People love holidays, because a holiday is always a day off. Unfortunately, not everyone knows what this or that red day of the calendar means . On June 12, 1994, another significant day was born for our country - Russia Day. This is the new and youngest holiday for the state.
Day of adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia
Not everyone knows, but the Day of Russia used to have a different name. In official documents, this day was listed as the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia. In the summer of 1994, the head of government signed a decree on the creation of a holiday of national importance.
The Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia was adopted in June 1990. Of the 929 deputies, 907 people voted for the adoption of the document, 9 abstained, and only 13 were against it.
Innovations of the Declaration
The adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia created many innovations in the state and legal system of the state. After signing the document, the RSFSR could decide both state and public issues independently. The Declaration established equal rights that are now enjoyed by citizens and all organizations, as well as parties. The branches of government were now divided into: legislative, judicial and executive. The question arose of expanding the powers and rights of the republics, territories and regions of the RSFRS.
The adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia (date - 06/12/1994) had its own characteristics. So, the document completely lacked an economic component. There were no projects in the field of economics, state ownership, and the monetary system.
The declaration became a document of political struggle, a step against the government of the USSR.
At the same time, presidential elections were held. Their peculiarity was openness and popular character. The victory was won by B.N. Yeltsin.
Another event of this time was a change in the name of the country. Now, instead of the RSFSR, the concept of the Russian Federation was introduced. A new Constitution was also created, which regulated the legal status of citizens in the new conditions.
State symbols
All countries have their own flag and coat of arms. The USSR also had its own symbols, but after the creation of a new independent state, the need arose for their replacement. To organize all the events, a group was created that took on the development of new state symbols. After a long work and consideration of various opinions, it was decided to make the Russian flag a three-color one. He depicted three stripes of different colors. The coat of arms was decorated with a golden-headed eagle, which was located on a red background. In 1993, President Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin signed a decree approving new state symbols.
New coat of arms
The emblem, depicting a golden eagle with two heads, resembled the work of artists of the reign of Peter I. At the head of the eagles are crowns that symbolized the independence of the Russian Federation. At the feet of the eagle held a scepter and power, which became the embodiment of state power and unity. The horseman, depicted in the middle of the coat of arms, meant a struggle in which good always triumphed.
New flag
All countries have their own flag. For Russia, he became a symbol of the new independent power, the unity of the people. All colors of the flag had their own meaning. So, a white bar means peace, purity and unity, blue - faith and fidelity, and red - strength and energy.
The flag of the state of traditional flies on the roofs of state buildings on holidays of national importance.
Various holiday names
By the decree of the new president, the holiday received the status of a weekend (holiday), and the people received the name of Independence Day. Soon, the red day of the calendar became a holiday of national importance.
On June 12, 1998, in his speech, the head of state suggested that the citizens of the state call the holiday Day of Russia, but did not receive an official status. Only in 2002 the name of the holiday was officially legalized, which was facilitated by the adoption of the Labor Code, which prescribed all holidays and weekends.
Relations of citizens to the new holiday
The adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia was a new stage in its development. She influenced not only state issues, she changed the life of the country's population as a whole. Despite this, as polls confirmed, not everyone understood the essence of the event. The nineties were a very difficult time for the country's population. Old ideas are a thing of the past, new ones have not yet been fully formed, there was no confidence in the next day. Most of the citizens perceived the holiday as another day off. There were even those who went to work in the early years.
In all the settlements of the country, festivities were organized that day, but they never reached a special scope, people continued to ignore the holiday.
After giving the holiday national significance in 2003, it was first celebrated on Red Square. Here the main events and festivities took place.
Another large-scale event of the day was the establishment in 1992 of the RF Prize. Presentation of the award takes place every year on the day of the celebration of the day of Russia.
In 2007, another tradition of the day of Russia appeared. Active youth from several political parties arranged for the distribution of ribbons depicting the tricolor of the Russian flag. More than a million ribbons were awarded. The action was carried out with the aim of increasing the patriotic feelings of youth, as well as reminding citizens of the essence of the holiday.
State holiday of the Russian Federation today
Over time, the attitude towards public holiday has changed. Citizens of the Russian Federation got used to the changes. Every year on this day, celebrations are held in all cities and towns of Russia. Organized sports events, festivities, as well as many concerts and performances by artists. The holiday ends with a salute in the central square of the city.
In 2012, a sociological survey was conducted among the population of the country, which showed that even today most of the citizens mistakenly believe that the holiday of June 12 is called Independence Day, and some still find it difficult to answer the question of what this Red calendar day and holding mass events.
Almost eighty percent of respondents are proud of their citizenship, including due to the history of the country, its sporting achievements, as well as achievements in literature and art.
The adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia is positively evaluated by most of the citizens. They see it as the country's best future, but not everyone agrees with this. There are also opponents of innovations who were and remain supporters of the regime of the USSR, believing that the Declaration contributed to its collapse.
The meaning of the holiday has always been not to emphasize political changes in the state, but to create an atmosphere of unity among the population, among all the peoples of Russia, proving to itself and to all those around us that our country is invincible.