How many times a day a cat should write: norm per day, causes of deviations, prevention and treatment

The quantity, quality and frequency of urine excreted is the most important indicator of the health status of a cat or cat. It is good when the owners control the pet’s trips to the tray. This will allow timely detection that not everything is in order with the animal’s urinary system.

We will consider how many times a day a cat should write, name the symptoms and possible causes of deviations from the norm, methods for identifying and eliminating pathologies, and also tell you how to prevent problems associated with impaired urination.

Features of the urinary system of cats and cats

The structure of the kidneys, ureters and bladder of these animals is nothing special with one exception. Feline kidneys are kept on very long ligaments, so they constantly change their position like a wandering kidney in humans. Only for people, this is a pathology, and mobile cat kidneys do an excellent job with the formation and filtration of urine.

Another thing is the urethra (urethra). In cats, this hollow tubular organ is quite short and wide. Its diameter allows you to safely remove sand and small stones, preventing blockages of the urinary tract.

The urethra of cats is long and thin, and there are numerous narrowings (stenoses) throughout it. In addition, it has an S-shape, which further complicates the process of urination.

Normally, the body of pets of both sexes displays 50 to 200 ml of urine per day, it depends on the size and weight of the animal. Now we find out how many times a day a cat or cat should write.

Why do cats write more often?

The cat gathered on the tray

When a cat goes to the toilet only twice a day, this is normal. If the animal is healthy, and the cat is not overfed, the bladder is completely empty and replenishes in 12 hours. If a cat “walks” or carries offspring, then he can walk for little need more often, but this is a temporary phenomenon.

Sterilization does not affect how many times a cat pisses. At the end of the recovery period, urination normalizes to 1-3 times a day.

A long winding urethra does not allow cats to empty completely at one time. Castrated pets and male cats visit the tray at least 3-4 times a day. But the latter also mark the territory, which is not regarded as a full-fledged act of urination. Also, some owners note that after castration their cats begin to write more often. This is also considered the norm.

However, there are exceptions in each rule, and there are cats that rarely spend their little lives all their lives and feel great. Therefore, wondering how many times a day a cat should write, it is important to consider the individual characteristics of the animal and the conditions of its maintenance.

What affects the urination process in cats

I went and buried

Animals, like people, are all very different. Some cats from childhood - lazy people and loungers, while others until old age they jump on cabinets. Among the cats there are little ones and gluttons, water chowders and those who drink very little. From here, a number of patterns are observed in the process of urination:

  1. Cats that eat little and sleep most of the day can go to the tray 1 time during the day and 1 time at night.
  2. Lazy seals can endure for a long time, so as not to make unnecessary gestures, so they save up urine, write rarely and a lot.
  3. How many times a day a cat should write, the owners of active and moving animals know. Their pets will not tolerate, they go to the toilet as needed, and if they are often attached to a bowl of water, they can go to the tray up to 6 times a day.

And if a cat in this mode goes to the toilet all his life, then this is normal. With age, the number of acts of urination in animals can gradually decrease or, conversely, become more frequent. This is due to the natural aging of the body and inhibition of the function of urination.

If the cat began to write less often or more often in a short period of time, the amount of urine secreted decreased or increased, this may turn out to be one of the symptoms of diseases, and not necessarily of the urinary system.

When to sound the alarm

Cat pissing in a tray

Violation of the urination process and its periodicity after some time is accompanied by other signs of the development of pathological conditions. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to how many times the cat writes, the quality of its urine and the general condition of the animal. The hosts should be alarmed by the following symptoms:

  • turbidity and discoloration of urine (instead of light yellow - orange, brown, the color of meat slops or, conversely, colorless);
  • swollen or hard, tense stomach, when stroking a cat reacts painfully or aggressively;
  • the pet misses past the tray, pissing intensely;
  • there was a strong thirst for no apparent reason;
  • lost appetite, the cat became lethargic or, conversely, restless.

The first sign of the development of many pathologies in cats is just a change in the quantity and quality of the excreted fluid, so it is so important to monitor how many times a cat pisses. Feline - one of the most hardy animals, and the deterioration in their general condition is often manifested only against the background of chronic processes.

Causes of urinary dysfunction

Cat and tray filler

A pet’s disease is a difficult test both for him and for the owners, but many animal health problems can be avoided. Consider the most common causes of the development of pathologies and their consequences:

  1. Overfeeding and obesity often lead to the development of diabetes. In this case, one of the clinical manifestations is frequent, profuse, painless urination, sometimes urinary incontinence.
  2. Unbalanced nutrition, cheap feed, fish in the diet, poor quality water, a sedentary lifestyle provoke urolithiasis. Urination becomes frequent, painful, with an admixture of blood, or there may be a complete lack of urine while maintaining the urge.
  3. Hypothermia, stress, stagnation of urine, stones, infections of the ureters become the causes of cystitis. The first sign of inflammation of the bladder is very frequent, almost ineffectual going to the toilet.
  4. Deficiency of vitamin B6, helminthic infestations, impaired outflow of bile can cause cirrhosis. A vivid clinical manifestation will be the orange color of urine, excreted in large portions, often - past the tray.

If you do not constantly monitor how many times a day a cat writes, it is easy not to notice the manifestations of inflammatory kidney diseases, for example, pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis. By the age of 8, a chronic form of pathology passes into renal failure. The cat begins to drink a lot, go to the toilet up to 10 times a day, urine becomes colorless and odorless.

Cats are not only very hardy, but also extremely patient, and a pet screaming in pain is in fact an extremely rare occurrence. This often misleads the owners and gives the false impression that everything is in order with the animal. Therefore, changes in the nature of urination should be an important reason for the owners to show the cat to a specialist.


Kotu do ultrasound

An experienced veterinarian can make a preliminary diagnosis by simply examining the pet and talking to the owners. Be sure to ask how often the cat writes. However, in most cases, one or more diagnostic measures are required:

  • urine analysis - an important study to detect changes in pH and density of urine, sand, salt, protein, glucose;
  • biochemical blood analysis is a highly informative diagnostic method that determines the condition of internal organs and systems;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs is now practiced in most veterinary clinics for the timely detection of infectious-inflammatory and tumor diseases.

According to the results of the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment. It is necessary to fight for the animal, especially since modern veterinary medicine has all the necessary treatment tools.


Kotu is given an injection

It is clear that in each case, therapy is prescribed individually, however, we can consider the general principles for treating cats from the most common diseases:

  1. With urolithiasis, antibiotics and antispasmodics are prescribed, a urinary catheter can be installed. With blockage of the urinary tract with calculi, a surgical operation is performed.
  2. Antibiotics and diuretics in the form of injections and droppers are used to treat cystitis in cats.
  3. With liver damage, first restore the water balance in the body, then hepatoprotectors are prescribed.
  4. In diabetes, some cats remain insulin-dependent for life, others are supported by sugar-lowering drugs.

Following the doctor’s recommendations, many owners literally pull animals from the other world. How many times a day a cat who has suffered a serious illness should write, the veterinarian will definitely say, and will certainly prescribe a diet. And this is an important preventive measure to prevent the development of dangerous pathologies in cats and cats.


Cat and cat food

The incidence of urolithiasis in cats is five times higher than in cats. This disease is one of the most often diagnosed after helminthic infestations.

Proper metabolism prevents the formation of calculi, so a balanced diet is the key to health, especially when it comes to neutered cats and sterilized cats. These are common truths, but the owners, even buying premium food, do not comply with the feeding norms indicated on each package, so they mix the finished product with natural food.

Lack of water is one of the reasons for the formation of urate stones, and since cats have a poorly developed thirst, there is a good way to teach a pet to drink more. Arrange several different vessels with water in different places in the house; this invariably arouses interest and desire in animals to try.

Protect the cat from hypothermia. Do not let it on a freshly washed floor until it dries, do not let it sleep on the floor under an open window. And of course, watch how often the cat writes. This is the most important marker in the home diagnosis of a pet’s health status.

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