Often, ladies in position think about what is best to eat during this period. They want to know what foods to eat during pregnancy, because during the period of carrying the baby in the diet of the expectant mother food should predominate, which will only bring benefits. Our article will cover such products.
Everyone knows that this is a very healthy meal. However, not all fruits are equally good for the lady's body in position. What fruits should I eat during pregnancy? First of all, bananas. Despite the fact that they are high-calorie, doctors do not advise them to refuse. Bananas contain such useful elements for the fetus: potassium, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, manganese, sulfur, calcium, vitamins PP, C, A, E, group B.
Secondly, apples. This fruit is also worth eating ladies in position. What are the benefits of apples during pregnancy? They help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Apples also remove nausea and increase gastric acid secretion. These fruits have many beneficial elements such as manganese, magnesium, iron and potassium. All of them are necessary for the full development of the fetus. Five apple seeds contain the daily norm of iodine.
All fruits bring one or another benefit, but it is bananas and apples that must be present in the diet of a pregnant woman.
Continuing to name healthy foods during pregnancy, it is worthwhile to focus on vegetables. The most useful include:
- Carrot. This is a very necessary vegetable during the period of bearing the baby. Carrots have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It contains many useful substances, including B vitamins, as well as E, C, K and PP. In addition, carrots have a large amount of carotene. All the substances that are contained in this vegetable help the formation of the baby's organs. Contraindications to the consumption of carrots are problems with the pancreas, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and gastric ulcer.
- Bell peppers. This is a useful vegetable that has a lot of medicinal properties. Pepper strengthens blood vessels, improves the condition of the mucosa. Due to the large amount of nutrients in it, the vegetable helps form the bones of the unborn baby. Bell pepper contains beta-carotene, essential oils, protein, vitamins E, C, PP, P. All these components have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and strengthen the immune system.
- A tomato. This low-calorie vegetable contains lycolin. It is a unique antioxidant. It protects cells from the effects of free radicals.
- Broccoli. This cabbage variety is known for its beneficial properties. There are several types of broccoli with purple or green inflorescences. This vegetable is useful in that it contains one and a half times more vitamin C than in an orange. Broccoli has magnesium, potassium, selenium, phosphorus and others. This is a low calorie product. It prevents the development of cardiac, vascular ailments, as well as diseases of the nervous system. In addition, it has fiber, which is useful for digestion.
- Spinach. This vegetable is rich in folic acid, which is essential for pregnant women, in order to avoid miscarriage and cope with toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy. Also, the consumption of this type of greenery protects the fetus from the development of deviations, and the expectant mother from the occurrence of anemia.
What cereals can be attributed to useful products during pregnancy? First, oatmeal. It contributes to the normal course of pregnancy. It contains many minerals, vitamins. Complex carbohydrates accelerate metabolism. Oatmeal gently envelops the mucous membrane, which helps with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
Brown rice is also useful for pregnant women, as it is digested longer than white. As a result of this, a feeling of satiety remains for a longer period. Unpolished brown rice contains eight amino acids that are needed to make cells.
Protein - useful products during pregnancy
Consider what protein foods should be consumed by women in position. Dairy products during pregnancy are very beneficial. They are the sources of many trace elements and vitamins that are necessary for the formation of bones, muscles and organs. Useful bacteria that improve the digestive tract are found in fermented milk products such as yogurt and kefir. Curd should also be consumed by pregnant women. Hard cheeses contain a lot of fluoride, protein and calcium.
Are fish and seafood good for pregnancy? Yes. During the period of gestation, you should eat sardines, trout and other varieties of fish. They contain phosphorus, protein and omega-3 fatty acids. All these elements are necessary for the proper development of the brain of the child.
The source of proteins and trace elements are seafood. True, it is not worth a lot of those women who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. Squids, shrimps, mussels and other seafood benefit both mom and baby. The seafood contains hematopoietic substances. They contribute to the normalization of metabolism.
Another useful product during pregnancy is eggs. They contain a minimum of calories, a lot of protein, zinc, B vitamins, selenium. All these elements help the proper development of the cardiovascular system of the child.
Lean meat is also beneficial. It contains the necessary substances, such as protein, zinc, iron. These elements will provide the expectant mother with energy. The use of beef liver during pregnancy is not prohibited. It is better to eat this product in a boiled form. Beef liver favorably affects metabolic processes, and thanks to the enzymes it contains, it helps cleanse the body of toxins.
Another healthy product is soy cheese. It contains many amino acids. They help increase collagen production and reduce the risk of stretch marks.
Olive oil and honey
Olive oil contains many beneficial fatty acids, polyunsaturated compounds and vitamins. It lowers cholesterol, boosts immunity. Oil has a positive effect on the fetus, contributes to the formation of the child’s nervous system and brain. Perfectly it also affects the skin. Therefore, you can use it as a prophylactic against stretch marks.
Honey improves uterine blood supply. This provides oxygen to the fetus. Useful for hypoxia and the threat of miscarriage.
Walnut Medicinal properties and contraindications
Nuts are rich in iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and other useful elements. They also contain many vitamins, volatile, fiber, essential oils, protein. A spasm of blood vessels will help relieve walnuts with honey. With insomnia, stress and nervous breakdowns, it is worth consuming kernels. If there is iron deficiency anemia, then it is also worth eating nuts.
We examined the healing properties of walnuts. Contraindications to their use are as follows:
- Allergy to walnut kernels.
- Diseases of the pancreas.
- Increased blood coagulation.
- Acute bowel disease.
Walnut and Spinach Salad
This dish is rich in calcium, iron and B vitamins. To prepare spinach salad you will need:
- Half a glass of walnuts.
- 1 clove of garlic.
- According to 1 tbsp. spoonful of soy sauce and lemon juice.
- 1 bunch of spinach.
- ½ teaspoon paprika (ground).
- 50 grams of unsalted feta cheese.
Cooking with spinach:
- Wash and sort the green leaves of the vegetable, tear them into pieces.
- Cut the cheese into small cubes.
- Grind nuts.
- Combine soy sauce, lemon juice, chopped garlic.
- In a bowl, combine all the components, mix. Before serving, spinach salad pour the cooked sauce.
Prune Beef
This dish is rich in folic acid, zinc, vitamin B12, and iron.
For cooking you will need:
- Large carrots.
- 500 grams of beef.
- 4 tomatoes.
- 1 head of onion.
- A bunch of greens.
- 200 grams pitted prunes.
- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil.
- A pinch of salt.
- 2 bell peppers.
Cooking for a pregnant woman:
- Wash the meat, cut it into cubes.
- Put the beef in a pan. Pour water into it. Simmer over low heat for about 40 minutes.
- Dice the tomatoes and bell peppers.
- Chop carrots, onions.
- Wash the prunes, cut the fruit into two halves.
- Take fireproof cookware. Lay out the products in layers. The very first should consist of onions, and the last - from a tomato. Top the dish with vegetable oil. Put in the oven to cook. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.
Cocktail with nuts and seeds
This drink is rich in calcium, iron and B vitamins. The cocktail is useful not only for the expectant mother, but also for the baby.
To prepare it you will need:
- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of walnuts, almonds and as much natural yogurt.
- 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, sesame seeds and flax seeds.
- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cherries (dried). You can take any dried fruit.
- Honey (1 tbsp.spoon).
- 1 teaspoon of bran (wheat).
Making a cocktail with yogurt:
- Chop the nuts with a knife.
- Put cherries, honey and nuts in a blender bowl. Add yogurt and beat.
- Sprinkle flax seeds, bran and sesame seeds.
- Pour lemon juice into the bowl. Mix the components.
Broccoli with curd sauce
This light meal is perfect for dinner. This dish contains a lot of calcium, iodine and B vitamins.
For cooking you will need:
- One apple.
- 300 grams of broccoli.
- A pinch of lemon zest.
- Green onion feathers.
- 100 grams of cottage cheese.
- Iodized salt (to taste).
- 1 tsp lemon juice.
Cooking broccoli with cottage cheese sauce:
- Boil broccoli for 5 minutes.
- Peel the apple from seeds, peel, grate.
- Chop the onion finely.
- Mash the cottage cheese with a fork. Dilute with milk to the desired consistency.
- Mix salt, onion and apple with cottage cheese.
- Pour broccoli with the resulting cottage cheese sauce. Then serve.
Seaweed Salad
This product improves digestion, removes heavy metals. The salad has a lot of protein, few calories.
To prepare the dish you will need:
- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice.
- 2 eggs.
- 200 grams of seaweed.
- Half the onion.
- 300 grams of fish fillet (preferably sea fish for salad).
Making a salad with seaweed:
- Steam the fillet, cool, cut into slices, add to the seaweed.
- Boil eggs, chop finely.
- Chop the onion.
- Combine the cut components, mix. Season the dish with lemon juice.