The most interesting facts about hamsters

The most interesting facts about hamsters will reveal many secrets about them. When nature created these fluffy and charming animals, she did not stint her imagination.

The word "hamster" means "the enemy that throws the earth." Most likely, this means that the animal bends the stems of various cereals to taste the seeds.

From the article you will learn interesting facts about hamsters.

Hamster teeth

Surprisingly, hamsters are already born with teeth. The latter have some features that distinguish hamsters from other rodents:

  • such animals have only 4 incisors and 12 radical;
  • their teeth grow throughout life;
  • hamsters grind them on a stone;
  • the teeth of these rodents have no roots.
hamster teeth

Hamster hair

A hamster is an animal with fluffy and soft hair. But it’s better not to touch the hair of a shaggy African hamster. This animal is capable of destroying a predator that is stronger and larger than the rodent itself.

The hairs of the hair of an African hamster are very unusual in structure - on their surface there are small holes that vaguely resemble a carved grill. Due to this, the hairs can absorb liquid and hold it inside. The hamster rubs its fur with the juice of poisonous plants, because of this the animal becomes dangerous for anyone who wants to bite it.

Hamster Cheek Bags

This trait distinguishes hamsters from other rodents. The animals use their cheeks to hide food and other things that will interest him. The cheeks are a kind of bag for the rodent, with the help of which he brings things to his home. Greedy animals can even put a heavy nut on their cheeks. The hamster will not spit out a brilliant find, even if he finds something tasty.

A hamster can put a burden on its cheeks, which will make up one fifth of the rodent’s weight.

Cheek bags are not only a reliable pocket for food, but also excellent airbags during swimming. Hamsters, gaining air in their cheeks, adhere perfectly to the surface of the water.

Hamster offspring

Animals can carry offspring up to 4 times a year. A pregnant female walks for 18 days, and feeds her children up to 21 days. No more than 8 hamsters can be born at a time. By the way, a female Dzungarian hamster is able to become pregnant again in the first days after birth. And females of these animals can postpone the time of birth.

Some unusual facts about hamsters

Below are some interesting facts about hamsters:

  1. Despite the fact that hamsters are small in size, they are smart enough and often show ingenuity. If you give a name to your pet, then he will soon begin to respond to it. Unfortunately, wild hamsters are not as savvy as domestic ones.
  2. Domestic hamsters remember their relatives with whom they once lived in the same cage.
  3. Many people think that the animal needs a pair, but this is far from the case. In reality, the situation is different - hamsters love loneliness and can live without a couple. On the contrary, if you keep two hamsters in a cage, then they will start a struggle for territory - this can lead to the death of animals.
  4. One year for a hamster is equal to 25 years of human life. As a result, the animal lives no more than 4 years. Of course, the fact is sad enough for those who love small pets.
  5. Hamsters have very poor eyesight. Basically, these tiny animals orient themselves based on their sense of smell and good hearing. They see the world around in black and white.
  6. Hamsters are small animals, but this fact does not stop them from traveling huge distances. Wild rodents run about 10 kilometers per day. Therefore, if you decide to have a hamster, be sure to put a running wheel in its cage.
  7. Many people think that a hamster eats only cereals. A tiny animal will never give up a piece of vegetable or fruit. Moreover, animal protein is a real treat for a hamster. In the wild, hamsters regularly eat worms and beetles. Pamper your pets with pieces of chicken or fish.
hamster eating

Interesting facts about hamsters in the steppe

These hamsters are wild relatives of domestic animals. The steppe ordinary hamster is a thunderstorm for fields, gardens and animals. Many saw how these crumbs attacked a hare or a dog. The rodent won and immediately began to feast on the meat of the victim.

Hamsters fight not only with dogs, but also with their relatives. There can be many reasons for the battle: protection of stocks, desire to possess a female, defense of one’s territory, and so on.

There were times when a steppe hamster attacked a person. A wild hamster attacks just to defend its territory.

Interesting facts about Syrian hamsters

Wild hamsters of this species are very warlike. They do not tolerate strangers on their territory. These rodents are loners. If you decide to put a weaker animal in a cage to the Syrian hamster, you can be sure that the first will bite the second to death.

The Syrian hamster will not even carry its offspring next to it - if the kids are not left in time, they will be destroyed by the parent.

An interesting fact about hamsters was revealed by zoologists: these animals are omnivorous. If you do not feed your pet meat and fish, it will become aggressive and will bite. A female can even eat her newborn babies.

syrian hamster

Dzungarian hamsters

Here are some interesting facts about Dzungarian hamsters. They have a very unusual feature - from time to time hamsters fall into a stupor. This condition lasts about 2 hours. Usually animals fall into a stupor if the ambient temperature is lower than normal. Also, a recent stress (for example, moving from a pet store to your home) may be a reason for stupor.

dzhunzharsky hamster

Unusual facts about Roborovsky hamsters

This type of hamster is distinguished by its tiny size. Even Roborovsky’s hamsters are distinguished from their congeners by sociability and friendliness. These animals need a pair. Hamsters will not show aggression, even if you put several males and one female in a cage.

Roborovsky hamster

What breed of hamsters lives the longest

As mentioned above, hamsters live no more than 4 years. If the animal has lived these years, then it is considered a long-liver. Syrian hamsters live 3.5 years, Roborovsky hamsters - no more than 3 years. Dzhungariki can live up to 4 years.

Hamster Records: The Largest and Smallest

There are more than 19 breeds of hamsters. Among them, one can distinguish dwarf English hamsters - PeeWee. Their length is about 2.5 centimeters with the tail.

little hamster

A case has been recorded when the hamster reached a length of 35 centimeters. This is the animal of the breed Radde. Hamsters of this breed are considered the largest, their weight can reach about one kilogram.

How much does a hamster cost?

The price of a rodent depends on many factors:

  • from the one who sells the animal (pet store, private individual or nursery);
  • the presence of a pedigree and documents;
  • how rare is the breed in the animal.

For example, a private hamster costs much less than a nursery. But a private person will not give you a guarantee that the rodent is healthy and has a good heredity.

When buying an animal at a pet store, you can be sure that the hamster was checked by a veterinarian, but there is also no guarantee of a good pedigree.

Therefore, if you want to get a thoroughbred hamster, then contact the nursery. For the rarest rodent, you will give no more than 1 thousand rubles.


Hamsters are funny animals. If you decide to get this rodent, then be sure to study the features of the animal, as well as the distinctive features of each breed.

Do not forget to feed your pet meat - this will help you avoid aggression from the animal. Be sure to put a stone in the cage so that the pet can grind its teeth, and install the wheel - the hamster should actively move.

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