Pedigree dogs, unfortunately, are prone to a certain type of disease due to structural features of their bodies or genetic predisposition. In any case, health problems occur more often in such dogs than in ordinary mongrels. This often concerns representatives of fairly old, widespread breeds, for example, French bulldogs. Diseases in these dogs can develop different.
What ailments are most common
Bulldogs are a fighting breed and, of course, very strong and hardy. Such dogs become ill not so often. Nurseries of French bulldogs in our country are available in many cities. And usually completely healthy puppies are sold in them. But still, sometimes health problems, mainly related to the unusual structure of the body, do appear in these dogs.
Most often, these dogs and parts of the body suffer from these dogs:
spine and joints;
Breathe-helping machine.
In some cases, bulldogs may show skin and ear problems, and bitches may have difficult births.
When buying a small French bulldog in a kennel, you should definitely ask the breeder for a certificate from a veterinarian confirming his health. Also, the seller needs to get information about whether there are any serious diseases in the parents of the baby. In this case, with a high degree of probability it will be possible to purchase a completely healthy pet. If the dog subsequently starts to get sick, the owners, of course, will need to take care of its treatment and strengthen its health.
French Bulldog Eye Disease
With dogs ailments, like representatives of any other breeds in which they are bulging, such dogs encounter quite often. Damage to the cornea in bulldogs, for example, is not so rare. Walking with such a dog through the forest is therefore worth careful. Big eyes of a bulldog can easily be damaged by knots and branches.
Also quite often, owners of representatives of this breed are faced with a disease such as the third eyelid. Bulldogs do not belong to too serious ailments of fish-eyes. Usually, the third eyelid that fell from the dog is simply adjusted by the owners on their own. For example, some breeder or veterinarian can show how this is done. But sometimes, unfortunately, it is not possible to straighten the third eyelid in a mechanical way by a mechanical method for some reason. In this case, surgical intervention may be required.
Conjunctivitis: Symptoms and Treatment
Such a disease in French bulldogs also develops quite often. Symptoms of conjunctivitis in these dogs are:
Despite the fact that conjunctivitis is not a particularly dangerous disease, it is better to take it to the veterinarian if you find its signs of a bulldog. The fact is that bacteria of various kinds can cause such an ailment. And therefore, before using any drug for the treatment of a pet, it is necessary to do the appropriate laboratory tests.
Musculoskeletal system
Unfortunately, bulldogs are a breed of dogs, among other things, prone to pathological abnormalities in the structure of the spine. After all, when breeding such dogs, the emphasis was also on a shortened powerful body. In bulldogs, for example, extra half-vertebrae may appear and discs may be deformed. Of course, in some cases, a dog with such a problem can be operated on. But most often the disease of this species remains, unfortunately, with the bulldog for life.
For a dog with such deviations in the future, you just have to carry out special care. A dog with spinal deformities, for example, cannot be allowed to jump too often, and even more so from a great height. An unsuccessful landing of a heavy adult French bulldog or even a puppy can provoke him:
Also, the dog may develop a curvature of the spine, which will cause back pain or even atrophy of the hind limbs.
French Bulldog Cramps
Unfortunately, dog owners of this breed often encounter such a problem. Convulsions in bulldogs can occur for various reasons. If the dog has such a symptom, it must be shown to the veterinarian. The specialist will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
In puppies under 12 months of age, cramps are often the result of poisoning or meningitis. In adult French bulldogs, this symptom may indicate a tendency to epilepsy. In older bulldogs, cramps often indicate oncology or kidney or liver disease.
Cardiovascular Failure: Symptoms
This disease, unfortunately, most often causes premature death of representatives of the French Bulldog breed. Heart diseases in these dogs are common, insofar as they are weak. Most often, problems with this organ occur in dogs over the age of 6 years. It was at this time that such dogs increased the likelihood of developing heart failure.
The main symptoms of this disease in French bulldogs are:
Heart failure bulldogs are sitting with their legs wide apart, with their chest outstretched. Often, dogs also have a cough and pain in the left shoulder blade. In some cases, heart failure in a bulldog can swell paws. In especially difficult situations, pink foam appears in the corners of the dog’s mouth.
What to do when a disease is detected
Bulldogs, of course, should be treated for heart failure under the supervision of a veterinarian. A specialist can prescribe a sick dog, for example, drugs such as:
Also, bulldogs with such a problem can be prescribed drugs for arrhythmia, liver failure, diuretics.
Brachycephalic breathing
Some diseases of the French bulldogs are also associated with structural features of the muzzle. And their treatment, of course, should also be carried out if necessary without fail. The muzzle of the bulldogs is known to be shortened. Therefore, the nostrils of these dogs are usually too close to each other. Because of this, bulldogs, for example, often develop the so-called brachycephalic breathing. Symptoms of this disease in such pets are:
Such a disease develops in bulldogs, usually as a result of a decrease in the lumen between the nostrils, overgrowth of soft palate tissues and a change in the shape of the larynx.
Treatment for brachycephalic breathing
Unfortunately, you can improve the health of a pet with such a disease, only by paying for the operation. With surgical intervention, the specialist will restore the anatomy of the changed areas by:
Operations of this type are considered quite easy and are performed quite often to improve the breathing of French bulldogs. However, sometimes after such an intervention in dogs, unfortunately, complications may also appear. They are most often expressed in laryngeal edema and severe respiratory failure.
Therefore, such dogs after surgery make a special temporary hole in the trachea. French bulldogs are also prescribed special anti-edematous postoperative therapy.
Ear diseases
This part of the body in bulldogs is practically not susceptible to diseases. But still, sometimes all sorts of troubles do happen with the ears of these dogs. The most common ear disease in French Bulldogs is otitis media. In the presence of such a problem, the dog often tilts its head to one side and begins to shake it. The symptoms of otitis media are:
French bulldogs are treated for otitis media depending on the form of the disease, which only a veterinarian can determine. But in any case, the ears of the dog, if it has such a problem, are usually treated with Miramistin.
The dried-up sulfur crusts in the ears of a bulldog are cleaned with a wet cotton swab. After this, the shells of the dog are wiped with peroxide from the inside. To alleviate the condition of the dog, Otinum or, for example, Sofradeks, are instilled into his ears.
Skin diseases
The coat of the French Bulldogs is quite short. In addition, the skin of these dogs is quite delicate. On the face, it, among other things, also forms folds. Therefore, the owner of such a dog may encounter such a problem as dermatitis. Most often, this skin disease in French bulldogs is manifested by rashes in the folds on the face. Also, dogs of this breed often have such an ailment as damage to the paw pads.
French Bulldog Skin Disease: Treatment
Dermatitis develops in representatives of this breed most often as an allergic reaction to any food. Typically, these are products such as eggs, smoked meats or medicines with brewer's yeast.
Allergies, unfortunately, are actually quite common in dogs of the French Bulldog breed. This disease can be cured in such pets, since it has a genetic nature, and it is often impossible. In order to help the dog with such dermatitis, the foods causing the problem should simply be eliminated from its diet.
Sometimes with such a disease, dogs are also given a drug such as Tykveol. This medicine is able to improve metabolic processes in the body of bulldogs, as well as increase the protective functions of their liver.
Reproductive system
One of the common problems that owners of French bulldogs face, among other things, is the difficult birth of bitches. In addition, pregnancy in such dogs is often quite difficult.
Owners of a bulldog bitch should follow certain rules for caring for her. During pregnancy, for example, the females of this breed should develop a diet so that they in no way gain excess weight. Otherwise, the animal will subsequently encounter problems during childbirth unambiguously.
Bulldog puppies should appear in the light in a shaded place, isolated from other dogs. In most women, labor in females lasts no longer than 12 hours. If during this time the animal has not yet given birth, it is imperative to call the veterinarian at home.
Aid fund
Bulldogs, like any other living creatures, can certainly get sick. But still these dogs are actually pretty strong and hardy. Therefore, with proper care, its owners will most likely never have any problems with such a pet. The main thing is to feed the bulldog on time, look after it and follow it on walks. Such dogs, among other things, of course, are not as active as representatives of smaller breeds. So, when walking, the bulldog will most likely not cause any problems for its owner.
However, if such a dog is nevertheless lost, its owners can contact the French Bulldog Assistance Fund. This organization also has its own VKontakte, Facebook, and Odnoklassniki pages called the Hotline. The French Bulldog Assistance Fund can be contacted not only if such a dog is lost, but also if it is found. Many owners of such dogs have already returned them to themselves through this wonderful organization.
Also on the Hot Line of the French Bulldog Assistance Fund it will not be difficult to find overexposure. The participants of the VKontakte page belonging to this organization only for St. Petersburg, for example, are more than 5 thousand people.