I'm afraid to give birth to what to do?

Many girls who have just learned that they are pregnant have the thought: “I'm afraid to give birth: what to do?” The reason for such thoughts is the subconscious fear of impending pain, and this is quite natural. Unfortunately, in recent years there has been a tendency to a sharp increase in the number of births by cesarean section. This problem arises from the lack of awareness of modern women and the lack of psychological harmony.

Of course, no one can give a one hundred percent guarantee that childbirth will be painless. However, it is very important to note that giving birth on your own means to go through all the necessary stages of creating a person. It is believed that a child born naturally, has a stronger immunity, will be hardy in life, will be able to more easily achieve the desired. You need to understand that in order not to be afraid of childbirth, and not say to yourself: “I’m afraid to give birth: what should I do?”, We need to be psychologically tuned. First of all, you need to think about the present moment, and not about the past or future. Think about the fact that day after day irreversible changes occur in your body, the baby develops, and closer to childbirth you will become a practically formed mother. In this case, the fact of childbirth will become an integral process of the whole condition.

You can’t keep this fear of childbirth in yourself, you need to talk about it with a friend, possibly in electronic chat, on forums with girls who are at the same stage of pregnancy. A good adviser who can support and cheer up can be your gynecologist who will take birth. In extreme cases, if fear does not allow you to enjoy all the delights of future motherhood, you can call the psychological support service. To the question "I'm afraid to give birth: what to do?" I didn’t stand so sharply and did not torment the expectant mother, you need to prepare for the maternity hospital in advance, because you yourself perfectly understand that childbirth will inevitably come. It is better to prepare a bag for a trip to the hospital a little earlier. You yourself must clearly know what to do if childbirth has begun. If possible, you can even leave notes to your home with recommendations on what to do. Say with confidence to yourself: “I'm not afraid!” And then the fear will leave you. In any case, it is important to tune in only to positive emotions, to think that the baby is not easy to appear in this world. The child also suffers, it hurts, scared, unusual to leave a cozy house in which it was so warm, reliable and calm.

In addition to psychological adjustment, there are several methods to reduce the pain threshold. One of the most popular is relaxation. There are so many different techniques to help you relax: for example, aromatherapy, yoga for pregnant women, self-hypnosis. There are special prenatal courses at which experienced specialists help get rid of the problem of most women “I'm afraid to give birth: what should I do?”, They visualize future motherhood with pregnant women. During pregnancy, it is very useful to exercise. It is clear that you should not overdo it, but a small load is always welcome. During exercise, an endorphin substance is produced that dulls the pain. In the event that you have long been ready for childbirth, and the child does not want to be born on his own, you must call on childbirth artificially. It is better to know in advance where artificial births are done in order to ensure peace and confidence.

Unfortunately, pain cannot be avoided, just set yourself up for positive thoughts, change your attitude to it, think not about yourself, but about the child. It's hard for him too! And believe me, a child feels his mother’s mood long before he is born. Be calm, confident, and everything will go well!

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