Dog food rating. Dry Dog Food Rating

Currently, hundreds of different types of dry and wet dog foods are produced in the world. In Russia, only the most budget options are known. This is due to the fact that the Russian people are not ready to pay big money for high-quality feed, preferring to choose the most profitable and advertised in the media. It is such a mistake in most cases leads to the approximation of the death of the pet.

How to choose a good feed

First of all, you need to look at the percentage of ingredients. The highest mass products are indicated at the top of the list, and then descending. Many feeds bribe with a large number of ingredients, but you should know that chicken flour and chicken fillet are one product, not two. Their separation is already evidence of the trick of the manufacturer.

dog food rating

Brown rice is recommended, as it is much more nutritious and healthier than white. Some manufacturers violate the rules laid down in the law on compiling a list of ingredients and write any products first, even if they are by weight at the very end. That is why it is recommended to purchase those feeds that indicate the weight of a food element. It is important that the top three ingredients include at least one type of meat.

Dry feed. Super premium

Despite the significant high cost, such food for dogs is the best option. Super-premium products are distinguished not only by the quality of natural ingredients, but also by manufacturing technology. Such food is easily absorbed due to the balanced composition, which means it is especially useful for animals. In addition, it is enriched with natural vitamins and minerals.

Innova EVO is the best dog food. The rating of the most useful dry foods for pets is headed by this one, since its main ingredients are refined raw meat of two types at once: turkey and chicken. Also, the composition includes more than a dozen vegetables and fruits, fish concentrate and herbs useful for digestion.

dry dog ​​food rating

As for minerals and vitamins, their variability is striking: choline, beta-carotene, calcium, folic acid, phosphorus, thiamine, iron, riboflavin, potassium, copper, biotin, sodium, betaine, cobalt and many others.

The dog food rating also includes Orijen. This is a very high-calorie protein product with a large supply of fruits and fats. The main ingredients of the feed are fresh chicken, turkey, potatoes, fish meat, eggs, bird oil, anchovies, seaweed. This product is enriched with trace elements such as vitamin E and A, thiamine, iron, zinc and many others.

Further, the rating of dry food for dogs of super-premium class is presented by the following well-known brands: Go Natural, Artemis, Acana. According to the composition of probiotics, the line of the American company Canidae stands out.

Dry feed. Premium

The composition of such food contains only natural products in a small percentage equivalent. Nevertheless, these feeds do not harm health, which means that they are allowed for use. Meat products in them are presented in the form of flour.

The rating of dry food for premium dogs is led by the Adult line from Canadian producer Acana.

dog food rating 2014

The composition of the product includes fresh chicken flour, brown rice, bird oil, peas, salmon, eggs, carrots, apples, algae, as well as cranberries, alfalfa, turnips, fennel, calendula and other plant components.

Second place in the ranking is occupied by the Swedish feed line Bozita Robur. Here, the basis is chicken and cornmeal. The fish product is presented as a concentrate. The composition also includes eggs, animal fat, vegetable fiber, hemoglobin, potato protein, omega acids and other useful elements.

Closes this rating of dog food product from the brand Diamond Naturals. It captivates with a high content of flour from natural lamb meat.

Dry feed. Economy

In the cheapest products, meat and fish products are absent. They are dominated by bran, millet and animal waste in the form of a powder. In economic feeds, so-called meat ingredients use ground giblets, hooves and feathers. In the best case, a certain percentage of powder from natural bones will be present in the composition.

Such food is strictly contraindicated for pets, as it contributes to the development of diseases of the stomach, intestines, urinary tract and kidneys, in general, negatively affects almost all internal organs of the pet. Some animals do live on such food for a long time, getting used to it, but this is rather the exception.

dog food rating 2013

The ranking of economy food for dogs is led by the brands 1st Choice and Belcando. The first manufacturer is from Canada, and the second is from Germany. These feeds are at least somehow suitable for the daily diet of the dog. They include ingredients such as cornmeal, chicken powder extract, dried vegetables, fruits, and herbs.

It is also worth highlighting some of the Pro Plan brand lines, for example, Adult and Large. All other dry foods for animal consumption, according to many veterinarians, are contraindicated, including Chappi and Pedigree.

Wet feed. Super premium

This type of food for animals is made in the form of canned food. The name of the feed is due to the fact that 75% of it is moisture. This product is very high-calorie and fatty, so its choice should be given special attention. Low-quality canned foods will be poorly digested due to various additives and concentrates.

It is worth noting that he headed the rating of dog food in 2014 from a well-known brand of Hills. It includes not only natural meat products and vegetables, but also purified fish concentrate, fruits and cereals. The Hills product line is also enriched with beneficial antioxidants and an omega-3 component.

wet dog rating

Slightly lower in quality in the ranking are the feeds of brands such as Eukanuba and Happy Dog. It is noteworthy that the latter includes meat, heart and calf liver.

Wet feed. Medium

Medium-quality pet foods are markedly different from the super-premium class, but they are not harmful to dogs. They do not include dyes, artificial flavors, chemical impurities and additives, flavoring concentrates, so negatively affecting the internal organs of pets.

The rating of wet dog foods is primarily represented by the Bozita product line. These canned food contains whole pieces of dietary meat only from chicken, turkey, deer, and elk. Some types of Bosita include salmon. Nutritious cubes of meat and vegetables are mixed with natural broth based jelly.

Also among the products of the medium class can distinguish feed from Darling. Especially useful for dogs is a line of products with pieces of liver.

Diet food

Animals, like humans, often suffer from allergic reactions, diabetes, liver or kidney failure, indigestion, and ulcers. In this case, conventional feed is strictly contraindicated for pets. Preference should be given to special dietary products.

best dog food rating

The 2013–2014 dog food rating shows that Royal Canin, with its Hypoallergenic DR line, is the leader among manufacturers of hypoallergenic food. This product is approved for both disease prevention and daily use. It consists of Omega-3, plant fiber, biotin, panthenolic acid, natural protein, and with another fifty useful substances.

For dogs with gastrointestinal problems, the best option would be Hills Prescription Diet and Purina Veterinary Diets. Among the advantages of the former, one can single out the presence of a high concentrate of ground rice, poultry meat, and cellulose. But the second part includes a large amount of omega-6 and potassium.


This class of quality is the highest possible. Food is not just a set of ingredients, but a complete harmonious product. It stimulates the body of the animal to self-healing, improving the immune system several times. Nevertheless, when choosing holistic feed, one should take into account the preferences of the pet. Products of this class are shown to animals with idiosyncrasy, allergies, indigestion, and pruritus.

dog food rating holistic

In recent years, the rating of dog food for the holistic class has been steadily led by the Legacy Valuing Tradition. Among its advantages, the presence of lamb, chicken and salmon in the dehydrated meat can be distinguished. Also, the product contains only premium grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, probiotics, herbs, glucosamine and dozens of mineral microcomponents.

Of the rest of the feed feeds, products from Grandorf Sensitive and FirstMate are recommended for availability and cost.

Useful Tips

  • Meat products, proteins and fats must be identified in the list of ingredients. The use of common words such as "bird", "animal", etc. is not allowed.
  • The choice should be based on the rating of dog food.
  • The composition must include vegetables and fruits. Cereals can only be kept in whole form.
  • It is recommended to avoid feeds with crude protein and various artificial additives.

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