How to treat lichen in cats? Ask the vet!

How to treat lichen in cats? This question often worries the owners. I believe that only a veterinarian can give an answer to this question. Of course, there are many folk ways, but lichen is a dangerous disease. Untested methods can eliminate only external manifestations, but not cure the disease. And this is dangerous for the animal, and for those who communicate with him. Therefore, if you discover lichen in your pet, do not waste time, do not torment the animal, but immediately go to a good veterinarian.

how to treat lichen in cats

What does cat lichen look like

It is very easy to distinguish in appearance. In affected animals, first in some places the hair begins to break and crumble. Already during this period, you need to think about why this is happening, is it time to turn to a specialist. The doctor will tell you how to treat lichen in cats, prescribe the necessary medicines. If you do not start treatment, small spots quickly increase in size, the hair falls out more and more. Fully bald spots appear, which occupy an increasingly large area. Bare skin begins to burst and bleed. Cats are worried about severe itching, and they comb the affected areas. At this time, it’s too late to decide how to treat lichen in cats, it is time to urgently take action. Sometimes lichen from animals is transmitted to humans. Just do not confuse ringworm transmitted from animals and white lichen (photo), which most often occurs due to a lack of ultraviolet radiation and a violation of vitamin metabolism.

How to treat lichen in cats?

what does cat lichen look like

As already mentioned, a lichen should be treated by a veterinarian. If for some reason it is not possible to provide the animal with medical care, you can try to cure it yourself. Begin several times a day to treat the affected area with ointments "Mycoseptin", "Clotrimazole", as well as the vaccines "Wackderm", "Microderm" or the like. Typically, these vaccines are given to cats two times in a row, but an uncontrolled vaccination can simply kill a pet. You can treat the animal with a spray called Bioparox. These drugs relieve unpleasant symptoms, relieve itching, but can not completely cure the disease. Therefore, the cat will still have to be referred to a doctor. Moreover, the faster this happens, the better the animal will be. All objects that were in contact with a pet, everything that she touched, should be thoroughly treated with disinfectant solutions. It can be chlorhexidine or a bleach solution. The diseased pet should be completely isolated, its contacts with children are especially undesirable. It is possible to determine whether the lichen is completely cured only by passing tests (seeding). It should be remembered: healthy animals perfectly resist infection. The presence of ringworm is a signal that the cat has a very weakened immune system and, most likely, there are diseases of the internal organs.

white lichen photo

If a person is infected

Having noticed the first signs of ringworm in a person, he should be urgently sent to a dermatologist. He will prescribe an analysis (seeding), which will show which particular parasite caused the disease. Treatment should take place under mandatory medical supervision and be accompanied by strict compliance with hygiene rules. All contacts with other people during treatment should be excluded.

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