Care for cats - the subtleties and secrets

Usually caring for cats begins with combing. This is necessary for any pet, because the animal sheds, and dead coat must be removed. Of course, owners of shorthair cats need less effort to make the hair of the tailed minion look healthy and beautiful. They comb out 2 times a week, while their long-haired counterparts, this procedure is preferably carried out daily.

cat care

For combing use brushes with natural bristles, combs with metal teeth and furminators - modern comb-trimmers.

Cats are amazingly clean. They devote a lot of time to thoroughly cleaning their skins. However, this is not enough for complete hygiene, sometimes the cat should still be washed. This happens if the animal, for example, got dirty in something. It is also necessary to wash your pet before the show.

persian cats care

Caring for cats, of course, is not just about caring for the coat. It is required to regularly trim the pet's claws as they grow, using special tweezers or scissors. You should also monitor the condition of the oral cavity of the animal. If plaque appears on the teeth, you need to visit a veterinarian to have them cleaned.

cat care after sterilization

The necessary procedures that are included in basic cat care are ear cleaning and eye monitoring. The ears of the animal are cleaned with cotton buds, if they are very dirty, then a special solution should be used to clean the ears. Eyes, more precisely their corners, and tearful “paths” are treated with cotton swabs dipped in weak tea or boiled water.

Features of caring for animals of some breeds

It is known that Persian cats are especially difficult in this regard . Caring for them is not limited only to attentive attitude to thick and long hair. In addition, you need to monitor the condition of the eyes, because in view of the special structure of the muzzle, the lacrimal ducts are almost blocked , and the discharge from the eyes all remain outside. You need to clean them every day.

Caring for cats of the so-called “plush” breeds (British, Scottish) is complicated by the structure of the fur, which consists of two layers. Such animals need to be combed very well with a brush-pooderka on the wool and against it. For this procedure, you can use dry shampoo or a special grooming powder.

hairless cat bathing

Interestingly, hairless cats, despite the lack of fur, need careful care. Their skin releases a wax-like substance that supposedly protects it. To clean it, just wipe the animal with a wet sponge or hypoallergenic wet wipes. Periodically, these cats are washed.

Specialized care

There are periods in the life of an animal when it especially needs our care. For example, the sterilization operation performed, like any other surgical treatment technique, implies, in addition to the usual care, monitoring and treatment of the wound. Caring for a cat after sterilization begins with organizing a warm, dry place for her. It is better to use a box for these purposes. No pets are allowed on the couch, bed or chair. When the effect of anesthesia ends, the cat will try to get up and walk, it will fall from an elevation. The abdominal suture should be treated as the veterinarian says. Usually this is done twice a day, using a gauze towel moistened with peroxide.

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