Wuauclt.exe - what is the process and is it a virus

, , , , , , . , - wuauclt.exe, , . , .

wuauclt.exe - ?

what kind of process wuauclt exe

. - Windows. "". , , . , , , ( ).


, , - wuauclt.exe, . : "wuauclt.exe - "? - , , , . - , " " . , - , .

wuauclt exe how to disable

, , wuauclt.exe. , , . , , :

  1. " ".
  2. "".
  3. wuauclt.exe.
  4. .
  5. " ".
wuauclt exe what is it

, , "System32", , .


, wuauclt.exe , System32. , , . , - . " " , . , , Windows .

- ?

- . . , , , wuauclt.exe . , 30%, , - . , wuauclt.exe, , , , .


, wuauclt.exe. , , . wuauclt.exe . , :

  1. " ".
  2. "".
  3. .
  4. .
  5. " ".

, .

2: wuauclt.exe

, , , , , :

  1. " ".
  2. " Windows".
  3. , .
  4. " " " ".
  5. .
  6. .

, " ".

3: " Windows"

, . :

  1. Win+R services.msc.
  2. " Windows" .
  3. "".
  4. "".
wuauclt exe parameters


In conclusion, I want to say one thing - even knowing what the wuauclt.exe process is, you have no guarantee that the virus does not hide behind its name. Therefore, you should systematically check your computer for malicious programs hiding under the names of system processes. Moreover, wuauclt.exe is rather unstable, and special attention is required to it.

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