A blood test for biochemical parameters can say a lot about a cat’s health status. This test is prescribed by veterinarians for suspected various animal diseases, as well as for preventive purposes. There are times when the conclusion indicates that the cat has increased amylase. What pathologies do such data indicate? And how dangerous is this? Let's try to figure it out.
What it is
Amylase is an enzyme that the cat needs for normal digestion. This substance is formed in the pancreas and parotid salivary glands.
About 40% of the enzyme is produced by the pancreas. Otherwise, it is called pancreatic amylase. This substance promotes the digestion of food mass in the duodenum.
The remaining 60% of the enzyme is produced in the salivary parotid glands. This portion of amylase is necessary for processing food in the oral cavity.
Amylase is involved in the digestion of carbohydrates. The level of this enzyme rises during the day when the cat eats food. At night, its concentration in the blood decreases.
The enzyme is divided into 3 fractions:
- alpha amylase;
- beta amylase;
- gamma amylase.
In the blood plasma of an animal, only alpha-amylase can be detected. The concentration of this particular substance is important for the diagnosis of diseases.
What kind of analysis do you need to pass
To find out the level of amylase, you need to take a blood test for biochemistry. With its help, you can also determine the content of liver enzymes, cholesterol, bilirubin and other metabolic parameters. To correctly diagnose an animal, a veterinarian evaluates all the analysis data in a complex.
Venous blood is taken from the vessels of the forepaw for the study. To obtain accurate data, you must follow the following rules for sample preparation:
- This test is taken only on an empty stomach. It is necessary to stop feeding the animal 8-10 hours before blood sampling. On the eve of the study, the cat can only be given clean water to drink.
- Animals often fear veterinary procedures. Stress and excitement can negatively impact analysis data. Therefore, you need to try to calm the pet before taking the blood. It is advisable to call a veterinarian at home, in a familiar environment, cats behave more calmly.
- If the animal is taking any medications, then you need to warn the veterinarian about this.
Normal performance
Normally, the amylase level in cats is 450-1550 units. It is important to consider the age of the pet. In young animals, the concentration of the enzyme is usually higher than in the elderly.
Elevated blood amylase in cats is not always a pathological sign. It is very important to pay attention to other indicators of biochemical analysis. If they remain within the normal range and the animal feels well, then there is no reason for concern.
Possible diseases
If cats have increased amylase and there are deviations in other biochemical parameters, then this may indicate the following pathologies:
- pancreatitis
- diabetes;
- renal failure;
- intestinal obstruction;
- peritonitis;
- mumps;
- hepatitis;
- cirrhosis of the liver.
It is quite difficult to make a diagnosis on your own at home. However, you should pay attention to the behavior of your pet in order to notice alarming manifestations in time.
Next, we will consider in detail possible diseases in which cats have increased alpha-amylase.
Pancreatic inflammation
This pathology is also called pancreatitis. The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. Most often, older cats suffer from pancreatic inflammation.
The chronic form of the disease can occur without obvious pathological manifestations. Acute pancreatitis is accompanied by severe symptoms:
- diarrhea or stool retention;
- unpleasant sour smell from feces;
- drowsiness and apathy;
- mournful meowing during an attack of pain;
- frequent vomiting after eating;
- fever;
- heavy breathing.
Similar manifestations are observed with exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis.
Pancreatic amylase, hepatic enzymes, cholesterol and glucose are elevated in a cat’s analysis. Due to diarrhea and vomiting, dehydration occurs, therefore, the level of calcium in the blood is reduced.
Animals need a strict diet. The cat needs to be fed often, but in small portions. It is advisable to transfer the pet to special medicinal feeds. Anesthetics, antacids, and antiemetics are indicated. With severe dehydration, drip administration of saline solutions is necessary.
Elevated pancreatic amylase in cats can be one of the signs of diabetes. This disease is especially prone to obese animals. The cause of the pathology is a decrease in the production of the hormone insulin ..
The owner should be alert for the following pathological manifestations in the pet:
- urinating too often;
- intense thirst;
- lethargy;
- stale breath with the smell of acetone;
- changes in appetite (gluttony or refusal to eat);
- deterioration in the quality of the coat;
- causeless weight loss.
The blood also increases the concentration of glucose and creatinine.
Cats have two types of diabetes. With pathology of the first type, the animal needs constant and lifelong administration of insulin. In diabetes of the second type, taking tablets that lower the level of glucose in the body is indicated. It is also helpful to purchase a veterinary blood glucose meter to monitor your blood sugar.
Bowel obstruction
This pathology in cats occurs due to inversion of the intestinal loops. It is accompanied by pronounced symptoms:
- severe pain syndrome;
- inconclusive urge to defecate;
- vomiting with an admixture of blood and the smell of feces;
- strong tension of the abdominal muscles.
Too much food can be caused by too much nutrition, frequent constipation, as well as excessive activity of the animal after eating. This is a very dangerous pathology that can quickly lead to the death of a pet. An emergency operation is required during which the veterinarian eliminates bowel obstruction.
Inverting the intestines in cats, amylase is increased and protein content is reduced. However, a blood test for this pathology is usually not required. This disease is diagnosed with an x-ray or abdominal ultrasound.
Inflammation of the peritoneum in cats is most often of bacterial or viral origin. Pathology can occur in the following forms:
- Exudative. In the abdominal cavity, fluid accumulates. This type of inflammation is diagnosed in 70% of cases.
- Dry. Accumulation of fluid in the abdomen is not observed. In the tissues of the peritoneum, foci of inflammation are noted.
Symptoms of the pathology are as follows:
- severe pain syndrome;
- vomiting
- fever (the temperature does not get off antipyretic);
- complete rejection of feed;
- diarrhea;
- retraction of the abdomen;
- low blood pressure.
The cat has increased amylase and globulins, and albumin is sharply reduced. Due to fluid loss during vomiting and diarrhea, sodium, potassium and chlorine are reduced.
Cats are prescribed antibiotics, analgesics and immunomodulators. For severe pain, it is recommended to apply cold compresses to the stomach. With an exudative form of pathology, abdominal drainage is performed.
Renal failure
Renal failure most often affects cats over the age of 8 years. The following symptoms are observed in the animal:
- frequent urination
- discoloration of urine;
- thirst;
- swelling of the legs and body;
- blanching of the mucous membranes;
- smell of ammonia from the mouth;
- severe emaciation;
- tarnishing of the coat;
- severe lethargy;
- frequent licking of the perineum.
As the pathology develops, the amount of urine decreases sharply. The cat has increased amylase, as well as creatinine, magnesium and urea. In the chronic form, a decrease in the content of calcium and potassium is noted.
Renal failure cannot be completely eliminated. You can only achieve long-term remission. To eliminate dehydration, animals are given droppers with salt solutions, corticosteroids and potassium preparations are prescribed. In the later stages, diuretics are indicated. In advanced cases, dialysis should be performed regularly.
An important role in the treatment is dieting. Protein food should be excluded from the diet. Veterinarians recommend giving sick animals special diet food.
Liver disease
With hepatitis, biochemical blood parameters sharply deviate from the norm. The cat has increased amylase and liver enzyme ALT. High iron content in plasma is also noted.
Unlike humans, cats do not suffer from viral hepatitis. This disease in animals has a bacterial or parasitic origin. There is also a toxic form of liver inflammation, which develops after poisoning.
Pathology is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- yellow color of the proteins of the eyes and oral mucosa;
- severe itching;
- vomiting with a bile impurity;
- decreased appetite;
- irregular stools (diarrhea alternates with constipation);
- light color of feces;
- dark urine;
- thirst.
Animals are prescribed hepatoprotectors, immunomodulators and antihistamines. With an infectious form of pathology, antibiotics are indicated, and with toxic hepatitis, the introduction of antidotes. If the disease is caused by parasites, anthelminthic therapy is necessary.
The most dangerous liver disease is cirrhosis. This disease is very difficult to recognize at an early stage, since symptoms may be completely absent. Signs of the disease occur in advanced cases when it is already very difficult to cure a cat.
Most often, cirrhosis develops as a complication of hepatitis. The disease is accompanied by the following manifestations:
- bloating due to fluid buildup;
- drowsiness
- thirst;
- sharp weight loss;
- bouts of seizures;
- causeless aggression;
- shaky gait;
- decreased visual acuity.
Biochemical blood counts for cirrhosis are the same as for hepatitis.
It is impossible to completely cure already begun cirrhosis. In this disease, healthy cells of the organ are replaced by fibrous tissue. You can only stop the development of pathological changes. It is necessary to take hepatoprotectors, diuretics and vitamins. Sick cats are prescribed a diet that restricts protein and fatty foods.
With pathologies of the parotid glands in cats, amylase is increased. The reason for this is most often mumps. In humans, this disease is known as mumps. It is accompanied by inflammation of the salivary glands. The causative agent of pathology is paramyxovirus. Mumps often occurs as a complication of stomatitis, pharyngitis or plague.
The disease begins acutely. The following signs of pathology develop rapidly in an animal:
- puffiness of the muzzle (unilateral or bilateral);
- soreness when opening the mouth;
- fever;
- increased salivation;
- sores on the skin in the affected area;
- sharp weight loss;
- refusal of food.
In severe cases, the salivary glands suppurate and a painful abscess appears on the skin.
Treatment for a viral infection can only be symptomatic. It is necessary to provide the cat with complete peace. It is recommended to give the animal only liquid food. Prescribe vitamin preparations and immunomodulators, as well as warming physiotherapy. With suppuration of the glands, an abscess is opened promptly.
If the cat has increased amylase in the blood, then you should carefully look at its behavior and well-being. Many pathologies in the early stages can occur with mild symptoms. The results of the analysis must be shown to the veterinarian. The doctor will conduct additional diagnostics and prescribe treatment if necessary.