Characteristic for a kindergarten child: sample drawing up

Upon admission to kindergarten, any educational institution, or to provide information about a particular person to government bodies, a characterization of a kindergarten child may be required. The sample may vary depending on the place of provision of the characteristics, the qualities of the baby (for example, when the child has speech impairment, disability) and the necessary information.

Feature on a kindergarten child sample

For what purposes may a characterization be required?

Characterization of a preschool child may be required in different cases. But for each of them a full picture of the child’s life, his qualities of character, advantages and disadvantages, as well as the conditions of upbringing should be created. An incorrectly drawn up characteristic can significantly affect the child's perception in an educational institution or a court decision.

Characteristic for educational institutions

The characteristic of the development of the child is most often required when the baby enters kindergarten or school. It makes it possible to determine the level of preparation of the baby, his character, temperament and social relations (with peers, parents and carers).

characteristic of a preschool child

Feature for children with OHP

If a child has developmental problems, a characteristic is provided for the medical board. Especially when it comes to deciding on transferring to a group with a speech therapy bias or other specialized educational institution, the characterization of a kindergarten child plays a big role.

The sample of its filling has its own characteristics, it is necessary to indicate specific examples of problems in it. At the same time, it is important to take into account that the decision is made not only by a speech therapist, but also necessarily a child psychiatrist who talked with the baby.

Feature for government

A child profile for a child may also be required to submit it to a court or guardianship council. In such characteristics, it is necessary to indicate how the relationship between parents and the baby develops (for example, is the mother or father involved in parenting enough, and whether they have alcohol dependence and other bad habits).

Who is doing the characterization?

A teacher, a speech therapist, and a child psychologist participate in writing the characteristics.

The task of the educator is to describe the general behavioral factors of a particular person, her ability to cope with difficult situations, quickly adapt to new circumstances or the team. As well as a description of the general information that contains the characteristics of the child. A sample list of items that must be included in the description:

  1. Name, surname and patronymic.
  2. Date of Birth.
  3. Place of birth and place of actual residence.
  4. The composition of the family.
  5. The frequency of visits to kindergarten and the frequency of absences (due to illness, family circumstances and other factors). When missing for health reasons, it is mandatory to indicate which disease this was due to and for how long.

The speech therapist analyzes the speech abilities and the correct pronunciation, after which he makes a diagnosis if necessary and prescribes a course of study. In special cases, it is possible to refer a child to a specialized group or educational institution.

The psychologist can both make up a personal characteristic in his sphere, and complement the main one, which is written by the educator. Before determining the abilities of the baby, a test is performed. It consists in drawing a person as a child. Then the psychologist, using the drawing, analyzes the mental state of the personality and character traits.

Feature on baby sample

Coverage of all aspects of the baby’s life provides precisely the characteristic for the child. A sample of its implementation may vary in some points, but the overall picture should give complete information about the person.

Highlights of writing a characterization for kindergarten

Upon admission to kindergarten, a similar description is made by parents. It is necessary that the characterization of the kindergarten child be as complete as possible. A sample of it should include the maximum number of qualities that are most characteristic of the child. These include:

  • Daily routine - parents should indicate when the child goes to bed, wakes up, meal times, walks and active games.
  • Features of nutrition - the presence of allergic reactions to certain foods, preferences of the child and foods that he categorically does not eat.
  • Hobbies - favorite games, activities. It is important to indicate whether the child has attended developing schools for children or other children's institutions, what kind of activities a child can and loves to do, and which ones he categorically refuses to do.
  • A characteristic of a preschool child should contain information about the baby’s ability to communicate with peers, his relationship with the company, his ability to play games or support other children.

Characteristics of the development of the child

  • The child’s ability to independently carry out simple tasks and hygiene procedures. More often, when entering the garden, the child requires the ability to eat, dress, dress pajamas, wash himself, and use the toilet himself.
  • Behavior in difficult situations - for example, the child’s reaction to criticism or prohibitions. This may be hysteria, crying, manipulation, protests and more.
  • The kid's perseverance and his ability to quickly switch attention between different activities.

Psychological characteristics

The psychological characteristic of the child includes, in addition to basic information, the following points:

  1. The speed of adaptation to changes in the environment or team and the interaction with your group.
  2. Lateralization of the child. Depending on the leading hand of the baby, you can draw conclusions about his strengths and weaknesses in character, many characteristics of his temperament and educational inclinations (mathematician or philologist).
  3. The method of the best perception of information by the child (it can be visual, auditory, tactile or have impaired perception).
  4. Attentiveness of the child and his memory - whether he quickly assimilates the information received and the degree of his interest in certain subjects.
  5. Features of the behavior of the child during games.
  6. Skills in everyday life - the ability to perform tasks and achieve the desired result.
  7. Social qualities - sociability, sociability, openness for new acquaintances, leadership abilities.

Children's characteristics per child

Possible flaws in the preparation of the characteristics

Lack of attention to such an important action as writing a child’s profile can lead to serious problems with the child’s perception in the new educational institution and its relations with peers. The disadvantages include:

  • The absence of some mandatory items.
  • Characterization is not in accordance with the requirements (especially when it is required for guardianship authorities or a medical board).
  • There is no information on the child's ability to perceive educational information.
  • Not important points are described in too much detail, while an important information block is missing.

The characterization seems incomplete due to the lack of general conclusions and conclusions.

Psychological characteristics of the child

Only with careful observation and assessment of behavioral reactions can a full-fledged characterization of a kindergarten child be created. A sample of its writing should also be fully studied, this will help to avoid shortcomings in the preparation.

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