In the office of any company, the fleet of which has more than two computers, all computing systems are integrated into a single network. This makes it possible to instantly exchange information, control the operation of any devices or share the ability to print data.
Moreover, the more computers, the more acute the need for such a connection. There are a huge number of large and small firms that carry out the installation of computer networks. The cost of their services also varies. Note that the subsequent maintenance of computer networks is usually carried out by representatives of the same company that disconnected the Network. Sometimes this proves to be a very useful “bonus”.To whom to entrust work
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People involved in installation usually know where the offices of the nearest providers are and how best to organize an “exit” to them. With a large fleet of machines, it is more expedient to attract employees of specialized companies capable of installing a local network: the prices for their services are constantly falling due to market competition. So, installing a corrugated pipe for a cable will cost from 25 rubles. per meter, but for a metal box will have to pay at least 150 rubles. Laying a cable in a plastic channel costs 10 rubles, while an airway running along poles will require almost 45 rubles. per meter. The use of a perforator for the breakdown of a 5 cm interfloor plate will require more than 500 rubles. Again, the prices quoted by us are indicative, as there is enormous competition in the market.
The second method is more economical. It consists in the assignment of work to a full-time system administrator (specialist in servicing computing equipment). Still, for a person who has even basic skills in this area, installing a local network is not particularly difficult.
Analysis of existing conditions
Installation of a local network always begins with a study of existing communications, the possibility of laying cables, potential locations for installing intermediate devices, and so on.
It also takes into account the location of workstations, their productivity, operating systems and the need for further expansion of the network.Requirements
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A 5-port model costs less than 700 rubles. Installing a LAN based on the switch is very simple. It is necessary to extend the twisted pair cable to it from each workstation and make the connection. First you need to determine the length of each branch and compress the cable at all ends by installing connectors. This can be done at any computer store for a few rubles. Other office equipment that can work via Ethernet is also connected to the switch socket. It remains only to supply power to the equipment and perform software settings in the operating system. It is worth cautioning against the acquisition of the so-called “hub”. Externally, this device looks like a “switch”, but the internal algorithm is simplified, which makes the network based on it less flexible.
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The advent of low-cost Wi-Fi adapters and routers on the market has allowed the installation of computer networks without the use of cables. This is a great solution, giving a lot of new opportunities. For example, anyone can open access to a special page with advertising type information.
You can create a wireless network that includes more than a dozen workstations in several ways. In order to save money, it’s enough to purchase a router, configure it to broadcast some specific SSID and specify passwords for access. Each computer is equipped with the simplest Wi-Fi adapter, using the operating system, a frequency scan is performed, the desired network is detected and connected to it.: Ethernet-, , . , Wi-Fi- - «» . , , ( ). , .
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