Raspberry leaves before childbirth: how to brew and take it properly

In the third trimester, the expectant mother increasingly begins to think about how the birth will take place and what she can do to make it easier. There is no simple answer, as usual. It is necessary to eat right, spend a lot of time on the street and walk, but only if there are no contraindications to this. But whether you need to take special medications or herbs, only your attending gynecologist can answer.

However, today we want to narrow the topic of our conversation and talk about whether it is possible to brew raspberry leaves before childbirth. Why is this needed, what effect can be expected and are there any contraindications? We will talk about this and much more later in our article.

raspberry leaves before childbirth

Useful properties of plant materials

When we talk about tea with raspberries, we primarily remember about delicious berries or jam. However, it is raspberry leaves before childbirth that are ideal helpers for women. A simple and affordable tool for every summer resident contains a huge amount of nutrients. Here you have ascorbic acid and a complex of vitamins to increase immunity and improve the general condition of the body.

All this is very important in any period of our life, and especially during the bearing of the baby. However, these are not the most important properties, due to which many gynecologists recommend eating raspberry leaves before childbirth.

To start, attention, childbirth

Pregnancy is usually divided into three periods, three months each. The first six months, the baby grows and develops, and its birth is extremely undesirable, therefore, any drugs that stimulate the activity of the uterine muscles are canceled for this time. It is for this reason that raspberry leaves are prescribed only before childbirth, and until the 36th week they are not recommended to be consumed.

Before you start herbal medicine, it is very important to consult your gynecologist. Only he can determine the condition of the woman and the fetus, and, based on this, make a verdict - is there any need for special training.

raspberry leaves before childbirth how to brew

What determines the condition of the neck

Its maturity is due primarily to the necessary hormones, which are produced in the right amount. In particular, prostaglandins play a large role in this. They affect the contractile activity of the uterus. Well, if your hormonal background is in perfect order, then you will have an easy birth. If there is a certain malfunction, then doctors begin to use synthetic prostaglandins as assistants for the maturation of the neck and stimulants for its opening.

But many women want to give birth in a natural way, without emergency stimulation. Therefore, you need to think in advance about the preparation of your body. Here raspberry leaves will become good helpers. During pregnancy, before childbirth, they need to start drinking in advance, then you will get a good result, that is, a fairly easy process for the birth of a baby.

Why raspberry leaves

There are many medicinal plants that are used in gynecological practice. However, it is raspberry leaves that have a proven effective ability to prepare the cervix for childbirth. This is the most affordable tool. Let's take a closer look at the mechanism of its effect on the female body.

The complex of natural substances found in raspberry leaves stimulates uterine contractions. There is another important property due to which tea from raspberry leaves is widely used before childbirth. This drink softens the cervix. That is, it will open much faster, and this process will be less painful and traumatic for a woman. The use of such a drink minimizes the possibility of gaps during childbirth.

raspberry leaves during pregnancy before childbirth

First trick

When can I start drinking raspberry leaves during pregnancy? Before childbirth - this concept is quite broad, one of the mothers can begin to prepare for childbirth from the day of conception. Indeed, everything is very individual, so self-medication is extremely undesirable.

Before 30 weeks, you definitely can’t drink this drink. After this period, you can begin to brew a weak tea. While you should not rush things, it will be enough to drink one or two cups of weak infusion per day. After 36 weeks, you can already not be too shy. Now, whenever the birth begins, the baby will be born fully formed.

Usually, women who have experienced problems in the previous ones tend to start early to take a decoction of raspberry leaves before childbirth. However, remember that each time is individual. At the same time, it’s very difficult to say how everything goes. Rapid childbirth is not a rarity either, so we emphasize once again that you need to start taking the decoction with a small dose and use it warmly. Gradually, you can switch to a stronger and hot drink.

raspberry leaves before delivery reviews

Tea brew temperature

We touched directly on how to drink raspberry leaves before childbirth. Remember that hot tincture stimulates labor. This is the natural stimulation of the birth process, which is not always appropriate. Therefore, it is advisable to use a strong and hot broth only when you feel the approach of childbirth, after the mucous plug has come off. A thermos with infusion of raspberry leaves will help in the hospital, as it will significantly reduce the pain in childbirth.

The opinion of doctors

Many gynecologists themselves recommend using dried or fresh raspberry leaves before delivery. The broth extremely favorably affects the course of childbirth. However, doctors urge you to pay attention to the temperature of the drink. In this, official medicine is completely in solidarity with the opinion of phytotherapists. In a cold form, the raspberry infusion increases the elasticity of the muscles, that is, such a tool can very well be started to be used from the 30th week.

But warm tea with raspberries gives an impetus to the beginning of labor. And the hotter the broth, the stronger will be its effect. By the way, in the early stages of pregnancy, it can serve as an abortion.

decoction of raspberry leaves before childbirth

How to brew

It is very important for a pregnant woman to make tea correctly. In order to prepare a healing drink, you will need to prepare raw materials. It is advisable to collect leaves in spring or early summer. It is best to pick off the apical leaves - they contain the greatest amount of vitamins and active substances.

By the way, you can use not only dry, but also fresh raspberry leaves before childbirth. How to brew them we will now tell you. If you are going to brew a fresh leaf, then more raw materials will be required. Take a handful of leaves on a half-liter teapot, you do not need to grind them. Wash well, put in a teapot and pour boiling water. After about 15 minutes, you can drain the infusion. Now it is ready to eat.

Harvested pre-dried and chopped leaves can be poured into a convenient jar and tied with gauze. Making a drink from such raw materials is even easier. Just pour a teaspoon of powdered leaves with a glass of boiling water. It remains to wrap the teapot well and leave for 15 minutes. After this, strain the infusion.

These are two main ways to prepare a decoction of raspberry leaves before childbirth. The recipe is universal, you can use it after the baby is born.

raspberry leaf tea before birth

Safe dosage

Now let's go directly to how to drink raspberry leaves before childbirth. The scheme is approximate, because each organism is individual. Start with a small dosage and gradually increase it, observing the state of your body:

  • From the 30th week, it is recommended to include one glass of chilled drink in your daily diet. It is enough to drink it once a day.
  • From the 35th week you can slightly increase the temperature of the tea and drink it slightly warm.
  • Starting from the 37th week, you are completely ready for childbirth, your baby can be born at any moment. Now you can treat yourself to a glass of warm raspberry leaf tea twice a day .
  • Starting from the 38th week, it is already allowed to drink a warm broth in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, one glass each.
  • From the 39th week it is permissible to drink a glass of hot tea four times a day. You can continue taking until delivery. However, this does not negate the need for timely consultation with a specialist.

how to drink raspberry leaves before childbirth

Additional effects

The body of the expectant mother is somewhat weakened, so chronic diseases worsen, a woman is more often susceptible to colds and viral diseases. And raspberries can also have a number of other beneficial effects. In the early stages of pregnancy, you can drink tea with raspberries, it helps to eliminate nausea and vomiting.

At a later date, when it is already permissible to use raspberry leaves, it will help in the fight against a number of diseases of the digestive tract and iron deficiency anemia, as well as colds, especially if they have a viral nature.

The use of this tea is very useful for hypertension and heart problems, skin diseases, diabetes and diarrhea, as well as hemorrhoids.

Opinion of expectant mothers

Women who have recently become mothers and those who will have it in the near future, often discuss the topic of preparing the cervix for childbirth and stimulating labor activity at thematic forums. Any synthetic drugs are harmful to the body of the unborn baby. But you can safely take raspberry leaves before childbirth. Reviews about this, of course, are mixed. Some women claim that they drank this tea and gave birth very quickly and easily. Others survived all the delights of generic stimulation, despite the fact that they diligently drank fragrant raspberry tea. At the same time, it is not possible to check whether raspberries helped in the first case. However, the vast majority of women and treating doctors are still confident that the use of this drink directly affects the preparation of the cervix for childbirth.

After childbirth

If after birth you still have dry leaves, then you do not need to throw them away. They will serve you after the birth of the baby. Fragrant, aromatic tea stimulates lactation and is an excellent prophylactic against inflammatory diseases. In addition, it is an excellent source of vitamins and antioxidants, which are vital at this moment. Now you are not afraid of a miscarriage, and you can enjoy delicious tea as much as you like.

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