How to train cats at home on their own?

Some owners of cats and cats dream of their pet understanding and fulfilling certain commands. It is believed that these animals are not trained. This is far from the case. How to train cats at home will be discussed later.

Is the task feasible?

There is a strong opinion that cats cannot be trained. The cat theater under the direction of Yuri Kuklachev does not convince skeptics. This is considered a rare exception to the general rule. And training a cat at home seems generally hopeless. But is it really so?

How to train cats?

The experience of many owners of furry pets shows that it is quite possible to train such animals to perform a wide variety of tricks. All that is needed is unlimited patience and a competent approach to business. How to learn to train a cat yourself at home? To solve this issue, you need to study a special technique.

When to start?

Opinions were divided on this point among experts. Some believe that you need to start training a cat from the age of three months, because during this period she has not yet formed stable personal habits, and her brain is already developed enough to understand what is required of her in the process of training.

Kittens competition

Other sources claim that it is better to start training from six months or even 7-8 months of age, when the pet is already old enough to accept the requirements of the owner and strive to implement them.

How to train an adult cat and is it even possible? Many people think that this is unrealistic. But if you have patience, you can teach some tricks even an adult animal. The only difference is the duration of the training.

You can perform several classes a day, but their duration for a kitten should not exceed 3 minutes, and for an adult cat 5-7 minutes. The interval between trainings should be long enough so that the cat does not perceive them as a “forced”.

Where to begin?

You need to start the training process by observing the cat. Take a look at what your pet likes to do the most. What kind of games does he like? What “talents" has nature endowed him with? If, for example, a cat loves to carry toys and all sorts of small things in his teeth, it will be possible to train him to bring things abandoned by the owner on command.

If you like to jump on tall objects of interior, jump from one object to another, you can apply this quality for dressing. You can train your pet to jump on your shoulder.

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Having asked how to properly train a cat, in the process of observing an animal, attention should be paid to some individual characteristics of its behavior. Namely: how long she likes to play, how quickly she gets tired or loses interest in the game, what food she loves the most. All this will help to make the training process pleasant and not burdensome for the pet.

Basic principles

How to train cats to achieve a good result? The main principle of training is the absence of any coercion. A cat is a proud and independent animal. It will never succeed in forcing her to do what she herself does not want. Therefore, if the pet refuses to perform some trick, the owner needs to humble his ambitions and abandon him.

And do not try to use the collars that are on sale in the training process for training cats that shock the animal if it does something wrong. The action of such a collar is based on the principle of violence and suppression of the will of the pet. The cat will not forgive such mockery. You will forever lose her love and trust, and without this, you can put a fat cross on training.

Confidence in a trainer is another basic principle of training cats at home. No bribery and goodies can compensate for the fear - the cat will not obey you.

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But if you follow the first two principles, encouraging your pet with your favorite treats will certainly work. You need a piece of your favorite small food, which the animal will receive for each correctly performed action. Small - so that the cat does not eat up. Food should be soft so that it is eaten quickly. Dry food is not suitable. While the pet is chewing on the “cracker,” he completely forgets what he got it for. An “encouraging” piece must be given from the hand, then the cat will be able to catch the logical connection between its action and encouragement for it.

The next principle - promotion should not only be in the form of goodies. It is necessary to praise the pet for the correctly performed action. Praise uttered in an affectionate voice, stroking - everything that is pleasant to the cat should be used.

And one more rule - you can never shout at a pet. Even a slight increase in voice, the appearance of irritating notes in it, can forever scare the cat away from training. Say all commands in an even, quiet voice so that the animal does not think that you are angry with him.

The main thing is patience.

A person who is seriously interested in the question of how to train cats should remember that patience should be the main quality of a trainer. You can not teach a pet all teams in a short time. You need to start training with the simplest teams, which are most easily given specifically to your cat, based on its individual characteristics and character traits.

How to train a cat?

Only after the animal has mastered the easy command is it worth moving on to the next, more complex one. It does not matter that, doing 5 minutes several times a day, your cat will learn the team for a week, or even longer. Worse, if you torment her with training for the whole day and get instead of the desired result, the animal’s persistent aversion to your exercises and a complete lack of desire to continue them.

Which cats can be trained?

It is believed that only certain breeds of animals are suitable for training. The most promising in this regard are Bengal cats. How to train such a pet? Are there any training features of this particular breed? Despite the fact that this breed is one of the most intelligent and susceptible to learning, there are no fundamental differences.

How to train an adult cat?

According to the results of training, trained Bengal cats are no different from ordinary purebred fluffies. The breed of the animal does not affect the learning process.

If you are interested in how to train a Scottish fold cat, then everything is more complicated. They give in to training not very well. And the point here is not a lack of intelligence, but the character traits of this breed. Well, they do not like to carry out commands, what can you do.

However, despite this, several fold and erect "Scots" are working in the Yuri Kuklachev Theater, which indicates the "hopelessness" of this breed in terms of training. If the owner of the “Scots” shows enough love and patience, then he can teach him some tricks.

Main teams

A four-legged pet can be taught to different teams. The most popular of these are the following exercises:

  • "Sit". It is necessary to show the animal an incentive in the form of a piece of food. When it comes up, raise your hand slightly. Thanks to the anatomical features, the cat will have to sit down to take a treat. At this point, you need to pronounce the team, and then praise.
  • "Stand". Many cats, begging for food, stand on their hind legs. Show the pet treat in the hand. When he comes up, a hand with a treat is raised higher. As soon as the animal rises to its hind legs, give a command and give a piece of food.
  • "Give me a paw." When the cat is sitting, they take its paw in the hand. It is squeezed slightly. You need to say a command in a calm voice. They release the paw, give a yummy. The action must be repeated repeatedly until the animal itself gives the foot on command.

The main thing is not to overexert the pet. If he loses interest in the occupation, he must be stopped. You should not insist. During training, the animal should be interested in refreshments and be rested. Especially successful will be classes when the pet wants to play.

How to learn to train a cat?


It is quite easy to teach a cat to jump on the “up” command from one piece of furniture to another. The main thing is that these objects are stable, and the pet is not afraid in the process of training.

Put the cat, for example, on a stool. On another object, for example, on a chair, put a piece of food. The cat will jump to the other side. At this time, they say the word "up". Then the pets are praised. Immediately put another piece on the chair. Again jump - team - praise. Then they make a fraudulent movement, as if they are putting a treat on the bedside table. The animal jumps, gives a command, and then gives a treat from the hand.

Hoop Jumping

A hula hoop or large hoop is placed in a conspicuous place so that the cat gets used to this item a few days before the start of training. Training begins, holding in one hand a hula-hoop in front of the animal, in the other - encouragement. They lure the pet with a piece of food, forcing them to go forward. Give a treat. If the cat bypasses the hoop on the side, treats are not given. When the pet learns to pass through the hoop stably, it is lifted, with each training session it is higher.

And the last thing you need to know about how to train cats. In no case should an animal be deceived. It should receive a reward for every trick performed, not only during training, but always. Even when the team is clearly learned.

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