When people plan to get a guard dog, their choice often dwells on two breeds, which we will discuss in this article today. "Who is better: Rottweiler or Doberman?" - This question worries many owners, although it seems to us incorrect.
These are two service breeds, endowed with their advantages and disadvantages, requiring mandatory training. The choice should be based on the capabilities and experience of the owner in raising such animals, their purpose, family living conditions. Both dogs have serious characters, so we will present you with a small comparative review, which may help you understand which dog is best for you.
Doberman or Rottweiler?
Let's start with the history of these breeds. Doberman was formerly called the Thuringian Pinscher. In 1899, the breed received its current name in memory of its creator - Frederick Louis Dobermann. In order to breed this breed, numerous crosses were carried out in Germany, most of the participants of which were un purebred animals. The result was a dog with a rather formidable appearance, often expressing aggression.
As for the second hero of our article, it is safe to say that the Rottweiler is a representative of one of the most ancient dog breeds on the planet. Strong and large, endlessly brave, surrounded by numerous speculations and gossip, a dog whose origin remains a mystery to researchers today.
The breed was also bred in Germany, and got its name in honor of the city of Rottweil. There is a version that coal-black Molossians, which later settled throughout Europe, became descendants of the Tibetan mastiff. Another version claims that the ancestors of the Rottweiler were local native dogs and Phoenician dogs.
At the time of the breed's birth, two varieties of large black dogs lived in the vicinity of Rottweil. Some were more muscular and powerful, and they were trusted to carry heavy loads, but they were not suitable for the shepherd's service: they simply fell down from fatigue during the drive of the herd.
The second species was noticeably smaller, more hardy and quick-witted. These dogs were used to guard and drive livestock and protect the owner and the money he earned. The fact is that they were often turned on by German butchers, who put the proceeds in a wallet and hung it on the dog’s neck. Not a single thief dared to steal this capital.
At the beginning of the XX century, the breed almost disappeared due to its uselessness: cattle began to be transported by rail. However, by the middle of the twentieth century, she had revived in a new capacity - as a guard and assistant to the police, and even later she began to be put up in fighting rings.
External features
To understand which breed is more suitable for you - Doberman or Rottweiler, it is necessary to take into account their external features and dimensions.
Doberman is a large dog. Its height at the withers is from 68 to 72 cm (males) and from 63 to 68 cm (females). The animal is quite slender, with a sporty physique. With such an impressive growth, the weight of the dog does not exceed 45 kilograms, and the bitches - 35. Rottweiler and Doberman (photo you can see in the article) are muscular and strong animals.
Doberman has a bulging neck, wider at the base. The chest is wide, well developed. Strong paws in shape resemble feline a little. Both short Doberman and Rottweiler have short shiny hair. A comparison of these breeds suggests that their colors are similar: black, brown (Doberman extremely rarely has blue) with red tan marks, which are located on the neck, paws, muzzle, and superciliary arches.
And what does a rottweiler look like?
This dog is very harmoniously folded: strength and power are concentrated in powerful short legs, a wide head gives the animal either aggressiveness or cheerfulness - it depends on the situation. The body of the dog is massive, its wide muzzle has a large jaw. The chest is well developed. It drops to the start of the elbow joints.
Compact paws have a rounded shape. The coat, like that of a Doberman, is shiny short and smooth. The main color is black with tan. The standard height of the male is 69 cm, and bitches are slightly lower - 58 cm. The weight of an adult animal usually does not exceed 60 kg. In recent years (especially in bird markets), a mixed breed of Rottweiler and Doberman has been increasingly found. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase animals of these breeds in specialized nurseries. Although mestizos can also be great companions and security guards, their show career is not available to them.
If you decide: Doberman or Rottweiler is more suitable for you, you need to know about some features of the nature of these animals. Doberman is considered a type of nervous system expressed choleric: stubborn and poorly trained dog. But only those people who are new to this breed adhere to this opinion. In fact, the Doberman is a vigilant defender and guardian, as well as a great companion who adapts well in the family.
Doberman is able to very subtly feel the mood of the owner. He becomes a loyal friend, but only for a kind and intelligent host. Communicating with other pets, if any, in your home is not easy. Dobermans are dogs with a sensitive nervous system, especially when the situation changes dramatically. Therefore, if you have an aggressive cat or dog that can provoke a showdown, then, most likely, quarrels can not be avoided.
Subject to the adequacy of the pets living in the house, Dobermans become their protectors and even accomplices: for example, they can distract the owner when the cat steals various treats from the table.
What makes a rottweiler good?
This is a dog with a very high intelligence and at the same time very cunning - this should not be underestimated. If you notice that your beloved dog has ceased to fulfill your command and at the same time looks at you with clear, honest and incomprehensible eyes, be sure - he is simply deceiving you.
The Rottweiler is not just a reliable guard - it is a full member of the family who equally loves its owners and their children, although it implicitly obeys only one person. The family behaves surprisingly affectionately, like a cat, however, if there are very young children, problems can arise. The Rottweiler will never, under any circumstances, offend the child of the owners, even if it will cause significant inconvenience. But due to the large size and body weight, the dog can hurt a small child who will fall and hit painfully.
Care and Feeding
Both breeds belong to smooth-haired therefore care of them is simple. These dogs molt weakly, but they should be combed out once every two weeks with a special brush, unless, of course, you are burning with the desire to remove the wool all over the house.
It is up to the owner to decide whether to use ready-made feed or natural nutrition, often the recommendations of the breeder from whom the animal is purchased influence their choice. Experts believe that natural nutrition can significantly extend the life of pets. Ready feeds also have an advantage - they include all the vitamins that are necessary for the development of the animal.
Who is stronger: Doberman or Rottweiler?
This question interests many owners. In terms of physical strength and endurance, these dogs are approximately equal. However, the Doberman is taller, agile and nimble. But, as a rule, his agility manifests itself before the first formidable roar of the Rottweiler.
To summarize
We don’t know if, having read our article, you were able to decide for yourself whether a Doberman or a Rottweiler is more suitable for you. We want to add to all of the above that these are unique, intelligent and very beautiful dogs. They can be friendly and help people with disabilities.
In extreme cases, these animals become merciless. In inexperienced and inept hands, without proper training, they can become a living and very dangerous weapon. With proper upbringing from an early age, these beautiful and powerful animals become loyal and reliable defenders. Before you get one of these dogs, think carefully about whether you can cope with their ardor and whether you can become an indisputable authority for your pet.