Botox during pregnancy: is it possible or not?

A woman, even during the period of carrying a baby, wants to be beautiful. Indeed, under the influence of hormonal changes in the body, not only irritability and general malaise may occur, but also withering of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles. At this exciting time for every expectant mother, a lot of questions arise. Many are interested in whether Botox can be injected during pregnancy, whether “beauty injections” will affect the fetus and mom herself, and when it is better to improve the appearance. Consider the features of the use of beauty injections during pregnancy.

How does Botox work?

How does Botox affect the body of a future mother?

Over the years, the effectiveness of even the most expensive anti-aging cream becomes less noticeable. That is why women decide on more radical measures - Botox or the so-called beauty injections. Its principle is that a small dose of botulism toxin is injected subcutaneously, which blocks the nerve endings of the muscles and ultimately leads to smoothing of wrinkles.

As a result of the procedure, the skin is noticeably tightened, crow's feet are effectively removed on the area around the eyes. The effectiveness of the procedure lasts for 4 months. Most modern women apply Botox regularly, as soon as age-related changes appear on the skin. This procedure also has one more plus - you can get rid of migraines. This effect is noted in the reviews of many ladies.

Efficiency and feature of the procedure

As a result of the introduction of Botox preparations in a small concentration, the muscles of the face are relaxed and the skin is noticeably tightened. After the first session, “crow's feet” are smoothed out around the eyes, the depth of the nasolabial folds decreases; the oval of the face becomes more clear and beautiful, wrinkles on the forehead are not so noticeable.

Features of rejuvenation with Botox:

  1. First, tests are given and a consultation is held with a cosmetologist who will perform the manipulation.
  2. Before the procedure, the skin is treated with an antiseptic and points are marked on the skin where injections will be administered.
  3. The injection site is cooled with ice and anesthetized with special gels.
  4. Next, the specialist using the device injects botulinum subcutaneously and treats the puncture site with antimicrobial agents.

Indications and contraindications

You are wondering if Botox can be injected during pregnancy, then you should familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications of “beauty injections”. Botox is indicated for use at the first manifestations of age-related changes on the skin. The procedure is carried out only once periodically, and the effectiveness lasts from 4 months to a year.

Contraindications to rejuvenation with Botox:

  • age - manipulation is carried out from 18 to 65 years;
  • HIV or AIDS;
  • the period after a recent surgery;
  • a stroke or heart attack;
  • hepatitis;
  • bleeding disorders or taking antibiotics that affect this process;
  • chronic diseases during exacerbation;
  • ARVI;
  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.

Botox and Pregnancy: Research

Do Botox do during pregnancy?

Modern women know firsthand what Botox is, and many speak positively about the effectiveness and efficiency of beauty injections. But scientists have not fully studied the effect of the drug on the body of the future mother, as well as the fetus. There is no definite answer whether Botox can be given during pregnancy. At the same time, experts were divided in their opinions.

Some believe that during this “vulnerable” period for every woman, manipulation is fraught with the appearance of a large number of side effects. Others, on the contrary, believe that Botox and pregnancy are completely compatible. They argue this with the fact that the botulinum toxin, which is administered subcutaneously, has a minimum concentration, and therefore can not affect the body of the expectant mother and her child.

No full-fledged scientific studies of the effects of Botox on the body of a pregnant woman have been conducted. There were experiments only on animals. They showed that injections containing large doses caused abortions, the development of various defects in the fetus and insufficient weight gain by the baby.

Is it possible to inject Botox during pregnancy planning?

Often a question arises in women regarding Botox during pregnancy, as well as during the planning period. Specialists here are unanimous in their opinion that it is possible to make beauty injections at the stage of pregnancy planning. They explain this by the fact that the drug does not have the ability to accumulate in the body, on the contrary, it is actively derived from it.

The only thing that experts recommend in order to protect both the future mother and the fetus is to do “beauty injections” at least a couple of months before the proposed conception. After all, it is important at this moment not to expose the body of the future mother to stress, which can adversely affect the future baby.

The influence of “beauty injections” on the body of a future mother

Do Botox injections during pregnancy?

Most experts are of the opinion that botox is not recommended during pregnancy.

Doctors have found that this method of rejuvenation can adversely affect the body of a future mother, namely:

  • the introduction of injections can lead to weakness and dizziness;
  • allergies in the form of cough, rash, swelling, runny nose, or itching are possible - women prone to allergic manifestations are especially prone to this reaction;
  • the development of side effects due to the fact that in the body of a pregnant woman there is a restructuring of the hormonal background;
  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • excitement and stress during injections (for some very painful) can be transmitted to the child.

How does Botox affect the fetus?

Is Botox possible during pregnancy?

Those experts who claim that Botox can be pricked during pregnancy cannot confirm their opinion with scientific research and facts. There have been no such examinations that could reveal how Botox affects the fetus. And on unborn babies will not be carried out. Experiments are possible only on animals.

Such studies showed that the offspring of a mother who was injected with large amounts of Botox appeared with significant deformities and malformations. This is not to say that the drug will have the same effect on the baby. Experts consider it unethical to indicate the possible effect of Botox on the fetus.

It is noted that the drug contains neurotoxin. He is by nature a pure poison and, falling into the blood of a future mother, will certainly penetrate the baby's circulatory system. Moreover, it is impossible to predict the further effect. It is believed that Botox will adversely affect the development of the baby’s nervous and cardiovascular system.

What is the danger of Botox during the period of gestation?

Can Botox be done during pregnancy?

Most experts answer the question of whether Botox can be used during pregnancy, categorically answer no. Despite advertisements or persuasions of friends, those women who want to give birth to a healthy baby are advised to give up beauty injections.

The danger lies in the fact that although the doses of the drug are minimal, it enters the blood of the mother, and accordingly the baby. This can adversely affect the process of laying the vital organs in the fetus. The manifestation of toxicosis due to the injected toxin may also increase. Despite the fact that morning sickness, especially in the first trimester, is a normal condition of a pregnant woman, toxicosis can be prolonged and painful.

Some experts note that beauty injections can cause a miscarriage, as the deterioration of the mother affects the baby. Botox also affects hormones and intestinal motility. For some, the drug causes a severe allergic reaction, so a woman can react violently to the smells of foods that previously did not cause such an effect.

There is no direct evidence that Botox causes premature birth during pregnancy. However, this process is so individual and unpredictable that any factor can cause delivery.

In addition, any injections during the period of bearing the baby are quite painful, which can cause stress in the expectant mother. Therefore, it is recommended to refrain from the rejuvenation procedure for 9 months.

Can I use Botox during early pregnancy?

How does Botox affect fetal development?

Almost all experts categorically do not recommend Botox injections in early pregnancy. Since it is during this period that the formation of the baby’s nervous system takes place and any effect of unexplored drugs can affect the child.

Also in the first trimester, the placenta in which the baby is located is not yet fully formed, so everything that enters the mother’s blood also receives the fetus.

Can I do Botox during pregnancy in the second and third trimester? This period is different in that the child is already practically formed, he is only gaining weight and increasing in size. But in the body of the expectant mother, special hormones are produced, so he can unexpectedly respond to the drug administered, although in small doses.

It is also not recommended to give Botox injections before childbirth, as this can cause premature delivery.

Botox for hair during pregnancy: is it possible or not?

Being in position, the future mother should especially carefully choose cosmetic preparations and minimize various procedures. This also applies to Botox for hair or eyelashes during the period of bearing the baby. Some foreign-made drugs are based on formaldehyde, a hazardous substance. Under the influence of a hair dryer, it evaporates, thereby its products enter the lungs. If a healthy person tolerates it quite easily, then the body of a pregnant woman may not cope.

Another feature of the procedure during pregnancy may be the lack of result. Efficiency may be low or will not last long on the hair, because pregnancy in each woman proceeds differently.

Can I use Botox while breastfeeding?

Many people have a question not only regarding the possibility of Botox during pregnancy, but also during breastfeeding. When breastfeeding, many experts do not recommend doing “beauty injections”.

This is explained by the fact that the drug does not stay in the body, but is excreted from it, including along with breast milk. Therefore, the baby will still receive his portion of toxins. That is why a woman is forbidden to use various medications and alcohol during lactation.

When is it possible?

Botox during pregnancy is it possible

Having become acquainted with whether Botox is done during pregnancy and why, the question arises - and when it is already possible to carry out the rejuvenation procedure. Many experts are inclined to believe that “beauty injections” can be done eight months after the birth of the baby, provided that he is not breast-fed. If the baby eats mother’s milk, it is better to postpone the Botox rejuvenation procedure until he reaches 2 years of age.

It is during this period that the mother’s body is restored, immunity is strengthened and various manipulations can be carried out. In addition, in this way, negative consequences and the development of side effects can be minimized.

Alternative methods

Having answered negatively to the question, can Botox during pregnancy, many women are interested in alternative methods of rejuvenation during this period. After all, pregnancy does not mean that you need to abandon all cosmetic procedures aimed at improving the condition of the skin and rejuvenation.

The most popular tool that can improve the appearance of a future mother, besides harmless, is a decoction of chamomile. It is used in the form of a lotion and is wiped on the face and décolleté area twice a day. You can also make cucumber or egg masks. For deep cleansing, it is recommended to use oatmeal scrubs with sour cream. These home treatments can partially replace peeling.

One of the most effective home-use methods for rejuvenation is a mask consisting of starch and gelatin. These procedures using natural means will not adversely affect the body of the future mother and child.

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