Do I need a vaccination against a cat? Treatments for the disease

Even if the pet does not come into contact with other representatives of the flora and fauna, this does not mean that the pet cannot be infected with infectious or other diseases. However, many cat owners are afraid to vaccinate their pets, explaining that the introduction of a small dose of the virus under the skin of a pet can harm the cat's body. Ultimately, due to the lack of the necessary antibodies, tetrapods begin to suffer from various ailments, including lichen. In this case, do not close your eyes to the problem.

vaccination against depriving a cat

Is there a vaccine against depriving a cat? Yes, indeed today there are special drugs for the treatment of this disease. In addition, there are other ways that will save the pet from painful itching and loss of hair. First of all, it is worthwhile to figure out whether the vaccine given to the cat really will be effective against lichen. Let's consider this question in more detail.

Can a vaccine protect a four-legged pet from lichen?

If we talk about the effectiveness of vaccination against depriving a cat, then an injection will really help protect the animal from an extremely unpleasant and dangerous ailment. This type of vaccine is a special serum that is made on the basis of the blood of other animals. Also, its composition includes components that quickly destroy pathogenic and infectious bacteria.

By vaccinating the cat against lichen, the veterinarian introduces weakened and non-hazardous living embryos of a specific disease into the body of the animal. They begin to stimulate the body's cells, which produce specific antibodies that fight harmful bacteria. As a result, when the pet gets a real infection, its body will be ready to fight it, so it will not be able to infect the skin or internal organs of the animal.

is there a vaccine against depriving a cat

Therefore, if we talk about whether vaccination against depriving a cat is needed, it is nevertheless necessary to give preference to vaccination, which will help protect your beloved fluff. Such an injection is inexpensive, so it is available to every owner of a furry baby.

Vaccination against lichen cat: side effects

If we talk about the shortcomings, then any drug can cause an allergic reaction in the animal. However, this happens so rarely that risks are virtually eliminated. Sometimes after an injection, the animal may begin to behave strangely. Some pets have drowsiness and some apathy. Do not worry, as this is a normal reaction to an injection. After 24 hours, the animals return to normal. If your pet begins to feel sick, it is recommended that you call your veterinarian.

Duration of treatment for depriving

First of all, the doctor must make an appropriate diagnosis to the animal. If the disease is identified, then the veterinarian prescribes vaccines for the cat against lichen. As a rule, even with medical treatment, it will not be possible to quickly rid the pet of the disease. In addition, it all depends on how much skin is already affected by an unpleasant disease.

Do I need a vaccination against a cat

As a rule, it is possible to completely get rid of bald patches in about 2-3 months. In this case, it is imperative to follow all the doctor's prescriptions. If the lesion affects the deeper layers of the skin, the recovery process can last up to 6 months. Therefore, it is important to timely start to give the cat vaccinations against lichen. Otherwise, skin damage can go into a more complex stage. It is dangerous to the health of the animal.

The principle of drug treatment

Medical vaccination is considered the most effective method of getting rid of the disease. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews. Vaccination against a cat’s lichen is done by administering one of the most popular drugs: Polivak, Wakderm or Microderm.

The injections are given intramuscularly. Usually, 2-3 injections are made with a break of 10-14 days. As a rule, the first result is already visible on day 15. Subsequent treatment depends on how seriously affected the skin and coat. If bald patches do not heal, then vaccination is repeated.

vaccination against depriving a cat side effects

It is worth considering that it is strictly forbidden to give injections to pregnant or lactating cats. Also, do not vaccinate an animal that suffers from other diseases or fever.

Local treatment

If for one reason or another a cat cannot be given injections, then do not despair. In this case, use a special antifungal ointment or shampoos against lichen.

To make local treatment more effective, it is recommended to shave the animal. Long hair will prevent the penetration of ointment or other means into the skin of the pet, so for this time you will have to forget about beauty. In this case, it is imperative to dispose of each removed hair, as infectious bacteria may remain on it.

Also on sale you can find special sprays for lichen. Such tools are very convenient to use. At the same time, their composition does not include fatty components, so the pet will not stain furniture and things.

vaccination against lichen cat reviews

Processing is carried out at least 1 time in 7 days. If the purchased product is too expensive or its composition is in doubt, then you can use chlorhexidine.

Systemic therapeutic measures

When there is a deep skin lesion or purulent dermatitis has developed, then experts prescribe a more serious course of treatment. In this case, the cat is not only given intramuscular injections, the animal also needs to be given special pills that the doctor will prescribe. These antifungal drugs have a fairly effective effect on the causative agents of the disease.

It should be borne in mind that pregnant cats should not undergo systemic therapy. Also, some types of antifungal agents for internal use can cause an allergic reaction.

Additional recommendations

When treating a cat against lichen, preventive measures are needed that will protect the animal from the reappearance of a dangerous disease.

vaccination against depriving a cat effectiveness

It is worth adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Periodically treat with antifungal agents the surfaces on which the cat spends the most time. For this you can use ordinary detergents.
  • Before wet cleaning, it is recommended to thoroughly vacuum all the rooms in the apartment. The collected garbage is best burned.
  • Periodically disinfect the cat tray, drinking bowls and feeders. The litter for the pet also needs to be replaced in a timely manner with a new one.
  • During treatment, it is recommended to isolate the animal from people, especially if there are small children in the apartment who like to play with their pets. Pet is also not worth it.

Every effort must be made so that the fungus does not spread throughout the premises. Thus, the cat will get rid of an unpleasant illness much faster, and people will not get infected from it. We can safely say that vaccination against depriving a four-legged friend is simply necessary.

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