Cisco ( ), . , , , , , , . Cisco.
Cisco Internetwork (IOS) Cisco. [ ]>, . , Cisco "enable" :
- RouterA>.
- RouterA>enable.
- RouterA#.
, , :
- RouterA#configure terminal or config t for short.
- RouterA(config)#.
. , . , Fastethernet 0/0, Cisco :
- RouterA(config)# interface fastethernet 0/0.
- RouterA(config-if)#.
- Prompt RouterA(config-if)#.
. , :
- RouterA(config-if)# ?.
3 , IOS:
- EXEC (). . >, . , Cisco: Router>.
- , Privileged EXEC. , . , «#» . , . , . . Privileged : Router #.
- ( Cisco cli). . Privileged , «configure terminal». Ctrl-Z. : Router(config)#.
: (config) # . .
Cisco . , .
- . .
- . , EXEC EXEC Telnet.
- .
- . , , .
- .
, .
« »
Cisco . , , : Cisco 2960, 3560, 3750, 4500, 6500. .
« », Cisco:
- .
- (, PuTTY), .
- «Switch>».
- «Enable» .
- «Switch #».
- (1 ).
- Cisco , (2 ).
- , (3 ).
- Telnet (4 ).
- , IP- Telnet (5 ).
- IP- , IP- Vlan 1 (6 ).
- (7 ).
- . , . , 48- , 25 48, 8 .
- . , , SNMP-, NTP, AAA , , 9 .
, - Cisco.
, «hostname». .
, , - . . «Message Of The Day» (MOTD). , , .
, , , , . , . . , , enable, Cisco :RouterA (config) # enable secret TEST.
. ( telnet ), . telnet, vty [ ] [ ]. Cisco IOS 5 - 0 4.
IP- «ip address». , . . . Cisco.
, . : «show». :
- .
- .
- .
(CSU / DSU). , .
DTE (Data Terminal Equipment), DCE (Data Communication Equipment). . . DTE.
, , . Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) , Cisco.
hostname. Cisco - , . , Cisco (CDP), , . , : , , (-).
ip default-gateway. , IP- , , IP, 2 . , IP-, «show ip route». IP- , :
- SW1 # show ip route.
- -
- Host Gateway.
- .
- .
- ICMP SW1 #.
username. . . :
- ( ).
- Cisco, . MD5 .
- / , Telnet SSH.
enable. , . Cisco IOS , . : . .
CLI Packet Tracer
- , Cisco. , , Cisco packet tracer. , CLI.
, , CLI. CLI, Cisco . IOS . , , , . , . Cisco packet tracer, , "?".
- telnet.
- IP- .
- IP- .
- .
- .
- , RIP.
Show Router
show Cisco: show ip route, show ip interfaces brief, show version, show flash, show running-config, show startup-config, show controller. «show» . Cisco . , .
- «enable» . Cisco IOS - .
- , , «show».
- «show» , .
, , . , , , :
Router#show interface.
. , . , :
Router#show interface [type slot_# port_#].
, , , , MTU, . . , .
1990- Cisco , VLAN . : Cisco Inter-Switch Link (ISL).
ISL VTP, VLAN. 1 2 VLAN. . VTP - VLAN , 3, 2009 .
(VLAN) - , . VLAN - , .
VTP , . VLAN , , vlan Cisco (, ).
ping , . ICMP « ICMP » « ICMP», , . ping , .
ping , . Ping , , .
ping Cisco, IP- . 1 2 "" . , , , .
Cisco. , . . - Cisco.
, . :
- C> show running-config.
- (NVRAM)> show startup-config.
- ->show flash.
- Cisco>show history.
- Config Startup Config#copy running-config startup-config.
- ( / / / / / )>show version.
- ( / )>show clock.
- , >show users.
- Cisco.
- exec & non-exec (console / aux / telnet)>enable#configure terminal#enable password Enable Pass1.
- #line console 0#login#password ConsolePass 1#exit.
- #line aux 0##password AuxPass1#exit.
- #line vty 0 4#login#password TelnetPass1#exit.
- ( )>enable#configure terminal#enable secret EnableSecret 1#exit.
- >enable#configure terminal#banner motd banner line 1#banner line2 exit.
- >enable#configure terminal#hostname router1#prompt route r 01#exit.
- Config : Config#copy running-configuration startup-configuration.
- Config : TFTP#copy running-configuration tftp.
- TFTP Running: Config#copy tftp running-configuration.
- NVRAM:#erase NVRAM.
- >show ip interface brief.
- rmation >show interfaces.
- Single Interface>show interfaces serial 0.
- >show ip interface serial 0.
- 3- >show protocols.
- IP->show ip protocols.
- IP (, )>show ip route.
- >show hosts.
- >enable#configure terminal#interface serial 0#description this is the serial0 link to router2#exit.
- IP #configure terminal#interface Ethernet 0#ip address
- #configure terminal#interface Ethernet 0#no shutdown#exit.
- ( )#configure terminal#interface Serial 1#shutdown#exit.
- ( DCE - )R1 #configure terminalR1 #interface serial 0R1 #clock rate 56000R1 # no shut.
- R2#configure terminalR2#interface serial 0R2#no shut.
- #configure terminal#interface serial 0#bandwidth 64#clock rate 64000#exit.
- Loopback IP- :#configure terminalR1#interface loopback 0R1#ip address shut.
- CDP ( Cisco).
- CDP >show cdp.
- CDP>show cdp interface.
- CDP>show cdp neighbors.
- CDP>show cdp neighbors detail.
- CDP , >show cdp entry R4.
- / CDP:#configure terminal(config)#cdp timer 45.
- / CDP:#configure terminal(config)#cdp holdtime 60.
- CDP :#configure terminal(config) #no cdp run.
- CDP :#configure terminal(config) #cdp run.
- CDP :#configure terminal(config) #interface Ethernet 0(config-if) #no cdp run.
- CDP :#configure terminal(config) #interface Ethernet 0(config-if) #cdp run.
, .