 melee weapons. At the second rank, new types of equipment are available for gamers, as well as trade and archving.

What is archving? Firstly, this is a special game mode that takes the player into space or under water. Secondly, these are mechanical wings, which are necessary in order to pass the quests of this mode.

In archwing maps, the player can play in open space on a large map, as well as a trench mode that transports the gamer onto a spaceship for maneuvering in tight spaces.

Grade Tests

At the third rank, several types of primary and secondary weapons are opened again, as well as a huge amount of melee weapons. From this level, a player can join the Syndicate. These are peculiar interest groups. They are in almost every location in the virtual solar system.

Among the groupings there are “neutral” ones that have almost no effect on the main plot, and “having relations” with their ideology and plans for the future.

Also at the third rank three quests are opened, which can be started if the main tasks are successfully completed.

With increasing skill, the player has more and more opportunities. In addition to new weapons and quests, a gamer can receive equipment improvements. At one of the ranks, Primes and a guard appear. Each rank gives the player one available trade to trade. This helps to quickly change the necessary artifacts.


In order to get the desired level, the gamer has a lot of opportunities. During the game, he will try to eliminate the enemy, capture the target and return to the starting point. There will also be locations where you need to survive. There are missions to save the hostage.

Ranking system

During sabotage, it will be necessary to destroy the core of the reactor in a certain time. During sabotage, players are sent to destroy the mini-boss. The gamer is also available hacking, mobile defense, espionage, etc. Depending on the level of difficulty, you can get a certain number of points to get closer to the next rank.

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