Description of the breed miniature pinscher: photo, characteristics and reviews. How to raise dogs of this breed?

The German Smooth Pinscher gave rise to two very popular European dog breeds. One of them is a Doberman, attracted not only by aristocrats, but also by lovers of fighting dogs. The other is, rather, a smaller copy of the latter, which for its miniature appearance was called the miniature pinscher (“miniature” in translation from German - “dwarf”). If you are not averse to making a new friend, then the description of the miniature pinscher breed will come in handy.

Origin history

miniature pinscher breed description

The first mention of the breed was found in the XV century. According to dog handlers, the city of Württemberg is its homeland. This place was famous for a huge number of horse farms where horses of the highest class were raised. Among the stagecoach owners, the breed of miniature pinscher dog was especially popular. Thanks to her hunter skills, she earned the nickname "Stable Thunderstorm". Extraordinary strength, dexterity, endurance and speed of reaction helped representatives of this breed easily deal with hundreds of rats that simply swarmed in stables and stalls. However, dog handlers seriously took up this dog representative only in the second half of the 19th century, and it was only in 1878 that an amazing breed of dogs, the miniature pinscher, was introduced to the world at the Hanover exhibition.


Description of the miniature pinscher breed always begins with its size. The weight of the animal ranges from 4 to 6 kg, and the height is approximately 25-30 cm, however, some representatives reach 40-45 cm at the withers, but they are already called average. People have the erroneous opinion that all small dogs are considered dwarf pinschers. However, this is not so, in fact, only some representatives can be attributed to such a breed. The miniature pinscher dog looks quite muscular and at the same time graceful. In fact, this is a small copy of his German ancestor with the appearance of a Doberman.

Body structure

miniature pinscher reviews

According to the international classification, these dogs are classified as dog-shaped, a group of schnauzers and pinschers. They are famous for their very proportional body. Description of breed miniature pinscher:

  • Head slightly elongated. The muzzle is fully proportional to the skull.
  • The eyes have a regular oval shape, usually black or dark brown.
  • The nose is almost always black.
  • Ears are high set.
  • Both the upper and lower jaw are equally well developed, because of this feature the chewing muscles are strongly visible , the bite - “scissors”.
  • The neck is quite long, thin and graceful.
  • The body is elongated and very tightened, muscle relief is pronounced.
  • The dog's coat should be short and shiny, fairly tight to the body.
  • The limbs are thin but very strong. The hind legs are slightly shorter than the front.
  • The tail is rather high set, without kinks. Has a crescent or saber shape.


stopping ears at the miniature pinscher

Often, show dogs undergo unpleasant surgical procedures to correct their appearance. Stopping the ears of the miniature pinscher is a procedure that is carried out in puppyhood, but preferably up to 3-4 months, until the teeth change. Most often they are shaped like standing candles. But if the owner wants to leave the ears hanging, their rounded edges are trimmed to resemble the letter “V”. It is worth doing the same with the tail, however, stopping is done in the first week of life, leaving 2 or 3 vertebrae. Since this is not a fighting dog, trimming the ears or not is the personal choice of the owner. For the exhibition, both cropped and ordinary miniature pinscher are suitable. Reviews of the owners of the breed show that the dog easily tolerates the operation, the main thing is to remember to massage and treat the wounds on time.


The traditional color of the miniature pinscher is brown, which varies depending on the saturation and admixture of the shades (usually ranging from brick red to mustard yellow). This color is acceptable for show dogs. However, sandy and even black and tan miniature pinscher is often found. Owner reviews show that a darker coat color gives the dog a masculine and aggressive look.

Maintenance in the apartment

dog breed miniature pinscher

Many pet lovers often doubt whether keeping a dog like a miniature pinscher at home is possible. Reviews of happy owners are a significant factor in solving this issue. The dog’s short hair does not require complicated care, and the molting process is almost imperceptible. If you need a dog that needs enough space in a small apartment for activity, then the miniature pinscher is ideal. There are many rumors about the breed regarding its susceptibility to colds and other diseases. This is because future owners should consider: this dog does not tolerate severe cold, so keeping it on the street in an aviary or booth is unacceptable.


miniature pinscher breed description

Despite the fact that this dog is a born hunter, it is very friendly and loyal to humans. If you immediately firmly and confidently identify yourself as its owner, then the dog will obey you implicitly. In no case should one give slack with her, otherwise she will certainly seize the leadership. This is a very energetic and active breed. It is believed that she even has a sense of humor, as she simply adores fooling around and making people laugh. Description of the miniature pinscher breed always begins with the fact that it is an excellent watchman. This instinct begins to manifest itself at the age of 3-4 months. And even if you are confused by the miniature size of the dog, rest assured: she will make every effort to prevent strangers from entering the house. It should be noted that the dwarf pincher will make an excellent companion and companion, since outdoor games are one of his favorite activities. He is very hardy and capable of prolonged physical exertion. The dog will be a good partner for a morning run or even a bike ride. Children can take a dog with them to play ball or frisbee in the park, and roller-skate. The main thing is to remember that raising a dog requires not only a firm hand, but also sincere goodwill. Only by combining these two factors, you will get a true loyal friend who will be ready to follow his master even to the ends of the world!

The subtleties of training

miniature pinscher about breed

It is believed that the miniature pinscher is a rather freedom-loving dog, but usually there are no difficulties with training. Impeccable leadership qualities can become a problem only if the owner is too soft or can not clearly articulate his requirements. Learning is best started from a very young age. If you immediately show the dog who is in charge here, you will never have problems with disobedience. The mood of the miniature pinscher is often expressed in self-will or unjustified barking attacks, however, a slight increase in the voice can return him to his previous state. In general, from this dog you can rarely hear any sounds, these dogs use heart-rending cries only in extreme cases. This breed is not very susceptible to pain and is practically unforgettable. But it’s better not to abuse the whip method in training.

Basic care rules

miniature pinscher dog

Miniature pinscher - ideal for a city apartment. This breed does not require complicated constant care. Her hair is very short and therefore absolutely does not need daily combing. A dog should be washed at least 4 times a year. Very frequent contact with water and detergents can cause skin peeling and hair loss. So even if your dog is dirty (which is extremely rare, since the miniature pinscher does not tolerate dirt), it is better to simply wipe it with a slightly damp cloth. Particular attention should be paid to the ears, they must be regularly cleaned and monitored so that there are no suppurations or inflammatory processes. So that they always stand upright and do not sag, do not forget to do regular massage of the urine. Also remember that the dog is very sensitive to temperature extremes, it can not be walked in frost and wet weather. For these cases, special outerwear is sold for miniature pinschers. If you have parquet or expensive flooring at home, you can contact your veterinarian and trim your dog's nails. In this breed, they are very sharp and tough, it inherited this quality from the progenitor-hunters. Particular attention should be paid to the diet of the miniature pinscher, as these dogs are very prone to obesity. Therefore, do not overfeed your pet and make sure that he receives a sufficient amount of daily physical activity, especially in winter. There are practically no restrictions on food, this breed, like many others, can not be much sweet, as this leads to diseases of the ears.


This breed is quite jealous and domineering, so the dog rarely when it will tolerate competition with other pets. But if she manages to seize leadership and concentrate on herself the main part of the owner’s attention, there will be no problems. On the other hand, these dogs are prone to herd living, and if you suddenly keep several representatives of this breed, they will have their own hierarchy and team spirit. If you have your own plot or garden, be prepared for the fact that your favorite flower beds may appear several minks or holes. Some miniature pinschers still have a very strong instinct for hunters, and they are constantly seeking refuge for mice or moles. Do not look at the small growth of the dog, in the house she can easily jump onto the table or even the windowsill. Therefore, in those days when you are out of the house, try to limit the dog to visiting the kitchen, where it can harm itself or ruin household appliances and utensils.

Like any breed, miniature pinschers love to chew on everything. So in order to avoid conflicts with the pet, remove shoes, securities and wires away. But all these difficulties are nothing compared to the charge of positive energy that this dog will give you! Good care, proper training, gradualness and perseverance will help turn even the most inveterate bully into a dog worthy of the proud title of Zwergpinscher. Description of the breed will help you choose a good puppy, which in the future will become a member of your family. But in order to avoid problems with the pedigree, it is better to buy a dog in specialized nurseries or from professional breeders.

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