How to write scripts for Windows?

How to write scripts for the operating system, sites or just games? Believe me, the answer to this is an easy question and will be considered in the framework of this article.

general information

how to write scripts

It is highly desirable that there be at least minimal knowledge about programming. But if something seems incomprehensible, then an article or two will help fill the gap. First, let's define what a script is. This is the name of the algorithm written by certain programming languages, which is stored on a person’s computer and can interact with certain files, programs like browsers and system settings. This all allows you to significantly complement the standard features, create automated assistants that will take on part of the work.

Getting started with browsers

how to learn to write scripts

This is perhaps one of the easiest things to do. If we write scripts in JavaScript, then a regular notebook and knowledge of this programming language are enough. True, there are drawbacks here. So, every person who has the same Notepad will be able to see what the script is. And if he has bad intentions, and the code is vulnerable, then problems can arise. Answering the question of how to learn how to write scripts in JavaScript, it should be noted that for this it is enough to learn this programming language. In order to create better and more complex programs, you can use various libraries. But they require appropriate browser extensions. And when you change the computer equipment will have to carry out additional settings.And when using third-party developments, you need to make sure that the script will not send user data to third-party services. It should be noted that each browser has its own specific limitations. But in general, with their help, you can do almost anything. Why are they written in such cases? They are needed when it is necessary to automate human activities.


how to write scripts for games

Suppose we need to change the computer configuration. To do this, there is a wide range of graphical tools, but all of them, alas, do not cover. Therefore, you often have to create system scripts. They have the extension .bat. Every person who works for a more or less long time at a computer has already met with such files. But here's how to write scripts for Windows? For this, the same Notepad is useful to us. First, create a new text file. It is necessary to write system commands in it. After that, you need to change the file extension to .bat. And it remains only to launch this development. If everything is correct, then the commands will be successfully executed, which can be seen. But in the event of errors or illiterate code writing, nothing will happen at best. Therefore, it is better to understand what you are recording.Just taking the code somewhere and thoughtlessly inserting it is strongly discouraged! This can lead to significant problems in the operating system. And lucky if such dangerous actions were done from a guest account. After all, a team from the administrator can turn a computer into a "brick".


how to write scripts for windows

It should be remembered that Windows is not the only operating system. There is also Linux, and quite popular. How to write scripts in this operating system? They are created using the shell - a special command interpreter, which is the interface between the person and the kernel of the operating system. In Linux, scripts are essentially just a file that lists system commands. It is simple and convenient at the same time. But the shell needs to know how such a file should be processed. By default, it just reads. And if you need to do it, then use the construction "#!", Which must be put in front of the team. All scripts have the extension .sh. It should be noted that with their help you can do quite a lot of complex things. For example, backing up files.In general, there are a lot of use cases.

where to write scripts

So, initially you need to decide on the environment where we will type the code. Almost always, one Notepad is enough for this. But it is not very convenient to display the structure of structures in it, in addition, operators and other elements are not highlighted. Therefore, as a worthy alternative, you can offer the program Notepad ++. For those who know English, it’s not so difficult to translate that this is also Notepad. But with advanced features. This small but very pleasant development is primarily aimed at programmers. In it, you can enable the display setting of almost everything that is. There is a convenient tool for displaying code and many other albeit small, but nice little things that will make the writing process more comfortable. In general, the question "where to write scripts"many different answers are given, each of which offers its own zest. There are also very sophisticated environments, with emulators and many debugging tools. Choose what your heart desires. After that, you need to take care of the availability of knowledge. As a basis, help in the programming language or commands of the operating system is suitable. For a more advanced study, you can read several books that explain the features of machine logic and code processing.which explain the features of machine logic and code processing.which explain the features of machine logic and code processing.

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how to write scripts

Many are interested in how to write scripts for games. Well, this is not very difficult, but it is not the only application of this opportunity. But let's look at an example of a game. Let's say a person likes to play some kind of entertainment on a certain site. But it, alas, provides that it is necessary either to invest your money, or to perform certain actions for a long time and monotonously. And if the second path was chosen, then scripts are exactly what is needed here. Similar can be used in stationary games on the computer. There are characters under the control of artificial intelligence, and to fight it, you can create your own version of AI, thus arranging a computer battle with yourself (and for easier passage). But scripts can be successfully used not only in games. Let's say there is a website for a serious company.An important aspect is the maximum support for communication with customers. And for this, a small form is added as a script, with which you can get expert advice online. There are many application possibilities!


writing javascript scripts

Alas, within the framework of the article it is very difficult to convey how to write scripts correctly. You can, of course, use common phrases that code should take up less space, be optimal, and much more, but you can really understand this only in practice. After all, only experience and the search for optimal solutions can help in the implementation of programs in such a way that they fulfill their “duties” with minimal labor. In programming in general, and not just in writing scripts, a lot depends on practice! Therefore, you need to constantly learn, improve and think about how to implement the task in the best way.

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