The most beautiful breed of dogs. Top 10

Dogs are considered not only best friends, but also universal helpers living with people for more than one millennium. In addition to grazing sheep flocks and protecting homes, they also carry out aesthetic functions. Therefore, each of us starts exactly the animal whose appearance pleases the eye. In today's publication, the ten most beautiful dog breeds with names and photos will be considered.

Samoyed Like

These fluffy animals have a very ancient history. The first references to similar dogs date back to the 11th century BC. According to one of the most plausible versions, the ancestors of the Samoyeds were domesticated white wolves. They lived in the northern regions and everywhere accompanied nomadic tribes. They were mainly used for hunting and protecting human housing. But today they perform purely decorative functions.

At first glance at the Samoyed husky it becomes clear that in front of you is a representative of one of the most beautiful dog breeds. These animals have a charming and memorable appearance. The height of the adult is 56-60 cm with a weight of 25-30 kg. The compact, harmonious and dense body of the dog is covered with long thick wool of a snow-white or cream shade. On a neat head there are dark expressive eyes and small erect ears.

Representatives of one of the most beautiful breeds of dogs are distinguished by a cheerful, energetic and sensitive disposition. They are very devoted to their owners and their families. These active animals require regular exercise and regular long walks. In the absence of proper education, Samoyed huskies can be incredibly stubborn and often show frank impudence. These wayward dogs need serious training, which is desirable to start from a puppy's age.

Samoyed huskies are unpretentious creatures that do not require complicated care. They need to be bathed as they get dirty and periodically combed out using a special brush. Also, do not forget about the timely vaccination of the animal and about systematic antiparasitic treatments.

Pyrenees Mountain Dog

The first mention of these animals dates back to the 2nd millennium BC. Initially, they were used for grazing and driving herds through mountain passes. In the XV century, these animals attracted the attention of aristocratic nobility and quickly spread throughout Europe.

Pyrenees Mountain - one of the most beautiful breeds of dogs. The massive and at the same time elegant body of the animal is covered with long double wool of snow-white color. Under the powerful, tightly knocked-down body with a shallow chest and wide back are straight muscular limbs with compact paws. On the graceful wedge-shaped head with a distinctly protruding occipital protuberance and strong jaws, there are small hanging ears and dark almond-shaped eyes.

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Despite the outward beauty, the Pyrenees cannot be called the most popular dog. They are distinguished by a complex, freedom-loving and wayward character. These proud animals are able to make decisions independently and, in certain circumstances, may doubt their authority. On the other hand, these are very hardy and efficient dogs that need great physical exertion. They have a very developed sense of ownership, so they make excellent guards. They need early socialization, regular physical activity and long walks. It is better to keep the Pyrenees in a spacious area fenced by a high fence. They can not be tied to a chain and left unattended for a long time.


Germany is considered the birthplace of one of the most beautiful breeds of large dogs . They were bred thanks to the efforts of a German breeder named Essig, who wanted to get a giant dog that looks like a lion. Among the ancestors of modern Leonberger, there are colored Newfoundlands, St. Bernards and mountain Pyrenees dogs. The result of focused work was the emergence of a new breed, officially recognized in 1905.

Leonberger is a large animal, whose height is 65-80 cm, and weight varies between 70-77 kg. Under the relief body with a voluminous muscular neck and a wide, powerful chest, strong even limbs with compact paws are located. The strong top line smoothly passes into a strong lower back, ending with the base of a long tail, decorated with rich towels. On a moderately elongated head with perfectly developed cheekbones and powerful jaws, there are dark oval eyes and highly set hanging ears. The whole body of the dog is covered with long outer hair, under which a dense dense undercoat is hidden. As for the color, it can vary from chestnut to golden yellow. There must be a black mask on the face of the animal.

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Leonberger is one of the most popular dogs. Thanks to his cheerful, friendly disposition, he gets along well with children. And natural calm, discipline, lack of aggression and sociability make him a good companion, lifeguard and guide. This huge dog lends itself well to training and is not inclined to display leadership qualities. However, he requires calm, respectful treatment and will never suffer undeserved punishment.


This is one of the most popular decorative dogs with a very long history. The remains of animals that look like a modern Maltese lap-dog were found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs. It is also known that these miniature doggies lived in the homes of Greek and Chinese nobility.

Maltese have a very interesting appearance. The height of the adult does not exceed 25 cm, and the mass should not be more than 4 kg. The elongated body of a Maltese lap-dog with a straight back, a wide croup and a voluminous rib cage is covered with a long silky white coat. Under the animal’s body are parallel limbs with underdeveloped muscles. On a compact head with a well-marked forehead, there are convex dark eyes and highly set drooping ears.


Despite its miniature size, maltese are good at training. If desired, any representative of this most beautiful breed of small dogs can quickly be trained not only in basic commands, but also in various tricks. In the process of education, it is important to remember that these fragile creatures have a vulnerable psyche. Therefore, physical punishment cannot be applied to them. They are distinguished by a playful, cheerful and affectionate character and do not tolerate loneliness. Maltese are wary of strangers, expressing their distrust with a loud bark and attempts to bite.

These fragile decorative dogs are ideal for keeping in a city apartment. They do not require long walks and serious physical exertion. Maltese are very clean and do not need complicated care.

German Shepherd

Germany is considered the birthplace of these beautiful and intelligent animals. Until the end of the last century, they were used as attack aircraft, search engines, shepherds and guide dogs. But today they are increasingly being turned on as ordinary companions.

The Germans are rightfully considered one of the most beautiful breeds of dogs. These are quite large, but not massive animals with a proportional, elegant physique. The height of an adult dog is 55-65 cm and weighs 22-40 kg. A characteristic feature of these dogs is a slightly elongated body with a falling top line and a slight bulge in the lumbar region. This structure provides maximum endurance and mobility of the dog. The muscular neck smoothly flows into a well-defined withers, a straight strong back, a short strong lower back and an inclined croup, ending with the base of a long fluffy crescent tail. Under the extended body with a deep chest, strong muscular limbs with rounded paws are located. On the harmonious wedge-shaped head of the German Shepherd there are dark almond-shaped eyes and erect triangular ears. The whole body of the animal is covered with hard, dense hair of black, zonar or black color.

German shepherd

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by a calm, balanced disposition and a strong nervous system. They are very smart and able to recognize the real danger. If you still have a question about which breed of dogs is the most faithful, then you can rest assured that they are Germans. They are very attached to their master and, if necessary, without hesitation will stand up for his defense. These quick-witted and intelligent dogs are very easy to learn and quickly understand what they want from them. They need regular physical and mental stress and do not require complicated care.

Bernese Mountain Shepherd Dog

These beauties have a very long history dating back to the 5th century BC. It was during this period that King Xerxes brought to Persia several mestizos of the Tibetan mastiff. After some time, the descendants of these dogs came to Greece and quickly spread throughout Europe. Several animals took root on one of the alpine passes and were isolated for a long time, thanks to which it was possible to preserve the purity of the breed.

Bernese Mountain Dog is a large beautiful dog with long curly hair and a fluffy tail. He is distinguished by an aristocratic, calm disposition and lends himself well to training. Despite all his good nature, he is able to show confidence and, under certain circumstances, begins to claim the role of home leader. Therefore, the dog needs early socialization and proper education, which is desirable to start at puppyhood.

bernese mountain dog

Bernese Mountain Dog gets along well with children and rarely shows aggression. He grows up for a very long time and is considered a puppy until the age of two. Like any other large dog, the Bern needs regular long walks and physical activity. He feels uncomfortable in a small apartment and is ideally suited for maintenance in a private house with a spacious personal plot. The main disadvantages of the representatives of this breed include a relatively short life span and abundant molting.

Golden Retriever

This is one of the best breeds of dogs, ideally suited as a companion. Scotland is considered the birthplace of these animals, and among their ancestors water spaniels, setters and labradors are listed. Initially, they were taken out for the search and supply of shot game. But today they are increasingly being used as pets.

These cute animals cannot boast of gigantic sizes. The height of the adult is 51-61 cm with a weight of 25-41.5 kg. They have a harmonious square-shaped body with a strong skeleton and well-developed muscles. The not too long golden retriever neck smoothly flows into a moderately protruding withers, a straight back, a wide lower back and a short croup, ending with the base of a gradually tapering tail. Under the animal’s body are parallel, even limbs with rounded paws. The whole body of the dog is covered with soft elastic wool of a light golden hue, reminiscent of ripe wheat. On a relatively wide head in the form of a blunt wedge, there are small dark eyes with tight eyelids and neat hanging ears.

Golden retriever

The Golden Retriever is a calm, balanced dog, well amenable to training. He quickly remembers new teams and is well suited for the role of the first dog. At the same time, he needs systematic physical exertion and long active walks. Representatives of this breed require constant communication with the owner and do not tolerate loneliness.

As for health, the Goldens are often diagnosed with atopic dermatitis, hypothyroidism, von Willebrand disease, cataracts, glaucoma, progressive retinal degeneration, dysplasia of the elbow or hip joints.

Afghan hound

Scientists still have not been able to establish where these beautiful swift dogs came from. Some consider them the homeland of Persia, others - Ancient Greece, and others - Saudi Arabia. Among the ancestors of the representatives of this breed are saluki and long-haired mountain shepherds. In Afghan caves, rock paintings of dogs, remotely resembling modern greyhounds, are still preserved. The oldest drawings were painted on the walls about eleven thousand years ago. They were used to hunt foxes, wolves, deer, gazelles and hares. The thin-boned Afghan hounds not only easily overtook prey, but also penetrated animal bestholes.

Representatives of this breed are tall. They can reach 68-73 cm at the withers with a weight of 26-40 kg. On the wedge-shaped head with an elongated muzzle and a pronounced occipital protuberance, there are dark slanting eyes and long hanging ears. Strong muscular limbs are located under a harmonious body with a flat strong back and a voluminous deep chest. The whole body of the animal is covered with long flowing wool of black and tan, red, white, blue or fawn. Thanks to some anatomical features, representatives of one of the best dog breeds are able to run at a speed of 60 km / h.

afghan hound

Afghans have an active and curious disposition. They choose one or two owners and remain faithful to them until the end of their lives. These dogs have a very developed hunting instinct, so they need to be strictly controlled during walks. To keep fit, they need to walk and run a lot. These animals have a low pain threshold and are prone to ailments such as retinal dystrophy, hypothyroidism, congenital chylothorax, cataracts, hereditary myelopathy, demodicosis, and intestinal inversion.

Siberian Husky

This is one of the oldest breeds, whose history of origin is shrouded in secrets. According to the official version, it was bred by the Chukchi living in North-Eastern Siberia. They used to be used as sled dogs. Unlike most other northern peoples, the Chukchi let their dogs into their homes to warm their children. Thanks to this, they feel equally comfortable both in the house and on the street. Today, husky puppies are recommended to buy for those who want to get a companion or exhibitor.

These beautiful, hardy and harmonious dogs are medium in size. Adult Siberian husky grow up to 50-60 cm with a weight of 16-28 kg. On a small broad-headed head there are triangular, slightly pointed ears and almond-shaped brown, orange-yellow or blue eyes. The proportional body of the animal is covered with thick soft hair of black and white, dark gray or brown shade.

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by a good-natured, but wayward character. They need strict and consistent education. They are very smart, but poorly trained. Therefore, it is recommended to start education as early as possible. Young husky puppies will never miss the opportunity to test the patience of the owners and test their strength. Therefore, it is extremely important not to let them go beyond what is permitted. Since husky dogs are very active and temperamental dogs, they should be able to splash out the accumulated energy. Otherwise, the dog will begin to dirty. If there is sufficient walking distance, they can be kept not only in the aviary, but also in a city apartment. It is believed that Siberian huskies do not show aggression towards people and are unsuitable for security service.


This popular breed is better known as long-haired collie. It was bred by Scottish breeders by crossing Irish setters and canine greyhounds. Initially, they were used as shepherds, but over time they turned into wonderful companions.

Representatives of this breed differ in average size, so they are suitable for maintenance in urban apartments. The height of the adult varies between 51-61 cm, and the weight is 20-30 kg. The first long-haired collies were black or black and white. A little later, red, marble, sable and tricolor individuals appeared. Regardless of the main color, there should be white marks on the face, neck and tip of the tail. The main distinguishing features of these animals are a harmonious slender body and a beautiful, narrowed and elongated head, indicating a distant relationship with Russian canine greyhounds.

Scottish Shepherds are calm, friendly dogs, capable of self-sacrifice. Collie is playful, artistic and active in nature. They are very obedient, smart and easy to remember new teams. Scottish shepherd dogs perfectly adapt to the rhythm of life of their owners, get along well with other pets and love to babysit with children. But despite the mild and conflict-free nature, collies are able to repel offenders. With proper education and appropriate training, ideal companions, shepherds, search engines, and even security guards are made of them.

As for the care, these unpretentious animals need a proper, balanced diet, regular combing, systematic cutting of nails, brushing of teeth and ears.

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