Adenovirus infection in a child is diagnosed very often today. This disease is an infectious disease, which is most often found in young children. It is accompanied by increased body temperature, damage to the mucosa directly of the upper respiratory tract themselves. In the cold season, adenovirus infection in a child is often diagnosed. Let's talk in more detail about this ailment below.
general information
This disease is transmitted, according to experts, by the so-called airborne droplet. Adenovirus infection in a child up to six months is relatively rare, since monthly children have very strong passive immunity. However, after six months, the immune defense begins to weaken gradually, therefore the virus can very easily settle in the body.
- First of all, it should be noted that adenovirus infection in a child manifests itself in the form of a sharp increase in body temperature, runny nose, and also sore throat. The kid gradually becomes lethargic, moody. Around the second or third day, body temperature can rise to 39 degrees. When the first signs of intoxication appear in children , the stomach can begin to hurt, vomiting and even diarrhea can occur.
- How else is adenoviral infection manifested in children? Komarovsky (a well-known doctor) claims that with this ailment, the child's face swells slightly and acquires a pale shade. Very often pus flows from the nose and eyes. In some cases (very rarely) the lymph nodes themselves increase, as well as the spleen and even the liver. Kids very often go to the toilet, but the stool is almost always liquid.
Adenovirus infection. Treatment
In children, as a rule, this kind of disease is very easy. That is why specialists often prescribe outpatient treatment. However, in this case, strict bed rest, rest is prescribed. A small patient should lie down all the time until an elevated temperature is observed. In addition, parents must provide good nutrition. If the baby refuses him, to force in any case is not worth it. If body temperature is above 38 degrees, are assigned
antipyretic drugs. With dry cough, special
breast fees are considered an excellent option
, and with a runny nose you can instill vasoconstrictive drops (no more than 5-7 days).
In conclusion, it should be noted once again that if such an ailment occurs, you should seek the advice of a qualified specialist without special delay. Only he can make the correct diagnosis, prescribe competent treatment and give useful follow-up recommendations. In no case should self-medicate. You will not only jeopardize the well-being and health of your beloved child, but also significantly change the overall clinical picture. Be healthy!