Gravity (inversion) boots: description, reviews

Why do people buy inversion shoes and hang on the horizontal bar with hooks upside down? There are many reasons that push them to these exercises. Some want to increase their growth, others - to recover, and others - just relax. And for those who are keen on bodybuilding, such “hanging” is one of the elements of training to relieve muscle tension. Does this really help, and what do doctors think about the hobby for hanging on the horizontal bar?

inversion boots

Sports equipment and exercise simulator

Today it is difficult to find a person who would not suffer from spinal problems or periodically did not suffer from back pain. Moreover, often people take painkillers for years, unable to recover forever, forget about the torment that prevents them from fully working and resting. Problems with posture and spinal diseases occur for various reasons, but they also provoke hours of sitting at the computer, driving. “Moonlight” shoes, as gravity boots are sometimes called, help to significantly alleviate, and with constant use, even get rid of many diseases.

Inversion boots for the horizontal bar have fasteners that compress the lower leg, and special reliable hooks with which athletes hang on the crossbar. The "upside down" position allows you to completely relax the muscles of the body. The basis of this is the fact that in the usual position, the force of gravity pulls the internal organs of a person to the ground and compresses the spine. Studies show that people after sixty overwhelmingly become 5 cm shorter than at a young age. Stretching the spine and back pressure on the organs with an inverted body position makes it possible to stay young longer.

gravity shoes

Gravity shoes will help to cope with problems.

Inversion boots are designed for comfortable exercises on the horizontal bar, which have a beneficial effect on all internal organs of a person. Doctors say: exercises help the outflow of stagnant blood in the limbs, as well as active stimulation of the brain in the process of changing the usual blood circulation.

  1. Reducing back pain: inversion exercises stretch the spine.
  2. Stress Relief : Stress pain is the result of limited blood flow and oxygen supply. Training for several minutes will allow you to relax and restore the natural processes.
  3. Correction of posture: being in an inverse position helps the spine to take its natural position.
  4. Preservation of youth and activity of the body.

Additional Benefits of Upside Down Exercises

Doctors of many countries recommend this sporting equipment for the prevention of diseases and for treatment in rehabilitation centers. However, can inversion boots be useful? young people feeling completely healthy? Yes, and here's why:

  • growth increases: constant training helps to overcome the effect of shrinkage of the body, which is usually formed due to gravity;
  • blood circulation improves, the lymphatic system clears, pain is relieved and sore muscles relax;
  • increased mental activity due to the supply of oxygen to the brain;
  • the flexibility of the joints increases - they improve their health, which helps to stimulate high activity in adulthood and old age.

inversion boots for horizontal bar

How to choose gravity boots

When buying inverse shoes, it is recommended to focus on the weight, size, elasticity and convenience of the inverse boot. Any models have pros and cons, they should definitely be taken into account and carefully consider the choice. Shoes with a metal base, subsequently do not lose their appearance, but have a lot of weight, which makes it difficult to throw feet on the crossbar. Not very high-quality leather analogues are deformed and begin to dig into the skin, lose their shape, poorly hold metal elements.

All models are equipped with external fixation parts made of metal, neoprene and plastic. Inside is a lining of porous material. Some samples are equipped with removable straps connecting the foot and knee for increased comfort. This option is suitable for people with a lot of weight, as it facilitates the process of pulling back to the bar after classes. Some models have a single clasp, while others, for example, Jet Sport inversion boots, are reinforced with double fasteners.


Before you start actively practicing on the horizontal bar in inverse shoes, you need to get medical advice from a specialist. This is especially important if a person has a disease due to which the inversion shoes are harmful. outweigh the positives. Contraindications to classes are:

  • significant excess weight;
  • pregnancy;
  • glaucoma, retinal detachment and other serious eye diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • serious diseases of the cardiovascular, circulatory system;
  • spinal injury and unhealed fractures;
  • acute inflammation of the joints;
  • heart diseases;
  • osteoporosis and other serious problems.

harm inversion shoes

Online Reviews

Users praise inversion boots, reviews about which in large quantities, if desired, can be found in specialized publications. Many claim that they were satisfied with the purchase and the results of training. Most often there are laudatory responses about Jet Sport inversion shoes. In particular, the following advantages of the model are highlighted:

  • health promotion;
  • affordable price;
  • convenience;
  • use by all family members;
  • the possibility of using both at home and outdoors, sports equipment is easily transported;
  • It is convenient to put on and take off;
  • leaves no traces of paint.

Reading people's opinions about gravity boots, one can find reasoning that inversion tables are preferable when it comes to diseases of the spine. Opponents object: after all, tables take up a lot of space, are not as mobile as we would like, and do not give such a pronounced effect.

Reviews of doctors confirm the benefits of hanging upside down in the absence of contraindications. In addition to medical advice, it is recommended to additionally listen to your feelings and not hang on the bar through strength.

inversion boots reviews

Practical tips

Even if you have confidence in your abilities, and such exercises seem like child's play, you should not start them alone - sometimes our body is capable of surprises. What to do for your own safety?

  1. Consult a doctor.
  2. Exercise in shoes.
  3. Tightly fasten the inversion boots on the legs. Dexterity is needed in order to learn how to properly fix shoes over time.
  4. Relax the muscles of the legs, avoiding fatigue on the horizontal bar.
  5. Beginners should not hang for a long time, at first two or three-minute exercises are enough.
  6. Start with a few minutes, increasing your workout daily.
  7. If the goal of the classes is stretching the spine, you need to completely relax, stretching your arms down to enhance the effect.
  8. When the goal is to strengthen the abdominal press, then strength exercises are performed so that the body does not swing too intensively, otherwise the hooks may jump off the horizontal bar.
  9. After completion it can be difficult to get up. In this case, the strap attached to the shoes will come to the rescue. If it is absent, raising the body, you need to grab your hands on your legs and pull yourself up to the crossbar.
    inverse jet sport boots


Do you want to prolong youth, live without back pain, forget about pills, say goodbye to varicose veins and acquire good posture? Inversion training will help quick transformation. Try gravity shoes in practice, because this is one of the most inexpensive and compact simulators.

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