The cleanliness of the skin of the child indicates the health of his internal organs. If rashes appear, it is important to find out their cause. If there is deprivation in children, you should immediately visit a specialist - a dermatologist, in order to diagnose and not start the disease at the very initial stages. We will talk about the signs of depriving, the reasons for its appearance and methods of dealing with it further.
Why does lichen appear
If there is depriving a child (photos of children who have encountered this problem are presented in the article), it is important to establish the focus of the infection. After all, this infection spreads easily, and the whole family can suffer from it.
Experts say that in addition to infection, we deprive animals and infected people of animals, the cause of this disease can be a hereditary predisposition and the presence of an autoimmune disease. Children are very inquisitive and sociable. They study this world by tactile sensation, touching everything with their hands. Therefore, it is contact with infected people or pets that causes the disease of dermatosis, which is in the nature of infection or fungal infection. When the problem is already present, it is necessary to clearly determine how to treat lichen in the child.
How to identify lichen
There are several types of lichen lesion, depending on its nature. Features may be present:
- skin color has changed;
- bubbles appeared in which there is liquid or not;
- the appearance of pain in the area of infection;
- there are scales, this indicates that the skin is peeling;
- the place where there is lichen itches.
In the presence of lichen in children, this infection can occur with the presence of a headache and the presence of weakness. Lymph nodes may increase in size, and temperature may rise. The appearance of signs of this infection is characterized by gradualness, they do not appear immediately.
Symptom Phasing
Lichen in children can develop in several stages:
- At the initial stage, small spots on the skin arrive. If the child is of infancy or preschool age, the affected area begins to exfoliate. If treatment is not started during this period, the infection will grow rapidly and cover a significant area of the skin. Lichen and the area of nails, face, mucous membranes, and mouth will not go around.
- In the future, the lymph nodes will increase, and the body temperature will increase to a mark of 39 ° C.
What factors influence the development of the disease
Infection can affect the body to a greater or lesser degree of intensity. It depends on a number of factors:
- If immunity is weakened.
- Due to the climate. Conditions contributing to the development of fungal infection are damp.
- Mechanical damage to the body.
- If there are diseases of a chronic nature in a child, the endocrine system is violated.
- With severe sweating, when hygiene rules are not followed.
- Due to the negative psychological climate in the family, kindergarten or class.
- When using too many detergents to take a bath with a chemical composition.
Parents should know everything about the symptoms and treatment of depriving a child. Photos on this topic are also worth exploring. After determining the disease, further steps are reduced to:
- taking measures to prevent the further spread of infection;
- to protect people from the immediate environment of a sick child from infection;
- Do not go to childcare facilities until the dermatologist determines the diagnosis.
It is important to take care of maintaining the health of other people so that there are no troubles.
How to treat lichen
For the correct treatment of this skin disease, it is important to urgently consult a specialist - a dermatologist. It is through laboratory diagnostics that the doctor will be able to determine the causative agent of the infection with the presence of viruses or fungi.
With ringworm in a child, a lesion occurs under the action of a fungus. It is also called "pityriasis" or "colorful." When determining the type of skin infection, the following procedures must be performed:
- Systematically cover the damaged surface of the skin with one of the prescribed antifungal agents.
- Drink varieties of antifungal drugs (Cyclopirox, Bifonazole, Clotrimazole, Terbinafine, Griseofulvin).
- Care must also be taken to remove hair from the site of the lesion if lichen is diagnosed on the child’s head.
- Take immunomodulating agents, vitamins.
- For successful treatment of lichen, if the skin on the child’s head is affected, the use of an effective shampoo is recommended.
- After completing the course of treatment, it will be necessary to pass tests three times to determine if there is a fungus in the upper layers of the dermis. Only under the condition of the presence of negative indicators of tests can we judge the victory over the disease.
It is important that during the treatment period for the baby appropriate living conditions are organized. To comply with the recommendations, care must be taken to meet the following requirements:
- Do not wear clothing made of materials that do not allow air to pass through.
- Systematically clean the room using wet cleaning.
- Take care of personal items using a disinfectant.
- Make sure that water does not get on the lichen spots.
Viral rash treatment
Treatment of depriving children, if the disease arose due to a viral infection, is indicated with drugs against viruses and inflammation, as well as analgesics. In order to prevent the development of inflammation, you will need the help of traditional greenbacks. This popular medicine has been known since the last century and has proven effective in practice. The second effective topical drug is salicylic alcohol.
If lichen in a child, the photo and treatment of which is proposed in the article, causes pain, you can use novocaine preparations, apply reflexology. It is important to take care of the processing of clothing. After all, the outfits will need to be not only constantly changed, but also ironed with a hot iron after washing. Otherwise, infection through clothing will occur.
We deal with the view of lichen
Before prescribing the correct treatment, it is necessary to find out what kind of infection it belongs to. Ringworm is usually dangerous for a kindergarten child or primary school student. For this type of mycosis, two forms are characteristic:
- trichophytosis of two types - dangerous for animals and people or only for people;
- microsporia - more typical as a result of communication with infected animals.
How to determine the presence of a disease
Parents want to know the signs of depriving children before visiting a doctor. How to distinguish varieties of ringworm and dermatosis? To do this, consider the following symptoms:
- Lichen is formed in areas of the body where there is hairline. Sometimes mycosis covers the facial and cervical areas. Other parts of the body are not so dangerous infection.
- The spots are characterized by swelling, a surface in the form of scales. Breakage of hair growing in infected areas is characteristic.
If you do not deal with the treatment of mycosis in a timely manner, there will remain areas on the head where the hair will no longer grow.
Features of treatment depriving
Treatment of depriving in children should take into account the need to reduce the manifestations of itching. After all, it’s so difficult for kids to restrain themselves and not start combing the affected areas. The use of antifungal drugs, such as ointments and sprays, is recommended in the evening, in preparation for bedtime. In the morning it is necessary to lubricate the areas with an alcoholic solution of iodine.
If untreated, in a child whose signs have been identified, an unpleasant moment such as a bacterial infection can be added to mycosis. It is important to take care of the diet, supplement it with fruits and vegetables. The purpose of such actions is the need to increase immunity.
Feature of pink lichen
Damage to the body is observed when the child is cold, has experienced stress due to viral infection. In most cases, girls are affected by this disease.
According to the photo, signs of depriving a child can be established if the following symptoms are additionally found: the maternal plaque is localized as a spot. The place of its appearance is the abdomen or back, shoulders, chest, bends at the knees or elbows.
An important difference between ringworm and pink versicolor is the fact that the latter is a variety of mycosis:
- does not apply to the scalp;
- it is also not peculiar to spots to change color when sunlight enters them;
- pink lichen spreads over the body seven days after the appearance of a mother plaque;
- the rash is characterized by a profuse coating, peeling in the center, the presence of a red border;
- the child feels the same problems as a catarrhal illness (a runny nose, sore throat, general malaise, weakness, dizziness).
A feature of pink lichen is also the difficulty of identifying it. It is insidious by the absence of symptoms at the initial stage of infection and exacerbation only after the child experienced a nervous shock.
It is important to consider that pink lichen does not occur due to fungal infection. Therefore, the methods of treatment should not be similar to the treatment of ringworm. The use of corticosteroids is contraindicated.
A dermatologist will prescribe medications in the form of:
- Antihistamines. Will recommend taking "Tavegil", "Suprastin", "Erius" in syrup.
- Antimicrobial agents in the form of "Sanguirythrin", "Chlorophyllipt." The listed pharmacy preparations have a calming effect on the skin and reduce inflammation.
For effective treatment of lichen, it is important to remember that the affected areas cannot be wetted. Instead of baby cream, you need to use peach or olive oil. If you identify the disease in time and begin to treat it, the incubation period will be limited to 10 days.
Characteristic of shingles
If a herpes virus enters the baby's body, a disease such as shingles may appear. In most cases, the presence of herpes provokes the development of chickenpox. But in more complex situations, it is possible to deprive the child of infection, the photo will be able to confirm the diagnosis. This disease is contagious, therefore it is important to isolate the child. In the children's team, which the child visited, quarantine is declared.
A positive aspect of this disease is the development of persistent immunity to herpes virus. For the treatment of herpes zoster, the use of pharmacy drugs in the form of "Acyclovir" is indicated.
Prevention of the occurrence of lichen
Lichen in children will not appear if it takes care of preventive measures. From an early age, the baby needs to be instilled the rules of personal hygiene, take measures to strengthen immunity. Parents should teach the kid not to pet street animals. If you have a pet, you need to monitor its health, timely visit the veterinarian. If your cat or dog has lichen, you will need to vaccinate the animal, after which the infection will be defeated. During the treatment of a pet, it is important to ensure that the baby does not come into contact with the beast. If the baby has stroked an infected cat or dog, you should immediately wash your hands with soap and treat the skin with antifungal agents.
It is systematically necessary to wash and clean the baby's toys. For personal children's things, treatment with the use of antiseptics will be required. It is important to monitor the cleanliness of housing, not to visit families in which there are infected people or pets.
With proper nutrition, the child will receive a sufficient amount of useful components so that the immune system successfully copes with the attack of infections.
For the organization of leisure, it is important to include sports activities, to temper the baby. Do not ignore the features of the psychological state of the baby from the age of the preschooler to the teenage period.
To summarize
The appearance of lichen in a baby is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. If a dermatologist confirms this diagnosis, for some time the lifestyle of not only the child, but the whole family changes. It will take an effort to defeat an attacking infection.
There are several varieties of lichen. As a rule, it is carried by infected people and animals. Therefore, it is important to teach your baby to wash hands after walking from an early age. You can not pet other people's animals, especially if they were met on the street. It is necessary to carefully monitor the state of health and pets that are not immune from infection with lichen.
To treat infection, you need to consult a specialist. It is important to choose drugs after diagnosis, since in each case it will be necessary to use different anti-inflammatory, antifungal and sedative drugs. Given the peculiarity of depriving the hair areas of the body, it is necessary to choose the appropriate treatment shampoo. This will speed up the healing process.
When treating depriving, there are differences in the choice of drugs for adults and children. Many drugs are contraindicated for babies, which are traditionally prescribed for adult patients. They should be prescribed only by a specialist after a diagnosis.
If the fact of infection is established, parents must ensure that the child is isolated so that he does not come into contact with other children and cannot infect them. Taking the medications prescribed by the doctor, your beloved baby will be able to quickly return to normal. He will be cured and will again be healthy, cheerful and happy.