How to determine the age of cats

Knowing the age of cats that live in your house, you can compare it with the human. Most often, for this, multiply by 7 digits, which shows how old your beloved pet is. But in fact, this method does not allow a clear comparison of the stages of development of the human body and the cat.

There is another meaningful comparative technique that determines the age of cats. If we consider that the first year of this animal is equal to fifteen years of human life, and the second to twenty-four, then each subsequent year follows, according to this method, it is necessary to equate four years of human life. Such a counting system gives the following results: a twelve-year-old cat corresponds to a person's age sixty-four years.

It is believed that cats most often live for fifteen years. But in the event that your pet is lucky enough to live longer, then each subsequent year of life, multiply by three - this will be the human age of the long-lived cat.

Let's take a closer look at cat's life. A one-year-old kitten learns to live independently. He learns to walk and get food, looks closely at his masters. Already at six months, maximum a year, kittens reach maturity. In humans, this happens by the age of fifteen.

At two years old, our purps are quite adult animals, in which a character and attitude to life has formed. A kitten at this age already knows how to get what you want from the owner. People come to such results much later, sometimes this can only be achieved by the age of 24.

The age of cats can be considered average when they turn eight years old. A midlife crisis can last up to sixteen in these animals. And the destructive effect of time affects everyone in different ways. If we talk about people, then the same thing happens. Some seventy years old run a marathon, while others sit on a bench and complain about their illnesses.

Cats retire at twelve years of age. By the age of fifteen, by human standards, these are already well-preserved strong people of seventy-six years. Unfortunately, twenty-year-old cats are very rare in the same way as 92-year-olds.

The age of cats does not stop at fifteen. There are long-lived cats that live for more than thirty years, which by human standards is equivalent to 124 years. It’s just a miracle, such cats are even recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

The life expectancy of animals largely depends on how the owners treat them, how they are fed and looked after. Keeping and feeding conditions are very important for life expectancy. For obvious reasons, stray cats and cats live much less than domestic cats. After all, they themselves have to fight for existence, get food and look for a warm place to sleep in the cold.

How to properly feed elderly cats? In old age they need less food, but this does not mean that you need to reduce meals. Better just give less servings. Three to four doses are sufficient per day. A very big problem with old cats is spoiled teeth. If they begin to fall out, then your animal will be happy to eat liquid or ground food. Pieces of raw meat from the diet will need to be excluded.

Very often, older cats have a problem such as constipation. This is due to the fact that at this age animals become less active. In this case, fiber added to food will help perfectly.

Feed your pets right. For cats in old age, food with a high content of proteins and phosphorus, as well as salt , is unacceptable. In large quantities, they can lead to heart and kidney disease. High protein foods should also be excluded. It is best to opt for low-calorie foods.

Comparing the age of a cat and a person, you can find a lot of similarities at different stages of development.

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