Что такое msvcr100.dll и как исправить ошибку, связанную с ней

Faced with all kinds of problems associated with Windows libraries, users rarely immediately know their solution, moreover, few people know, for example, what msvcr100.dll is. This article will discuss this library. However, in addition to the definition, it will also explain how to fix the error caused by the absence of this dll file.


, , msvcr100.dll, . , msvcr100.dll - Microsoft Visual C++ 2010. , . C++. , , msvcr100.dll . " msvcr100.dll. ".

What is msvcr100 dll

, msvcr100.dll, , , .

: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010

, msvcr100.dll - Microsoft Visual C++ 2010. , , . , , .

  1. , Microsoft, . : " Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (x**)", ** (x32 x64).

  2. , .

  3. .

  4. "".

  5. .

  6. , , .

  7. Install.

  8. Finish.

msvcr100 dll file

, .

: DLL-File.com

, , , , - , .

, msvcr100.dll, DLL-File.com.

  1. .

  2. .

  3. msvcr100.dll.

  4. " ".

  5. dll.

  6. "".

msvcr100 dll file


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