How to make dill seeds for newborns? Dill water: recipe and instructions for use

In this article, we will talk about how to brew dill seeds for newborns. Dill is also called fennel. What is the use of this remedy, and what analogues of domestic dill water exist. You will also learn about the benefits of the seeds of this plant.

How to brew dill seeds for newborns

Imperfect system

The gastrointestinal tract of newborns is an imperfect system in which failures often occur. The digestive tract of the child is not yet fully populated with useful microflora, which contributes to the digestion of food.

In addition, in the first year of the baby's life, the body is not able to produce all the necessary enzymes. Young children have a very weak pancreas, which is unable to give the necessary amount of bile for the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

The biggest problems start from 2 weeks after birth to three months. At this time, the baby is tormented by such troubles:

  • colic
  • increased gas formation;
  • spitting up
  • unstable bowel movement.

At the same time, the child feels unbearable pain and cries so that no one can calm him down. Do not panic. It is better to follow the advice of several generations of parents. They brewed a mixture of dill seeds for their children. From what the tool helps, we will tell further.

Beneficial features:

  • removes toxins and toxins;
  • promotes the colonization of the digestive tract with beneficial bacteria;
  • relaxes smooth muscles (relieves cramps);
  • helps to remove gas from the intestines.

Dill seeds also have additional properties that act on the body in a complex. A decoction of them:

  • normalizes heart rate;
  • boosts immunity;
  • relieves the inflammatory process;
  • destroys pathogenic microflora;
  • acts as a soft sleeping pill;
  • calms the nervous system.
Dill seeds

When using, it is worth considering that the decoction stimulates the urinary system. Therefore, the child will urinate more often. During the autumn-winter epidemics of influenza, the use of this infusion is the prevention of respiratory diseases. The main thing is to know how to brew dill seeds for newborns correctly.

And if the baby, unfortunately, is already sick, then the product well dilutes sputum when coughing. You can use it not only in crumbs, but also for mom. Especially if she is breastfeeding a child. Beneficial substances will pass to the baby through milk.

Where to buy dill seeds?

In order to use this miracle remedy, you should know where to get the seeds. You can buy them at any pharmacy in the public domain and without a prescription. Doctors recommend buying seeds there, because in this case they pass all the checks, including for the presence of radionuclides. It is important that the raw materials for the preparation of the broth is safe and environmentally friendly.

How to make dill seeds for a newborn?

This is a very simple process that anyone can handle. Therefore, mom can entrust the cooking to any of the households.

You will need 250 ml of boiling water and a teaspoon of dill seeds. Fill them with water, cover and let stand for an hour.

Important! Strain the broth thoroughly through cheesecloth. Particles of seeds can enter the airways of the baby, which is very dangerous. Pour the infusion into a bottle or other closed container. Now you have homemade dill water, which you can use if necessary. The infusion retains its beneficial properties for at least a month, but still pediatricians recommend using fresh broth if possible. Cook it with the expectation of 3-4 use.

How to give a remedy to a child?

Infusion can be given to the baby from the first days of life. It is better to check the dosage with a doctor in the hospital. As a rule, babies are given up to one teaspoon per feeding. It is advisable to give them crumbs 15-20 minutes before eating. However, not all children agree to use the infusion. Here moms go on tricks. Dill water is added to another tea for infants, to expressed milk or to a mixture familiar to the child.

Pharmacy analogues

In the pharmacy you can buy ready-made dill water. It consists of clean water and a few drops of fennel. The solution is convenient in that it can be consumed immediately after opening the package. Often manufacturers produce dill water in containers similar to ampoules.

"Plantex" from colic in children

Popular among parents is considered a remedy for TM Happy Baby. The price of dill water is about 350 rubles. The tool refers to dietary supplements. Also in the pharmacy there is often a drug in granules that need to be diluted with water - "Plantex". Reviews about it are very good, and the cost is about 330 rubles.

Dill water

Self cooking

How to brew dill seeds for newborns, you now know. Consider the process of preparing a simple analogue. Obtain fennel oil from a pharmacy or specialty store. The latter is a pharmaceutical dill. You will need 0.05 g of oil per 1 liter of water. The fluid must be clean. It is advisable to take bottled baby water with an optimal content of salts and trace elements. Water must be boiled. Such a solution can be stored in the refrigerator for a month.

making a decoction of dill seeds

Among the pharmacy assortment, you can now see many granular teas with fennel in the composition. They can also be used instead of dill water. However, if you choose between natural seeds and such products, it is better to dwell on a self-prepared product. So you will definitely know that there is nothing superfluous in the composition. Next, let's talk about the use of dill seeds in traditional medicine.

What do the healers say?

Seeds are actively used in official pharmacology and herbal medicine. The doctors of Ancient Greece and Rome began to use it. First of all, they considered fennel a powerful aphrodisiac. They also used it in the treatment of respiratory diseases, to cleanse the blood and tidy up the central nervous system.

Also dill seed was actively used by the Slavs. A decoction of it was considered a cure for almost any ailment, since it perfectly increased the body's defenses.

a decoction of dill seeds helps

Dill water from dill seeds is used in folk medicine for the treatment of:

  • genitourinary system;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • flatulence;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcers.

Also, experts who treat herbs, advise nursing mothers to drink infusion to improve lactation.

The presence of a large amount of useful essential oil in dill seeds helps to regulate sleep. They are also recommended for depression and other mental disorders.

Herbalists also tell how to brew dill seeds for newborns. This is a very simple and cheap tool to help the baby feel much better.

General recommendations and tips

Any new product should first be tried by mom and breastfeed. If no negative reaction has followed, then you can give infusion crumbs.

Buy seeds only in trusted locations. In pharmacy chains, specialized herbal stores. Do not buy them at points of sale for gardeners. Such seeds can be treated with a pesticide and can cause poisoning.

In this article, you learned how to brew dill seeds for newborns. Use the benefits of nature, and may your children be healthy and happy!

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