Mid-Autumn Festival Scenario

Autumn time is a harvest, a meeting of warm rain and Indian summers, saturation with bright colors and a sign that very soon our world will be enveloped in snow and cold, so it's time to prepare for the cold and enjoy the beautiful weather. That is why schools every year hold special celebrations so that children see the beauty of the colorful season. In this article we will share the scenario of the autumn holiday in the middle group of kindergarten, we will talk about fascinating contests and original outfits.

autumn holiday in the middle group

Brief scenario of the event

The middle group, as a rule, includes children from 4 to 6 years. This is the most “convenient” age for educators, since all the kids already play with interest, understand the tasks and participate in competitions. Let's look at a short scenario of the autumn holiday in the middle group:

  • Collection time. While the teacher prepares the children according to a given plan, parents gather in the assembly hall, sit on chairs and prepare for viewing.
  • The beginning of the celebration. Golden Autumn and her several helpers, mushroom pickers, who came to the festival with gifts and assignments, appear on the scene.
  • Competitions and dances. At the autumn festival in the middle group, there must be present entertaining tasks, so that the children have an impression for the whole year.
  • Gift Time. Golden Autumn, like a real Santa Claus, did not come empty-handed to the celebration. She gives each kid a thematic prize.
  • Tea party Well, and what kind of event is held without a real buffet or fair, where children and their parents can enjoy fragrant pies, fruits and berry drinks.
    autumn holiday for children of the middle group

We collect guests

Best of all, if parents will attend the celebration, because it is so important for children that their efforts be appreciated. Otherwise, what is the point that mom and dad are forced to learn a hateful verse for several weeks, then to read it monotonously in the circle of the same kids.

Guests need to sit in front of the stage so that they do not interfere with the performance and the holiday. The main feature of such events is that according to the scenario of the autumn holiday, parents can be involved in the middle group. For example, so that children give them handmade crafts or engage in dance.

Event start

Golden Autumn in a colorful outfit enters the scene, and behind it two mushroom pickers running with funny hats. Educators, dressed up in themed costumes, announce the beginning of the holiday and read several poems. In the classic scenarios of the autumn festival in the middle group, you can notice how the children are put in a row and they begin to tell quatrains, but this is different from modern times. If you want to cheer the kids, it is best that the children can be active from the very beginning of the holiday.

The main task of educators is to intrigue the kids so that they do not hesitate to participate in competitions and games. From the very beginning, you can give children tasks: paint the general craft, collect as many mushrooms that the mushroom pickers sprinkled, help create beautiful leaves to decorate Golden Autumn.

golden autumn festival in the middle group

Competition program

The fall holiday in the middle group is a fun event, because the children here are active, joyful and receptive. They are happy to carry out tasks according to the script and rally into a single team. But what competitions are suitable for children from 4 to 6 years old?

  • "Autumn, show yourself!" On the stage in front of the audience is a large sheet of paper - whatman paper. The mushroom picker takes out paints, glue, paper, scissors, threads and other attributes. The main task of the children is to create an autumn face in 5-10 minutes using all the equipment they want. To increase competition at the autumn festival in the middle group in the garden, you can divide the children into two teams and entrust them with this task. The team that has time to make the main features of the face - eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hair - wins.
  • "Dress Up!". The task of the teams is to use attributes and create a unique outfit. They can use tulle, herbarium, ribbons and ropes, scarves and hats with scarves, and even toilet paper to create a mummy look.

Gift Time

How to surprise modern children at the fall festival in kindergarten (middle group) if they grow up among the Internet, gadgets and cartoons. For many children, aged 4 to 6 years, reading a lot of poems and singing songs forty years ago is boring and uninteresting. In order to come up with original gifts and surprise the kids, you must necessarily connect your parents.

The most favorite gift for children at the autumn festival in the middle group is animators in the clothes of their favorite and popular cartoon characters. For example, today children love Fixikov, although until recently they were ready to take photos with the famous Bear and Masha for hours.

dancing for the fall festival in the middle group

No less pleasant will be to create original fruit baskets, which indicates a good harvest. So the children will learn how to navigate in the seasons, and the holiday of golden autumn in the middle group will be associated with the collection of fruits and vegetables, rather than with watching cartoons and regular gadgets.

Tea party

According to the scenario of the holiday in the middle group, golden autumn should cause thematic associations. For example, if winter is a time for sledges and snowballs for children, then in the autumn you need to organize fairs, enjoy aromatic fruits and drink hot tea and pies.

Tea drinking will help to achieve this effect, besides that it can be more fun than making cookies or jam with parents for the sake of the autumn fair. And if parents worry about the health of their children, then they can order delicious dishes from local chefs who comply with all sanitary standards.

Hall decoration

Another interesting task that the children will definitely like: divide the group into several teams, give them scissors and colored paper. The task is for the children to cut out as many autumn leaves as possible, and then let them pass through the thread. The resulting garland can be hung on a window in a group or decorate an assembly hall with it.

autumn festival in the garden in the middle group

Everything should correspond to the holiday in order to bring the children as close as possible to the autumn season. Set baskets with artificial fruits and vegetables, hang herbariums, set ikebans, hold out electric candles. Ways to decorate a celebration hall:

  • If the children perform on a high stage, then along it on the floor you can place a flower herbarium. As a rule, artificial flowers are used for this. Firstly, they are practical and do not crumble. Secondly, they can be used for several years in a row. Thirdly, the design is disassembled and from it you can make inscriptions or decorate, for example, a piano.
  • Be sure to make an inscription of leaves or flowers. You can simply designate the holiday with the letters “O” and “Z”, or you can create a whole word on the entire wall.
  • Put some tables on the stage to create a semblance of an autumn fair. Plant a couple of mushroom pickers for them, put cakes, glasses, fruit baskets, tea - this will be useful for tea drinking at the end of the celebration, and will also serve as an excellent thematic decoration.

What to wear, what outfits to choose

The most popular outfit on the theme of "golden autumn" for girls is a yellow, red or orange dress decorated with leaves. Boys can also be dressed in a colorful suit, dressed in multi-colored leaflets. The main task is to show creativity and originality. To do this, educators can cheer on parents and children by telling them that at the end of the autumn holiday the best costumes will be chosen, and the winners will receive pleasant surprises.

middle-aged fall festival script

  • Mushroom. Dress your baby in a funny costume so that he has a big hat resembling a mushroom. At production it is possible to use foam rubber which perfectly holds a form.
  • A huge flower wreath on his head. Weave a multi-colored wreath and make your baby a real autumn princess.
  • Butterfly or Fairy. Remember the cartoon about Peter Pan, where the fairies had green dresses that resembled the color of a forest. And do not forget about openwork wings, which can be made of wire and colored tape.

What dishes to cook at the fair

Do not be afraid to force your parents to participate in competitions, because it costs nothing once a year to cook a delicious meal with your child. This will help to introduce children to culture, culinary, and the seasons of the year. For everything to be honest and fair, responsibilities must be divided. For example, someone makes a compote for all the kids, and someone makes pies, while others make tasty cookies or collect baskets of fragrant fruits.

  • Sweet pie. Instead of classic fruits and berries, you can use jam or jam. It’s easy to make a pie - it’s enough to knead the yeast dough, although for the especially lazy, a ready-made flour product is sold, which is just rolled out and put in the oven to bake.
  • Gingerbread cookies with nuts. Specify in advance whether children are allergic to any product so that no one is left out.
  • Fruit and berry basket. In order for all children to get fresh products, it is necessary to take care of an equal amount of ingredients in advance. For example, put one apple, banana and one sprig of grapes in small baskets.
    autumn festival in kindergarten middle group

Choosing themed gifts for children

Many parents ask themselves: "What should I give my children for the fall holiday?" So that none of the kids was deprived, gifts must be chosen the same for each of them. At the same time, guided by a simple rule: either everyone gets it, or nobody. So we can create equal rights among the younger generation and not infringe on the guys. But what gifts can I choose?

You can follow the rules of the New Year, when Santa Claus hands a bag of sweets. In the autumn season, collecting small bags of candied cranberries, banana chips and dried apricots in chocolate is not difficult. It is also not forbidden to give soft toys. For example, the girls are small forest fairies, and the boys are brown bears. In any case, the children will be happy even with a simple bag of apples and oranges, because this is a present from the Golden Autumn - the queen of colors, crops and a unique landscape.

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