During pregnancy, women experience a process of hormonal changes. In this regard, mood swings and pains of various origins can be observed. Each type of ailment is caused by different reasons. Pain during pregnancy is often a warning sign, the appearance of which you must consult a doctor. Your doctor will be able to tell you treatment methods to eliminate the causes of these unpleasant sensations without harming your unborn baby.
Most often, women may experience headaches, toothaches and pain in the lower abdomen. Each of them should be subjected to a separate diagnosis, since the reasons are all different.
The causes of headache during pregnancy can be, first of all, stress and lack of sleep. For their treatment, you do not need to use any medications, just stick to a clear daily routine, walk more in the fresh air. Another, also quite common cause, are migraines. Their appearance provokes pressure drops inside the skull. Most often, they are accompanied by nausea and occur in the first trimester of pregnancy, when taking any medications is contraindicated. If you have headaches of this type, then you should refuse to eat foods such as nuts, grapes and cheeses of sharp varieties. If possible, it is recommended to go to bed or at least just relax. Differences in blood pressure can also cause headaches during pregnancy. In this case, drugs can be prescribed to stabilize it. At the same time, the harm for the future baby from taking these medicines should be much less than the expected benefit for the mother. Also, a cause of headache can be a disease such as osteochondrosis. To eliminate the ailment of this type, it is recommended to do collar area massages.
In any case, you must consult a doctor if you experience any type of pain. This will speed up the diagnosis and, if necessary, help to conduct timely treatment.
Toothache during pregnancy is also quite common . In most cases, the causes of the pain syndrome arise due to a lack of calcium in the body of the expectant mother. If this trace element is not present in sufficient quantity, then during the formation of the skeleton of the baby, the fetus takes reserves from the bones of the mother. As a result of this, diseases such as pulpitis, periodontitis and tooth decay appear. Also, due to changes in the hormonal background, there is a deterioration in the blood circulation of the skin and mucous membranes. This is the cause of periodontitis, gum disease. A weakened immune system reduces the protective properties of saliva.
What pains during pregnancy can also bother a future mom? This is an unpleasant sensation in the abdomen. Almost everyone feels similar pain during pregnancy. But this is not always a cause for concern. A reaction is possible simply to muscle stretching, as the stomach is growing rapidly. But in any case, a visit to your doctor should not be postponed, because this may be a symptom of serious illness. Pain in the lower abdomen can signal diseases of the digestive system and be a symptom of various infectious diseases of the urinary system. In this case, the expectant mother will be prescribed treatment that is compatible with her position, which will help to avoid risk to the fetus, or reduce it to a minimum.
But this is not the whole list of pain that can disturb a pregnant woman. In any case, you should seek the help of professionals, and not self-medicate. After all, inside you is the most precious, small miracle that requires your care.