How to write a fraction: on the keyboard and more. An overview of ways for Word

Editing text documents raises a lot of questions for users. They cannot be avoided even by an advanced user, because it is impossible to know everything. Therefore, sometimes you have to learn certain secrets. Below we will try to figure out how to write a fraction on the keyboard and not only. All manipulations will be considered using the example of a text editor Microsoft Word. Most users work with it.

Shortcut for fractions

Insert Formulas

How to write a fraction sign? There is no corresponding character on the keyboard. And therefore, users face certain problems in the process of translating ideas into reality.

In MS Office, users are able to work with the editor of mathematical formulas. They allow you to quickly set fractions and edit them as you wish without the help of a keyboard panel.

In order to insert the formula in Word with fractions, you will need:

  1. Go to the mentioned text editor.
  2. Open the "Insert" section.
  3. Click on "Object".
  4. Select the Microsoft Equation 3.0 option.
  5. In the menu that appears, select the type of fraction. To do this, it is enough to carefully study the proposed options.
  6. Left-click on a particular fraction symbol.
  7. Edit the resulting formula.

This is the easiest option. But how to write fraction on the keyboard? And what other options are there?

Keyboard to help: standard solution

It all depends on the personal preferences of each user. Sometimes the element under study is understood as a slash ("/"). It allows you to separate characters and numbers.

To put the appropriate sign, it is recommended to perform the following operations:

  1. Go to the English keyboard layout.
  2. Press the button located to the right of the letter "Yu".

But that is not all. How to write fraction sign on the keyboard? There are a number of tips to help you cope with the task. Which ones?

Keyboard shortcut and Russian layout

Say, in Word, you can not switch the keyboard layout to English to put a "slash". How then to act?

The algorithm of actions will be approximately as follows:

  1. Go to a text editor and set the cursor in one place or another.
  2. Click on "Shift".
  3. While holding the corresponding button, click on the button to the right of "E".

Important: if you do not press Shift, the user will put a "slash" in the opposite direction. This character is never used as a fraction.

Text formatting

How to write fraction on the keyboard? The answer to this question should no longer confuse the user. However, we have not yet considered all the possible options.

Editing future fractions

So that while editing text you can make a fraction, it is recommended to use the font settings. What exactly is it about?

In order not to have to think long about how to put a fraction on the keyboard, you can:

  1. Print the text and put a "slash" in any convenient way for the user.
  2. Select some information before the fraction. The one that will "go" to the numerator.
  3. Click on RMB and specify the transition to the "Font" menu.
  4. Put a mark next to the signature "Superscript".
  5. Select the β€œdenominator”.
  6. Go to the menu item "Format" - "Font".
  7. Check the box next to the Subscript section.
  8. Save corrections.

After the done manipulations, the user will be able to contemplate something similar to a fraction. How to put on the keyboard? The answer to this question will no longer bother users.

About the special insert

Sometimes it turns out that the user needs to work with specific fractions. Say 1/2 or 1/4. Under such circumstances, thinking about how to write a fraction on the keyboard makes no sense. Why?

Insert math formulas in Word

In Word, you can insert special characters. And some fractional values ​​among the corresponding list are also available. This should not be neglected.

Step by step the process is as follows:

  1. Open Word.
  2. Visit the menu item "Insert" - "Symbol".
  3. Find a fraction in the window that appears and double-click on it.

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