The cat stopped going to the tray - what should I do? How to choose a cat tray? Cat Psychologist Tips

Often, pet owners notice that the cat has stopped walking in the tray. What to do in this case? How to re-teach a pet "to the place"? For what reasons can this happen? You can find answers to these and many other questions in the article.

The cat stopped going to the tray. What to do?

Of course, you can refer to the fact that the kitty simply harbored a grudge against one of the family members and thus avenged. But veterinarians can say a lot more about why the cat stopped walking in the tray. What to do in this case? Run to the vet or psychologist? Or maybe try to independently understand the cause of capricious behavior? After all, stress in a cat is not so rare.

feline psychologist

It is clear that no owner will like it when a beloved pet suddenly begins to crap in the wrong places. For one person, this will result in serious discomfort, which can drag on indefinitely. And the other will simply prefer to get rid of the pet, not understanding the reason for this behavior. Unfortunately, the second option is more common. It is clear that dirty carpets, washing corners, washing furniture and, of course, an unbearable smell will sooner or later tire anyone, even the most patient person. Therefore, it is so important to understand why the cat stopped going to the tray and what to do about it.

Try to understand your pet

A sharp change in the behavior of a pet always has a justification. A young kitten, who just yesterday regularly went to his toilet, will not be so easy to spoil in the wrong place. This is not characteristic of clean animals. Moreover, even the most experienced specialists and imported products will not help to wean the animal, unless the reason is clarified.

Most often this is stress. Feline psychologists are inclined to believe that a pet, like any other member of the family, can worry about its owners, sympathize and experience various emotions. They are afraid, jealous, worried about quarrels or abuse and intuitively feel - it is not surprising that even the most adult and well-bred cat stops going to the tray.

cat litter

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the source of feline experiences. And only then - to accustom the pet "to the place." It is clear that no one will like it when a cat goes to the toilet, anywhere. But you can’t get excited and poke your nose - this can only aggravate the situation.

The reason is animal instincts

A cat is just a domesticated wild animal, so typical instincts are also characteristic of her. It is possible that the pet thus marks its territory, claiming rights to it. A special secret is secreted by the glands located between the fingers and around the lips. During the breeding season, its intensity increases. Moreover, traces can be found in urine. Surely you have repeatedly paid attention to how a cat approaches a corner, furniture or any other object, lifts its tail and slightly shakes it. This is how an animal marks its territory. This will confirm any feline psychologist.

cat stress


Too dirty or too clean a large tray for cats can be the cause of such "shkodnichestva". Cats are naturally clean animals. Therefore, a too dirty toilet will probably interrupt the desire to go there. Empty the tray, wash it well, fill it with a dry toilet mixture or cover it with a clean diaper. Do not forget about the place around the toilet - it should also be clean.

It happens and vice versa. You decided to wash the pet’s toilet to shine and you succeeded - the kitten tray shines clean. But the trouble is - the pet does not want to go there. And all because he does not feel his smell. And this means that this is not its territory. Remember that it is impossible to wash cat trays with chemicals. It is possible only if these are special mixtures.

the cat stopped going to the tray what to do

Physical reasons

You bought a brand new kitten tray. Large, with high sides, with paws on the sides and a soft diaper inside. The toilet for the cat is ideally matched to the color of the tile and harmoniously fits into the interior. But only the pet for some reason categorically refuses to use it for its intended purpose. How to understand a cat? No way. Just replace the tray with the old one. Or buy a new one, but as simple and convenient as possible.

Cat toilet filler also plays a big role. Today in specialized stores there are a wide variety of types of cat litter. Pressed, wood, mineral, etc. It is quite possible that the new filler for the toilet for cats did not suit the pet's taste, so he began to spoil where this can not be done.

The location of the toilet is another factor that affects the behavior of the animal. Suppose you made repairs in the house and the usual place for the cat was relocated to another room or to another place. Surely the pet will be confused and refuse to go to the tray.

kitty tray

Psychological problems

There are many options here, starting from the negative situation in the house and ending exclusively with the psychological problems of the animal itself. First of all, pay attention to the behavior of the pet. If he doesn’t just go to the toilet for a luxurious leather sofa, but literally marks every corner - it’s quite possible that your kitty has become quite adult and she urgently needs a partner. In this case, if you do not plan to knit an animal, consult your veterinarian. Now there are many safe herbal preparations that suppress animal instincts. By the way, there is also a special spray to teach a kitten to the tray.

Jealousy is another factor that can affect an animal’s behavior. Suppose a small kitten appears in your house. It is clear that an older animal will begin to be jealous of its owners for an uninvited guest. Going to the toilet in the wrong place is a great opportunity to demonstrate your dissatisfaction.

Hidden anger

Cats are still comrades. With anger at a person, they are sometimes capable of much. It only seems to you that you deservedly scolded your pet for wrongdoing. In his world, you treated him unfairly, hitting the deepest and most powerful feelings. Therefore, wet slippers and wallpaper in the corner - the result of your attitude towards the animal.

Try to ask your cat for forgiveness. What if it helps? Often cats shit if there is another animal at home (for example, a dog). The appearance of a baby, by the way, can also affect a cat’s unscrupulous behavior.

cat goes to the toilet anywhere

Physiological problems

Not always the reason for rejecting the tray lies in the psychology of cats. There are ordinary health problems that affect the behavior of the animal. It is important to understand the nature of such a change. Suppose your pet walked into the tray regularly for several years and didn’t differ in such behavior. But lately something strange has begun to happen:

  • The pet suddenly decided that the tray was not suitable for serious business. But the puddles in the house are not visible.
  • The cat goes to the toilet near the tray and buries its affairs with an imaginary filler.
  • The cat defiantly jumps on the furniture and makes a puddle right in front of the owner.

If something like this happens more than 2-3 times, you should show the animal to the veterinarian. Cat toilet problems can cause some illnesses.

Diseases of cats, and how it relates to the tray

There are a lot of ways and means that will help to teach an animal to shit in the same place. For example, in a pet store you can buy a special spray to teach a kitten to a tray. But if we are already talking about an adult animal whose behavior has changed for no apparent reason, it is worth considering whether everything is in order with the health of the pet. There are some diseases that can affect the animal’s toilet:

  1. Elementary urinary incontinence. It often develops after sterilization as a complication. It is not difficult to determine the pathology - puddles remain in the place where the cat slept or sat. The disease also develops after spinal injuries or chronic inflammation of the kidneys.
  2. Atony. Most often, this pathology has an age-related nature of origin. In fact, the animal’s bladder turns into a bag with soft walls. As a result, urine fills it completely and leaves under natural pressure.
  3. Cystitis. The disease is characterized by urine mixed with blood. The cat wants to go to the toilet, but can not and at the same time experiences acute pain.
  4. Urolithiasis, which occurs in cats quite often.

Therefore, if you have not found psychological aspects that can affect the specific behavior of the animal, you should consult a doctor.

how to understand a cat

What to do if the cat has stopped walking in the tray?

And now it's worth mentioning the heaps that your pet leaves. Among the most common diseases, the following pathologies can be distinguished:

  • Diarrhea. Even a person knows this "heart-sinking feeling" when the body literally stops listening. Motivation trainers have one good expression - if you want to use the toilet, nothing will stop you on the way to it. A parallel can also be drawn between humans and animals - if your pet has diarrhea, you can’t run to the tray.
  • Severe vomiting can cause partial bowel movements.
  • Blockage of the anus. A common reason why heaps are formed on the carpet. At the same time, the animal experiences far from the most pleasant sensations. Itching under the tail causes the cat to crawl on the floor with a causal place.
  • Inflammation of the anus. This is the result of the previous state, only in a more acute form. To itching and severe pain during bowel movement, monotonous pain is also added. As a result, the cat begins to avoid the tray because it brings discomfort.

There is another reason why your pet suddenly stopped going to the tray. Clipped Claws. Yes exactly. It is painful for a pet to step with its unprotected paws on the filler.

How to re-accustom the animal to the toilet?

First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of this behavior and eliminate it. Only then can the behavior of the animal be corrected. You need to be patient. If the cause of unscrupulous behavior has become a disease, it is advisable to change the tray, as the old one will cause fear.

Ask your pet store consultant about cat litter with fragrance. Pay attention to the spray Ms Kiss. It has special properties that help to accustom your pet to the tray.

Do not forget about the psychological aspect. Praise your pet more often, if he has done his job in the right place, give treats, pamper. If possible, put the tray in the place where the cat used to walk.

spray ms kiss

What if the cat encroached on the holy?

There are situations (and quite often) when a pet begins to crap where he is not supposed to do it at all. Sink in the bathroom, toilet. You can’t let everything go by itself. In the end, this tailed prankster must know her place in the house. The reasons may be different:

  • Competition. If there are several cats or other animals living in your house who have to share a toilet, then the cat is likely to be among the first to go in search of another, more secluded place, which, in her opinion, is ideal for coping. Feline psychologists advise keeping a separate tray and one spare for each pet. That is, 2 cats should have three trays.
  • A cat can go to its tray in a big way, and to a human one - to cope with small needs. In this case, you just need to put up and please your pet with another large cat tray. By the way, this trait indicates excessive cleanliness of the pet.

Even if you still do not know what is the reason for this behavior, do not despair. To get started, just try to understand your pet. Although no one will tell you how to understand a cat. After all, this animal is wayward and capricious, but at the same time affectionate and obedient, if you find a common language with it. Give your pet confidence and care, let him feel like a full member of the family - then minor problems (in the form of a puddle in the most prominent place) will disappear by themselves.

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