Cute cats - how to choose your pet?

How nice it is to come home after work to see the affectionate face of your beloved cat, which is fond of and needs attention! Many now have such a favorite in the house, but someone has more than one. How do we choose our pet? What do we pay attention to first of all? Let's try to understand what they are - the cutest cats.

What breeds of cats are considered the cutest?

What is the criterion of "mercy" now valid for people when buying pets? And in general, is it advisable to divide the kittens into cute and ordinary? In fact, it all depends on the owner who makes the purchase, on his habits and tastes. But still, you can try to figure out what cute cats are now in price.

Scottish - baby with yellow eyes

One of the criteria for grace is the appearance of the cat. One of the cutest breeds is Scottish. This is a cat whose ears are bent forward and down, that is, it looks a bit like a small child with yellow eyes. It can be of various shades: from blue to the color of the turtle.

cute cats

The character of this cat is balanced, she is very attached to the house and the owner, not capricious. However, her voice is slightly different from the voice of ordinary cats: it is creaky and, one might say, low.

This cat is sleeping very cute. She does not curl up at your feet, she will climb onto the sofa, fall apart at her full length and lie on her back. Another feature of the breed is that the Scottish people are afraid of noise. These cute cats are happy to play with children, but if a vacuum cleaner appears in sight, they will no longer be visible.

Russian blue - grace and frivolity

Another most unpredictable and cute cat is the Russian blue. Her character is distinguished by such inconstancy, which is unlikely for others. She can sit with her head held high on your favorite dress lying on a chair, and literally a second later chase a fly that did not fly over her ear in time. Russian blue loves to sleep on the bed with the owners, and she does not care what you think about it.

Unlike the Scottish women, she is very moody. If you pamper her, the blue cat can, as they say, sit on your neck and hang your legs. But in general, the character depends on the education that she will receive. This breed is very smart and easy to train, it does not need to explain something twice. If you choose her, then you will have a cat with cute eyes and a strong temperament. Because the color of the eyes of such a pet varies from light green to bright green.

cat with cute eyes

How to choose your pet?

So, we sorted out the two cutest breeds, according to most people, but now is the time to talk about how to choose your pet. There are several rules that will help you make the right choice.

  1. Pay special attention to the place where you are going to buy a cat. There are several options: a special nursery, a pet store, an ad purchase in a newspaper or on the Internet. It is important to buy a pet from good people so that there is no deception, for example, when one breed is given out for another, more expensive.
  2. The baby's age must be at least 3 months, so that he is already accustomed to plain milk and other foods. Little kittens require more care than adults.
  3. The kitten should be active and cheerful at 3 months. Check this to make sure he is not sick.
  4. Look at the ears. If they are clean and without pus, then the kitten is healthy.
  5. And the last: when buying, ask for a pet veterinary passport , where vaccinations made and other information will be indicated.

To summarize

So, we figured out what kind of cute cats there are, how to choose your pet and not make a mistake. Of course, it can sometimes be difficult to determine one’s preferences. The cutest cats (photos of some of them are presented in the article) captivate with their beauty, so I want to take everyone home right away. Take your time. Take a closer look at them, find out about their character. So you can consciously make your choice.

cute cats photo

In general, having arrived at the pet store and looking at some playful kittens, you will recognize your pet by its eyes and eyes. So you will immediately understand who you need.

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