Pregnancy is a very important and joyful event for every woman. In some cases, this period may be overshadowed by the appearance of health problems of the expectant mother. These include toxicosis, low hemoglobin, unusual discharge, and more. The appearance of such symptoms can not but worry every woman during pregnancy. Before you panic, you need to understand what is the norm, and in which situations an extraordinary visit to the gynecologist is necessary.
When a woman becomes pregnant, her body undergoes various changes. The first thing that the expectant mother usually pays attention to is the nature of the discharge. They can become completely unexpected: mucous, liquid, white, curdled, yellow, green or viscous.
What is the norm?
Normal vaginal discharge during pregnancy is called leucorrhoea. They can be white or milky in color without an unpleasant odor. Discharges that cause unpleasant or painful sensations, have a yellow, green or red hue, an unusual consistency or quantity, have a repulsive odor, can be a sign of infection or another problem of the female genitourinary system.
Yeast infection
Curdled discharge during pregnancy is usually caused by a vaginal yeast infection called vaginal candidiasis or thrush. Such infections occur in cases of imbalance in the microflora of the vagina. The name of the disease comes from the pathogen - Candida fungus. Such a fungus is present in every woman’s body and does not cause any symptoms as long as its growth is controlled by normal bacteria.
Vaginal candidiasis is extremely common. In many women, the infection occurs while taking antibiotics, douching, or in cases of weakened immunity. Vaginal candidiasis is not a sexually transmitted disease ..
Causes of discharge
During pregnancy, a number of physiological changes occur in a woman’s body. These include fluctuations in the hormonal background. Estrogen and progesterone have a direct effect on the development and course of pregnancy. A change in hormone levels affects the pH level in the vagina. Progesterone, necessary for the normal course of pregnancy, induces changes in the mucous membrane of the genitals: it becomes softer, blood flow in the pelvic region increases, and acidity increases. These factors make the body more susceptible to the pathogenic bacteria that cause infections. Therefore, women often have curdled discharge during pregnancy, especially in the second trimester.
The causes of a yeast infection during gestation include:
- Decreased immunity.
- Chronic diseases For example, diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, cancer, HIV and others.
- Lack of personal hygiene or, conversely, too thorough. Especially if the expectant mother uses soap, which destroys the vaginal microflora.
- Close underwear and clothing.
- Taking medications, such as antibiotics, hormones.
- Unbalanced diet. Excess sugar leads to changes in the microflora of the vagina, which is a favorable environment for the spread of infections.
There are also other factors that can cause the appearance of white cheesy discharge during pregnancy. For instance:
- Iron deficiency and vitamin deficiency. Many expectant mothers have a reduced level of hemoglobin during gestation. The amount of iron a pregnant woman gets from food is usually not enough to make up for the deficiency.
- Constipation and other intestinal disorders. Changing stools is a common occurrence during pregnancy. However, this symptom is not normal. Constipation or frustration often leads to disruption of microflora, which can cause the appearance of cheesy discharge during pregnancy.
- Chronic inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract during pregnancy are also quite common.
Odorless and itchy curdled discharge during pregnancy is usually a classic sign of a yeast infection. Among other things, a pregnant woman can detect changes in color and amount of secretions. Sometimes white curdled discharge during pregnancy can be accompanied by the appearance of itching and burning, which cause significant discomfort to a woman.
Symptoms of a fungal infection include:
- curdled discharge;
- itching and irritation around the vagina and vulva;
- soreness and burning during urination, as well as during sexual contact;
- redness.
Acute candidiasis is easily treatable if therapy is started on time. However, a yeast infection during pregnancy is often ignored for a long time. Sometimes she begins to be treated after delivery. As a result, cheesy discharge during pregnancy becomes chronic. A woman who has already given birth may experience frequent relapses of the disease. Doctors begin to talk about the chronic course of the disease if 4 or more relapses of thrush occur in a year.
Signs of a yeast infection during pregnancy include:
- Vaginal secretion. Thick white or yellow curdled discharge during pregnancy that has an unpleasant sour smell.
- Itching and burning. Often, during pregnancy, white curdled discharge and itching are indispensable companions of fungal infection. Symptoms become unbearable and interfere with everyday life.
- Swelling and redness of the mucous membrane in the genital area.
All of the above symptoms of a yeast infection during pregnancy tend to worsen in the evening, while walking (especially due to sweat), physical activity, and also due to fever. Often, itching and curdled discharge during pregnancy are a cause of sleep disturbance.
The appearance of cheesy discharge is an extremely common problem during pregnancy. For the correct selection of treatment, an accurate diagnosis is necessary. Typically, a gynecologist can immediately determine the thrush by characteristic secretions, similar to cottage cheese. But for reliability, it is necessary to conduct tests to determine the causative agent of infection.
These include bacterioscopy, culture, and PCR. Studies can rule out other causes of vaginal discharge, such as bacterial vaginosis, cystitis, or sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea or herpes.
Thrush is usually treated with antifungal creams or oral medications. But during pregnancy, taking many medications is contraindicated because of the possible effect on the fetus. To prescribe safe treatment and further recommendations, you should contact your gynecologist. Self-medication is not recommended. This can be dangerous for the baby.
How to get rid of odorless curdled secretions during pregnancy? Treatment may take up to 2 weeks. The specialist usually prescribes the use of topical drugs: antifungal vaginal creams or suppositories. However, along with taking medications, it is necessary to maintain hygiene and a balanced diet. An integrated approach is the key to successful treatment of fungal infection.
Sometimes the symptoms of the disease can disappear within a few days after the start of the use of drugs. Many women at such moments stop being treated. However, this is not worth doing. It is necessary to adhere to the prescribed treatment regimen and undergo a full course of medication. Otherwise, a relapse of the infection is not avoided. After the course of treatment, it is necessary to re-take the tests.
Expectant mother should not use sanitary pads. It is also better to avoid prolonged physical activity and overheating. This leads to increased sweating, which can irritate the skin and mucous membrane.
The adoption of water procedures often helps to relieve itching and burning for some time. But after a while, the symptoms will return again. Following personal hygiene is not enough to get rid of thrush. It is also recommended to refrain from sexual contact during treatment.
Treatment of cheesy discharge during pregnancy without itching and smell includes maintaining a balanced diet. It is recommended that the expectant mother limit or completely eliminate the use of sweet and spicy foods. It is necessary to add dairy products, fruits and vegetables to the diet.
Sometimes maintaining proper nutrition and hygiene is enough to get rid of cheesy discharge during pregnancy in the early stages. When the first symptoms appear, safety precautions should be taken immediately. Such treatment is the best option for a pregnant woman, because she does not need to take any medications that may affect her unborn baby.
Psychological condition
Sometimes nervous tension, stress can be factors that cause the appearance of cheesy discharge during pregnancy. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to stabilize her emotional state and resolve internal conflicts. Rest and prolonged sleep are also necessary to maintain the normal psychological state of a pregnant woman.
If a woman before pregnancy has already experienced the appearance of unpleasant discharge, she should be cured of infections, and only then begin to plan pregnancy. To avoid a recurrence of a yeast infection during gestation, the expectant mother should adhere to some preventive measures.
- from time to time to undergo a gynecological examination;
- adhere to a healthy diet, since a lack of iron and vitamins provokes the progression of chronic diseases, including thrush during pregnancy;
- use of condoms for sexual intercourse;
- the intake of various drugs should be carried out only as prescribed by the attending physician;
- Do not wear tight underwear made of synthetic fabrics;
- Do not forget about personal hygiene, keep the genital area clean and dry;
- to prevent bacteria from entering the vagina, it is necessary to wipe from front to back;
- instead of soap, use special means for intimate hygiene.
If a woman succeeds in following these simple rules, she will not face the appearance of cheesy discharge during pregnancy.
There is an opinion that odorless curdled discharge during pregnancy is not dangerous for the expectant mother and fetus. Firstly, this does not mean that a woman should not treat thrush during pregnancy. Secondly, a yeast infection, like any other, is potentially dangerous while carrying a child. This condition not only causes discomfort to the expectant mother. It also complicates the course of pregnancy and can adversely affect the birth process. Yeast infection can lead to complications. For example, cause erosion of the endometrium, which leads to a decrease in the elasticity of the vagina. This increases the risk of ruptures during childbirth.
Another risk of developing a yeast infection during pregnancy is its transmission to the baby. The longer a woman delays visiting and consulting a gynecologist to cure thrush, the higher the likelihood that the baby will also be infected after birth. During the passage of the baby through the birth canal, the mother's discharge can get into the baby's mouth. As a result, the child may appear rashes in the mouth, and not on the genitals: on the cheeks, gums, palate. Infection can also spread to a woman’s mammary glands during breastfeeding. In this case, feeding can be problematic for both the mother and the baby. Painful sensations, nipple irritation, nervous behavior, breastfeeding and a rash in a baby are the consequences of an untreated yeast infection during pregnancy. In such situations, treatment should be prescribed to both the mother and the child.
The most terrible thing that can happen as a result of infection with a thrush is the death of the fetus. Tragedy can occur in the event of damage to the vital organs of the unborn child. This happens if you do not treat the infection at the very beginning of pregnancy, when the formation and development of the fetus occurs. In addition, a woman increases the risk of premature discharge of amniotic fluid, as well as the risk of miscarriage. That is why it is important not to ignore the appearance of cheesy discharge during pregnancy. In the early stages, all necessary measures must be taken as soon as possible.
During pregnancy, the woman’s body is prepared and changed for comfortable bearing of the fetus. Along with physical and psychological changes, the expectant mother can detect the appearance of cheesy discharge, itching and burning of the vagina. In this case, the woman needs to consult a gynecologist for advice, diagnosis and treatment. The specialist should prescribe only topical drugs that are safe for the fetus.
Along with drug treatment, a woman needs to adhere to a wholesome healthy diet, hygiene, and avoid stress. Prevention measures and recommendations will also help to avoid relapse of a fungal infection.